The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 600: A place of nothingness

The Justice League headquarters, after several months of rushing to work, the wide hall has become somewhat styled.

The overall layout of the headquarters is in the shape of a circle. The central part is the meeting room and data center. The accommodation area, laboratory, arsenal, training field, database, development department, etc. are arranged clockwise from left to right.

The boarding and lodging area has the largest area, covering nearly a quarter of the area, ensuring that everyone has a separate bedroom.

Barry was the first to move here, Ron en followed closely, and the others were still on the sidelines.

Today is the fourth plenary meeting since the establishment of the Justice League. Luke repeated the story of the Age of the Gods and the Eternal Meeting in detail. After listening, everyone was not calm.

"Is there really a **** in the world?"

Luke corrected, "They are not gods, but special life forms with powerful power. For some reason, they are called gods."

Rong En sighed, "I didn't expect the earth in ancient times to hide so many secrets."

Linda curiously asked, "Are those gods still alive?"

"It's all dead."

"How did you die?"

Luke shrugged. "I want to know too."

Clark hesitated, "I always feel something is wrong."

"You are worried that it is a trap."

Clark nodded, with a serious expression, "The wizard named Shazam has been in the Rock of Eternity for thousands of years. He clearly has the ability to come out, choose a suitable heir, and even create a new eternal meeting, but he does not have it, alone. Live in it and don’t choose successors until the end of your life. You don’t think there is a problem here.”

Luke was startled, thinking about getting the Rock of Eternity, he forgot such an important thing.

Diana also frowned tightly and couldn't help saying,

"The Rock of Eternity won't suppress anything!"

When the words fell, everyone's expressions changed instantly, and Luke also felt a toothache. Thinking about it, there is only this explanation. No wonder the old guy agreed so happily and dare to be a burden.

Barry whispered, "Should we think about it again."

The atmosphere is a bit quiet.

Everyone is considering the feasibility of the whole thing. There is no doubt that the Eternal Rock is a hard-to-find base in the world, with a large area, complete facilities, and enough privacy. If you get it, the Justice League will no longer have to worry about it. The problem is this thing. It's not as simple as it seems.

After a moment of silence, Luke said slowly.

"No matter what the result is, try. Even if there is a monster, you must know what it is."

Clark said solemnly, "I agree with Luke's point of view."

The others looked at each other and nodded.

After a while, the main hall of the eternal meeting.

Six fully armed men appeared here, and Luke stepped forward.

"Meet again, Mr. Wizard."

The old man raised his head and looked carefully at the six people in front of him. When he saw Clark and Barry, his eyes lit up. Both of them have pure hearts and can be heirs.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

While the old man was observing the crowd, several people were also observing him. A man with a declining age, holding a staff, wearing tight clothes printed with yellow lightning, his heartbeat was so weak that there was almost no heartbeat.

Barry whispered, "Is he dying."

Diana raised her index finger and gestured for silence.

Luke said solemnly, "We have agreed to the two conditions you mentioned. When will it start?"


"Then now, we are ready."

"The Beast is on the third floor. You know the location. After you defeat all the monsters, you will be prompted. As for the fourth floor..." After a pause, he looked at Luke deeply.

"Are you sure you want to go in?"

Luke smiled, "Can you give me some hints."

The old man shook his head, "It's an ever-changing place of nothingness. No matter how you walk, you will return to the original point. You can only get out of it by your own ability."

"In my time, countless wise men and gods entered the fourth floor, and only five came out. Young people, are you sure you want to go in?"

"Since I promised you, I won't go back, and besides, you dare not detain me for the rest of my life."

The old man smiled helplessly. He really didn't dare to trap the other person in it, and then used magic to summon a dark whirlpool.

"This is the portal to the fourth floor. I'll give you two days. If it fails..."

Luke said solemnly, "Leave if you fail, and never come back." After that, he glanced at the three Diana, "I will leave it to you over the Colosseum. Remember, keep your eyes on it."

"We understand that you have to be careful too."

Luke nodded and walked into the portal with Barry and Linda. After a wave of weightlessness, the three came to a place full of gray mist.

Wherever he can see, he can only see a range of thirty to forty meters. Even Linda, who has super power, can't see far away.

Luke gestured to Linda, who covered his mouth and yelled in one direction. The sound wave rolled forward, and after a long time no response was heard.

It really is a place of nothingness!

Luke squatted down and reached out to touch the ground. The temperature was about 30 degrees. Unlike a rock, it was very hard.

Make a fist with five fingers, suddenly exert force,


A dent appeared on the ground.

Luke stared blankly. Gradually, as time passed, the dent began to heal, and after about thirty seconds it returned to its original appearance.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Luke shook his head, "It shouldn't be magic."

"Ava, can the communication equipment work?"

"The signal could not be transmitted."

"It seems that only the most primitive method can be used."

Luke took out the silk thread prepared in advance, connected to Linda on one end and Barry on the other.

Fifty meters, one hundred meters, five hundred meters, two kilometers...

The numbers on the screen kept growing, and suddenly stopped when it reached ten thousand. Luke frowned slightly, turned his head and looked back. The tight silk thread fell to the ground, broken? or…

There was silence for two seconds, and Luke recovered the silk thread.

The number dropped, and when it reached seven kilometers, the silk thread was taut. Linda and Barry on the other side also realized something. Without hesitation, they continued to move forward according to the pre-planned plan.

The number increased again, fast to slow, and stopped at a position of eleven kilometers unknowingly.

Luke's face suddenly changed. This place is not only a vector change, but also space and time.

Everything around is adjusting, up and down, left and right, east and west, north and south, no matter where you go, you will lose your direction under the action of the rules.

Luke didn't believe in evil, so he decided to try again.

This time he did not reclaim the silk thread. He strode forward in one direction and walked for about fifteen minutes. Two figures appeared in front of him, not Barry and Linda, but the Eagle Carter Hall and the ancient Egyptian sacrificial Haas. Shett.

The two seemed to have just gone through a battle, and the wounds were still bleeding.

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