The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 774: The Law of Wasteland Survival

To the east of Tikrit’s ruins, on the highway from Tikrit to the eastern city of Samarra, a large force is moving towards Tikrit.

In this team, there are nearly thirty main battle tanks and the same number of armored vehicles, as well as several light armored vehicles equipped with anti-tank missiles.

Behind the team, followed by a large number of military trucks, the marching team stretched for thousands of meters, and a large number of heavily armed soldiers could be seen on the trucks, all of which were well-equipped and looked quite combative.

At the same time, on the top of this unit, you can clearly see the logo of the Iraqi Defense Forces, with the Iraqi flag flying.

The Iraqi flag in the Wasteland is the same as the current Iraqi flag, and the national emblem and logo are also the same, as if it were the same country.

However, those who know this are naturally very clear that this is Iraq in two different worlds.

And the face of the army in front of it is definitely not comparable to the face of the government forces in Iraq.

Moving along the highway, the target of this army is obviously Tikrit in front.

Because this highway passes through Tikrit, the highway was cut off when the mutant was still there.

And only relying on the strength of this armored battalion, it is impossible to get through the highway in Tikrit.

In front of this armored battalion with the Iraqi flag flying, the entire Tikrit has become a ruin, a large number of burning debris in the ruins, thick smoke collected into the sky, the color of the sky is slowly dimming.

But this armored battalion did not stop advancing because of seeing such a picture, because the movement of Tikrit being destroyed can be felt even in Samarra.

The thick smoke billowing up before can be clearly seen even in Baghdad.

If it were not for this, they would not have come to this place.

As they approached the highway less than three kilometers away from Tikrit, they saw the Red Police Corps waiting for them in the distance.

The advancing Iraqi Defense Forces immediately stopped. It was kilometers away from the Red Police Corps blocking in front of him.

In the wasteland world. Such images are not uncommon, especially for the Red Police Corps, which is currently eager to expand. When opening up the main traffic, it also encounters all nearby security zone armed forces.

It's just that no armed forces can be as neat as the team with the flag of the Iraqi Defense Forces in front of them. The soldiers of the Red Police Regiment opposite this armored battalion saw the neat military appearance here. Bian immediately came to a conclusion that this was definitely not an ordinary weapon.

Among all the armed forces encountered by the Red Police Corps, including the present. Only the Israeli troops have such a demeanor.

And in a world pattern like Wasteland. It is actually not easy for an army to maintain itself and still possess a strong mental outlook.

but. In the face of such a neatly formed team, the performance of the Red Police Corps did not weaken its momentum at all. In terms of military capacity, the Red Police Corps is absolutely the world's top, in terms of combat effectiveness. They are all elite-level soldiers of the Red Police Corps, and their combat effectiveness is like a tiger in the mountains, fierce and domineering.

The two armies faced each other for a short period of time. After both sides had looked at each other, they had new moves.

In the armored battalion of the Iraqi Defense Forces in the Wasteland, the door of an armored command vehicle with an antenna suspended opened, and a young colonel wearing a lieutenant colonel walked out from the inside.

The neat uniform worn on this young lieutenant colonel was a little more heroic and looked quite extraordinary.

At the same time, in the Red Police Corps, a young lieutenant colonel also got off the armored command vehicle.

The two are a pair, two people belonging to different forces, but they are obviously smashed.

The army uniform of the wasteland Iraqi Defense Forces is similar in appearance and color to the army uniform of the Red Police Corps. It is difficult to distinguish it unless you look closely.

At this time, the two of them were all wearing the normal uniforms of their respective troops. What others did not know, at a glance, they would never think that these were two armies belonging to different forces.

However, the field camouflage uniforms and weaponry of the two sides are very different. The Red Police Corps uses the 20-type assault rifle, while the Iraqi Defense Forces uses the 95-type assault rifle.

Although the two rifles have a lot of similarities in certain appearance, there are also obvious differences. Just look at it and you can see that these are two different rifles.

The other combat equipment and camouflage uniforms on both sides are all somewhat different.

Although they are all digital camouflage, it is obvious that both sides have different colors and styles.

All the camouflage uniforms of the Red Police Corps in the Wasteland are all blue and green colors. Although the colors of the opponents are similar, the colors are much darker.

As for the weapons and equipment of both sides, the equipment of the armored battalion of the Iraqi Defense Forces is all Chinese-standard weapons and equipment.

The Red Police Corps was naturally its own weapon of origin. Facing the Type 99 main battle tank, the Rhino Tank did not weaken by half.

"The front is completely blocked. No matter who you are, you are forbidden to pass, and retreat to a safe distance, otherwise we will regard it as an attack on us."

The first sentence of the exchange between the two sides was shouted from the lieutenant colonel of the Red Police Corps, and the words were full of warning.

In the wasteland world, if you encounter the other side's armed forces while performing a mission, such a warning is the best solution.

Of course this method is based on the power balance between the two parties at the moment, otherwise it is more just annexation. The law of the jungle is particularly strong in the wasteland world.

Everyone wants to live, but the resources to sustain life are not so abundant. It is not that the survivors of the Wasteland world like to kill, but to survive, they need to adapt to the laws of this jungle.

Of course, in addition to such rules, there is also trading and circulation, using what you don't need in exchange for what you need.

The law of the jungle is more suitable for going out and encountering unfamiliar forces. At this time, you need to be vigilant.

Especially for many troops far away from their bases or safe areas, they need to be more vigilant, because other survivor teams encountered outside are even more dangerous than encountering mutants.

And if you encounter a team that is far weaker than yourself, you usually won't let it go. It is a good labor force to catch it back.

If there are women, it is even more important to let them go. As long as they are young women, they can often be sold at a good price, and they can also be a tool to gather the military's mind. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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