The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 705: Future technology event

"Throughout the history of human civilization, although the social organization structure of groups in a certain area always linearly evolves according to the law of scale from small to large, the scientific and technological forces that ultimately change the world are derived from the accumulation of various breakthroughs of conventional inventions and creations. of.

This is like biological evolution. A single individual always has to go through a cyclical process of growth from small to large, until aging and death, but the final evolution of a species needs to be completed through the accumulation of genetic mutations, which is an irregular factor. The above is caused by an error during DNA replication. 99.99999% of the biological variants caused by this error are not conducive to the survival of organisms, and can even directly lead to the death of organisms, but the remaining 0.00001% is caused to organisms After millions of years of accumulation, single-celled microorganisms have finally become the former readers.

The advancement of science and technology has not only replaced manual labor, but also liberated human beings from regular mental labor. The cutting-edge innovations that lead the progress of human civilization actually require the entire society to obtain the beneficial results of 0.00001. To tolerate and even encourage the remaining 99.99999% useless or even harmful results to coexist.

Countless scientific and technological progress, behind the dazzling glory, there are countless failures, supporting that only one-time success, just as the success of a single piece of science and technology has been achieved, and the whole process has become a global Technology is eliminated from thousands of possibilities to the last remaining.

Technology is a process of bold innovation. Although this process is a failure of 99.99%, as long as there is one success, everything is worth it..."

In the huge technology exhibition hall at the headquarters of the Future Technology Group, Cai Ruichen stood in front of a large number of top technology experts and teams around the world, expounding his little insights on the development of global technology.

To say it is an insight, in fact, it only tells the current state of the world's technological development. There are hundreds of thousands of technology studios around the world, and the technological inventions that can ultimately benefit all mankind are just the few technologies that can be seen.

As a future technology group with a certain authority in the global high-tech field, today’s first awards conference of the world’s top scientific and technological contribution awards initiated by the future technology group ushered in outstanding winners in the world’s top technology fields.

The people attending this conference included global tech madman, CEO of space exploration technology company Musk, and founder and CEO of Facebook, the youngest richest man in the world, Zuckerberg, co-founder of Twitter Dorsey,...

The participation of the world's top network technology companies and important people from technology companies in various fields has made Future Technology Group, the world's top technology conference, naturally become the target of attention in the global technology field.

At the same time, among the people who attended this event were scientists, inventors, and founders of well-known technology companies from many scientific research institutions and universities around the world who have made outstanding contributions in various fields around the world.

For this provincial capital that has been prepared for three months, the Future Technology Group has issued more than 1,000 invitations around the world, and the total number of people and groups actually present at the entire event exceeds 4,000.

In order to increase the atmosphere of this grand event, Future Technology Group also specially invited a large number of world's top stars to attend this grand event. In the process of awarding various technology awards, it will also intersperse the performance of these big stars.

This is a grand ceremony in the world's top science and technology field. According to the plan of Future Technology Group, it will be held once a year.

Every year, people in the world who have made the most outstanding scientific and technological contributions in various fields are selected, including a series of awards such as space, medicine, physics, biology, people's livelihood, and scientific and technological contributions.

The final winner of each award will receive a US$30 million super-technologist awarded by the Future Technology Group Fund established by the Future Technology Group.

With huge bonuses and the huge reputation of Future Technology Group, the height of various technological awards in the world has also reached the top level.

This year's first event will also select last year's global science and technology awards. Each award has only one place. The direct award of 30 million US dollars is also after tax in Iraq.

In other words, the individual or organization that is evaluated can immediately take 30 million US dollars here.

Such a high amount is the only one in the world. I am afraid that only Cai Ruichen can afford such a prize.

For such a high-end event, Cai Ruichen is also a member of the global science and technology field, and he is also a promoter, so he will naturally attend.

With a simple speech, the event officially began. Future Technology Group CEO Lin Chongxian made a guest appearance and directly announced on stage. Today’s first award Now announces the best contribution to global biomedical technology last year The winner is the New York Biomedical Laboratory. Last year, the laboratory successfully used 3D technology to print a living liver, which has made an unparalleled contribution to the global medical field..."

When Lin Zhongxian announced the first prize, several people below the podium stood up from their seats in exclamation, and several young men and women embraced excitedly.

When Lin Chongxian released the award, behind him, in the augmented reality projection, the 3D printing technology was playing the screen of the living liver. A closed 3D printer was operating. As the printer moved quickly, a vivid His liver is slowly taking shape.

The reason why Future Technology Group gave this award to this group is not because of the 3D printing technology, but because the printed liver is alive and can be transplanted into the liver of the human body, which can be completely replaced. The liver of the human body itself.

Artificial production of organs is not a new technology, but it is definitely the first case of human organs printed in 3D.

Therefore, almost no one will raise objections to this award being won by this technology.

The following awards were all announced one by one, interspersed by many of the world's top celebrities. A total of 13 individuals or groups from around the world won the 30 million U.S. dollars award from this technology event.

The youngest one is a sixteen-year-old genius from Greece. His global marine garbage disposal technology, without any suspense, won the Future Technology Global Invention of the Year Award.

As the Future Technology Group Global Science and Technology Awards began today, which is also the time when the Nobel Prize was announced, Cai Ruichen, who has multiple nominations, naturally did not attend.


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