The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 563: Memoirs of the Wasteland

Compared with the future laborers on the mountain, Cai Ruichen takes care of those survivors who have just joined the big family of the base.

For most of the survivors, wanting them to be grateful to Dade for working for himself is actually very simple. He doesn't even need to spend any energy to do this.

Just need to ensure that they can eat enough every day and return to the way they used to live as much as possible. Every survivor will be grateful to him.

However, this seemingly simple thing, I am afraid that no one can complete the entire wasteland.

Cai Ruichen, who has not yet made it out of Iraq, is not very clear, but one thing is certain. In those countries with relatively complete war preparations, the materials and food reserves in these countries cannot be consumed in the past two years.

Especially those big countries, in accordance with the strategic material reserve plan, must reserve at least three years of food consumption for the national population.

And so much food, in just two or three years, it will never go bad.

And in those strategic material storage warehouses, there are also very healthy types of food, and various cans are naturally indispensable.

Even if the World War has been fought for two years and some of the strategic reserves of food have been consumed, more people have died after the catastrophe.

Those human beings who become mutants naturally don't need to continue to consume those grains, which makes the strategic reserve grains that were originally consumed by wars to be able to last longer.

However, Cai Ruichen can also be sure that no matter it is in any country, it is impossible to collect those grains well.

Because according to the strategic reserve method, a lot of food is actually placed in those big cities, most of which are not prepared for war, but to prevent natural and man-made disasters.

The food in the city, with mutants, even those powerful bases, is difficult to get out.

The only way is to collect food far away from densely populated urban areas for a few years. There should be no problem.

But these bases. The survivors will never be provided with enough food to feed them every day, and those who benefit from the survivors’ base are still high-levels.

For people at the grassroots level, let alone eating every day. I'm afraid it's already a luxury to be able to eat for a long time.

The emergence of nutrients. Let mankind have the means to survive, but it also happens to be the best means for those in power to feed those survivors. Then they can safely enjoy the remaining food.

These are just Cai Ruichen's guesses, but this is generally under the background of an era when people do not destroy themselves for their own sake. There are also a few people who can hold the most basic bottom line of life, let alone retain the spirit of selfless dedication.

If there is, it is only an individual. The proportion occupied will definitely be very scarce.

And Cai Ruichen also thought that there are many cannibals in this world. Those so-called strategic granaries are probably not as optimistic as he imagined.

It's not that he hasn't visited the strategic reserve warehouse in Erbil, which is the same as the grain warehouse in Mozabi. All barely can starve mice and cockroaches.

Even in a big city like Erbil, you can hardly find anything to eat, even if it is a big city in other countries, it will not be so good.

The situation may be even worse, especially in Europe. As the main battlefield of the war, Europe was a mess under the war. Every city from west of Siberia to the English Channel was destroyed by the war.

On the contrary, here in Asia, many cities are kept relatively intact, and in all other places, America and Africa, it is almost all tragedy.

The United States is better. I heard that South America during the World War was almost wiped out by the military strength of the United States.

The Pacific and Africa are the same. They are the hardest-hit areas of war. The situation in the Middle East is similar, but the key war areas are all in Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt, around the oil and Suez Canal.

During the World War that year, countries near Iraq and other countries were only competing with Turkey, which was a relatively normal battle.

And the whole world at that time was all in one piece, and almost all of them were fighting around.

At that time, China and all the countries of the Central African Federation united and passively accepted this war.

Even in the end, even Russia joined the war, and before that, there was a war called a world war, but in fact, there was no real fight.

The last world war really spread to the whole world.

Now, after this war, how much can be left behind?

In this regard, Cai Ruichen did not have much intelligence analysis, and could only learn the information from the survivors.

There is no way, almost all of the storage devices in the wasteland cannot be read, and the only things that can be left are those written in writing.

But these things, all the information is not very comprehensive, and the only information available is the word of mouth from these survivors.

After acquiring a large number of safe areas this time, Cai Ruichen also got a lot of news in this regard.

But it is also because there are too many news, making these news seem true and false, and even all have contradictory statements.

The more you know, the farther away you are from the truth, but one thing is certain, the truth is hidden in these news.

As the person currently acquired by Cai Ruichen, Zhang Changhao, who had the highest status at the time, stated that he had served in the garrison of the Central African Federation, and was then a head of the Principality of Iraq.

As a colonel in the non-federal middle school at the time, learning from him is still more valuable.

According to him, the supreme leader of the Central African Federation suddenly had no news at that time, and then the spokesperson of the Supreme Command of the Federal Government announced that the death of the supreme commander was the second day when everyone in the whole federation was sad for the supreme commander.

The spokesperson of the Federal Supreme Command once again declared to the public that the five major battle zones of the Central African Federal Guard, a total of one million army units, all committed suicide collectively, and all army equipment was blown up by themselves. Afterwards Zhang Changhao heard that after the disintegration of the Federation , The principalities of some African countries have not even found a single bullet.

The deputy commander of Zhang Changhao's partner actually committed suicide, but he couldn't even see his old comrades. He was a soldier of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. He took the body of his deputy commander directly away. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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