Li Nan did not stay with Cai Ruichen for long. After achieving the purpose of this trip, he left immediately. Before leaving, he gave Cai Ruichen a phone number.

After Cai Ruichen wrote down the phone number, he also left the restaurant. The two did not eat here, so they got together and dispersed.

An hour later, Cai Ruichen received a message from the United States, a message from the US Embassy in Iraq.

The content of the message was sent from Washington. Obama hosted a dinner at the White House and hosted Netanyahu. The content of the banquet was kept secret from the outside world.

As for the conversation, the outside world does not know.

However, the United States detailed the pros and cons in the message sent to Cai Ruichen, requiring only one, to let go of grievances with Israel. The United States stated that Israel will not continue to target future technology groups.

The conflict between the two sides will also end from now on. Let time downplay this matter. As for apology and compensation, the United States hopes that Cai Ruichen will not pay attention to these secondary issues when it comes to Israeli losses.

The Israeli side also assured the United States that Cai Ruichen will not be assassinated again.

However, the condition is that the Future Technology Group must end all commercial blockades against Israel, and cannot discriminate against Israelis in terms of commercial development.

The United States naturally hopes that Future Technology Group can agree to such conditions. The entire document elaborates on the United States’ expectations and has resolved the balance of this matter. As long as Cai Ruichen is willing to accept such mediation, these contents will take effect immediately. .

Cai Ruichen, who saw this telegram, felt very surprised. He did not expect Israel to agree to the American mediation.

So easily agreeing to the US's mediation and playing down the contradictions between the two sides is the best way to resolve it.

This made him feel quite unreal, but with the assurance of the United States, he also believed that Israel would not dare to mess around after agreeing.

Otherwise, there is no need for him to do anything. The United States is the first to refuse. After all, things have been promised. How can I go back immediately after returning the US as a guarantee? Isn't this beating America in the face? In the future, who will be willing to trust the US guarantee?

Therefore, Cai Ruichen did not doubt the authenticity of this incident. If Israel is really willing to give up its actions against him. Then he would naturally not refuse.

In fact, it is targeting any military actions that Israel may take. He also has plans and plans.

Last time he picked up a self-explosive truck, but he produced a lot of this super killer. I also plan to serve a few large meals to the Israeli ground forces.

to this end. He has prepared and planned everything. As soon as Israeli troops enter Iraqi territory, he will immediately present this gift.

The northern desert. It will be a burial place for the Israeli army.

Blast truck, one such truck. The absolute kill radius reached one kilometer, and everyone in this area, unless hiding in a solid bunker. Once exposed to an unprotected state, there will be no escape.

Because of the immense power of the explosion, it was possible to smash and kill all the people without any protection within one kilometer.

Even if it gets closer, it can kill people in tanks and armored vehicles.

Unlike the game, the self-detonation truck does not have any radiation pollution, but the damage radius alone is already super terrifying.

Moreover, the high temperature generated by the explosion has no less lethality than those cloud explosive bombs, and it will also form strong electromagnetic interference, which can destroy all nearby electronic equipment.

However, such an attack is an indiscriminate attack. Once a weapon such as a self-detonating truck destroys the city, as long as the number is sufficient to razor the entire city in an instant, it is impossible to find even a whole piece of rubble.

Such a truck itself has a strong defense force and can be disguised as a small truck of any shape. If you need to increase its power, you can also choose a container to come to a road train, and the lethality is gone.

The method of detonation is also very flexible. It can be detonated manually, or it can be detonated automatically or passively or remotely.

Unfortunately, the self-detonated truck does not have a safety device. Once it is hit by a huge weapon, it will be detonated, but the six relatives do not recognize it.

And the power of self-detonation trucks definitely surpasses those of ordinary trucks that are just filled with high explosives, and they are at least 100 times more lethal.

This is mainly due to the fact that before the self-exposure truck detonates, there will be a special instrument on the vehicle that can instantly increase the density of the surrounding air to a very dense level.

As we all know, the greater the surrounding pressure, the greater the power of the explosion.

It is as if the power of a bomb exploding in water is 800 times the power of an explosion in the air.

As for the technology on the self-explosive truck, Cai Ruichen thinks it is black technology, and with the current technology, it is impossible to explain it at all.

Cai Ruichen's plan is to carry out an ambush in Iraq, so that the Israeli troops can taste the power of the self-detonating truck.

And the terrorist robots are also ready for the finishing touches, waiting for a possible ground attack by Israel.

As for the air force, all of them are almost constructed near the technological expansion station in the Arabian desert, and along the 100-meter-kilometer radius of the base, the air defense weapons are also very sound.

Under a sudden attack, the Israeli Air Force will inevitably pay a huge price.

But even if such an attack can defeat Israel's first attack, it will also make Israel jump even more.

When the time comes, all of them will come and fight him hard, and he can't hold on at all. Even if the base defense cards are exhausted and all those underground walls are used, there is no way.

When that time comes, the Israeli side will definitely be immortal with him. I am afraid that no one in the world can persuade Israel in this state.

Now, regardless of whether the Israeli side has to succumb under the strong interference of various countries, or because of fear of causing huge casualties, it is worried that continuing the dispute will bring unbearable losses.

None of this is important anymore. The important thing is that Israel has agreed to the request of the United States, and peace came suddenly under Cai Ruichen's strange thoughts.

After reading all the conditions, Cai Ruichen also immediately sent an encrypted letter to the US Embassy in Iraq.

Later, Washington received the relevant news. Cai Ruichen simply agreed to the US's handling. However, in this letter, Cai Ruichen also stated that he needs the cooperation of US troops in the Middle East in the near future. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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