The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 192: Fight in the White House!

   The news that the Sky Eye would be breached quickly reached Dick Cheney. Realizing that the situation was serious, he quickly notified the Fourth Infantry Division who had not left the seaside city and asked them to go to the base to check what had happened.

   At the same time, Amanda also received the news that, ignoring her work, she hurried to the base. There are a lot of research materials and heavy equipment in the base, as well as alien corpses. They must not fall into the hands of others.

   Unfortunately, she was a step late, and when she got there, the base had already become a sea of ​​flames.

   The barracks were full of bullet craters, and several armored vehicles were emitting heavy smoke. The "4" on them was particularly dazzling.

  Fourth Infantry Infantry, no more!

   All five school officers, including regimental leader Carrick, were killed in action. The soldiers were killed and wounded innumerably, almost the regiment was destroyed.

   Amanda quickly sent someone to inquire about the news.

   When he learned that the soldier who "slaughtered" the soldier was a red-skinned alien wearing a green shirt, his face turned pale.

   it's over, it's all over.


After the news reached Washington, the White House, which had not been calm for a long time, fell into turmoil again, even more severe than before. Although Heckert was arrogant, he was ultimately a human being on Earth. This time it was different. It was an alien race of intelligence invading the United States. Destroyed important experimental bases and slaughtered their soldiers.

   This is not a provocation, this is a declaration of war!

   The office is a cloud of sorrow. The arrogant and unruly military leaders in the past all closed their mouths and said nothing. No one dared to open this mouth.


   Just kidding, how to fight?

I don’t know who the enemy is, which race it belongs to, where the home planet is, whether it has nuclear weapons, and so on. Moreover, if the opponent sends only one person, he will destroy the army’s ace-the fourth infantry division. Ten hundreds...

  Imagine such a scene, and several generals of the Ministry of Defense can't wait to retract their heads into their collars.

   This battle cannot be fought, it is not a level at all.

   "Why don't you speak, I'm dumb."

   Joel Nash stared at the "big guy" on both sides of the table with a sullen face, perhaps because of the approach of the general election, his expression was sickly and excited, like a lunatic who drank alcohol and took medicine.

   "Harvey, this matter belongs to you. Investigate it within three days and give me an answer."

   FBI Director Jack Harvey immediately got up, "The Fourth Aircraft Infantry Division and the Sky Eye Club are both subordinate units of the Ministry of Defense. If something goes wrong with them, the CIA or the special investigation team should be responsible. The FBI cannot go beyond its authority."

   After finishing speaking, he sat back on the chair again, his face was calm and unwavering, and he saw a little inner thought.

   Joel Nash’s cheeks were rapidly congested, and he couldn't help but cough. While coughing, he looked at CIA Minister Ted Lambert. The latter patted his beer belly, watching his nose and nose, like a sleeping Maitreya Buddha.

   He is not stupid. How could he pick up this hot potato? It is an alien, not a native of the Middle East, and he is not so bully. Besides, this matter is strange inside and out.

   The aliens didn’t choose other places, why did they invade the base of the Sky Eye Club?

   There must be a reason. Dick Cheney is the boss of the Sky Eye Club. He doesn't speak. Why do you mess with them? Seeing that their dogs are not good. As for the aliens, there is only one here, not a group. What anxious!

   Ted, who had made up his mind, half-squinted his eyes and went into a false sleep state.

   Looking at him like this, Joel's face was green, and he took a few breaths before he came back. Then, he closed his mouth and said nothing.

  Since everyone refuses to cooperate, stop playing.

   The air fell into a weird silence, and a group of big men were speechless, unlike the high-level leaders who dominate the country's destiny, but like a group of angry children.

  Something happened, and it must be solved after all. No one wants to fight this thunder. Dick Cheney, the boss behind the Skyeye Conference, can only stand up.

   "This matter is not only a matter for the military and the Sky Eye Society, but also for national security. I need your help."

Jack Harvey sneered, "Your Excellency, according to the information I have received, the Fourth Mechanic Infantry Division took the lead in attacking the red-skinned aliens. The purpose is to prevent them from taking away the aliens stored in the Sky Eye Club base. Human body."

   "Aliens! Alien corpses! Things couldn't be simpler. It was your greed that triggered this conflict. Don't talk about national security."

   The voice fell, and there was an uproar, and the heads of various departments turned suspicious eyes on Dick Cheney.


   There are really aliens, they don't even know about such an important thing.

   CIA Ted Lambert opened his eyes, glanced at Dick Cheney coldly, and then closed them again.

   Attorney General Marshall Warren stood up and said very seriously,

   "Your Excellency, do you know about this?"

   Joel Nash shook his head without hesitation, "I also heard of it for the first time."

   Dick Cheney’s cheeks instantly lost their blood, and they were as pale as white paper. He didn’t speak before, just because he was afraid of being exposed, and revealed the inside story. As a result, Jack Harvey did not leave any affection.

   Several generals of the Ministry of National Defense moved their buttocks quietly and sat down slightly away from him.

  Political struggle is so cruel, the seemingly calm sea is actually undercurrents, and if you are not careful, you will be caught by the tail.

   Faced with more than a dozen pairs of scrutiny gazes, Dick Cheney couldn’t argue with each other. He didn’t explain clearly, so he simply didn’t explain, he said solemnly.

   "I will find out the alien that endangered national security, and give you, the soldiers who died in battle, and all citizens an explanation."

   finished speaking, got up from the chair, strode out of the office.

   "The Vice President is over!"

   This sentence appeared in everyone's minds. This kind of thing can't be solved by confession alone. Even if he gets the alien back by chance, he will not be able to keep his current position. No one will support the liar loser.

   Joel Nash suddenly became happy.

These days, he has been having a headache. What to do with Dick Cheney and the military commander behind I didn’t expect an alien to solve it. Now it’s okay. The military has nothing to do, even though Reluctantly, I can only recognize him as the president.

   With the support of the military, the odds of winning the election have increased by several percentage points.

   Damn alien, I love you to death.


There are many different places between the DC world and the previous earth. Luke felt it when he first crossed over. Perhaps it was because of too many disasters, or it was because of various terrorist organizations, cults, demons, aliens, superpowers, etc. Wait, the U.S. government in this world has no sense of responsibility.

   It is not so much a government as a loose organization formed by dozens of states.

  The governors of the states don’t like the president at all. Of course, the president will not interfere in the daily affairs of the states. Just like Gotham, they are all messed up, and they still fully support it.

   Many times, Luke wonders if the idiots are pretending to be dung. Normal people can never do such a thing.

   There are "partners" arranged by Luke in the White House, and he knows exactly what happens in the office.

   red skin, green robe, ability to manifest objects...

   If nothing happens, it should be a soldier of the Green Lantern Corps, probably Senistor himself.

   This is troublesome.


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