The Rise of Australia

Chapter 208 Coronation Ceremony and Shipbuilding Plan

While shipbuilding experts were busy exploring the strategic cruiser proposed by Arthur, Arthur was also busy preparing for his coronation ceremony.

When he became the Duke of Australia, because Arthur was far away in the British Empire, and the then Duke Arthur had just been assassinated, there was no coronation ceremony, but a banquet with the royal family and Queen Victoria, and Tell the whole country.

Now that he has become the king of Audalasia, and is also the first king, a grand coronation ceremony must be held to involve both Australians and New Zealanders.

There is good news. After more than three years of construction, Sydney Palace has been officially put into use.

Arthur scheduled the coronation ceremony in October just to hold this grand coronation ceremony in the new Sydney Palace.

After more than six years of long development, Australasia also needs to gain more prestige and influence in the international community.

Therefore, the Australian government invited almost all independent countries in the world to Arthur's coronation ceremony, and all European monarchies were on the invitation list.

Naturally, there is no need for the great powers to ask. Even on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the United States has received an invitation from Australasia.

After the German Empire, the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the British Empire and other powerful countries successively agreed to Australasia's invitation, the major European monarchies also responded quickly and expressed that they would send royal personnel to participate in the coronation ceremony.

This also means that the Kingdom of Australasia is officially recognized by the world, and Arthur's throne can also be recognized by European nobles.

On October 11, 1906, Arthur's coronation ceremony officially began.

The real coronation ceremony was held in private, and most of the people who could watch were nobles from all over the world and senior officials from Australia.

In order to demonstrate legal authority and legal principles, Arthur also specially invited the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of the Church of England, to bring the crown to Arthur.

Unknowingly, Arthur has accumulated many titles, not only the crowned king title King of Australasia, but also two dukedom titles Australia and New Zealand.

After receiving the blessing from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Arthur successfully put on the crown and officially became the first king of Australasia.

While Arthur put on the crown, a total of ten cannons fired in celebration around the square outside. This number represents the ten administrative districts of Australasia, including the Capital Territory and the colony of New Guinea.

After that, everyone present will move outside the square, where Arthur will read his coronation declaration, and then led by the Prime Minister, government officials and parliamentarians of the Kingdom of Australasia will swear allegiance to Arthur.

Because this session is conducted outside the square, the reaction of the crowd in the square also becomes very important.

If the crowd responds well and even follows these officials in their allegiance, then this will become a good story for the crowning of the monarch.

But if there was little reaction from the crowd in the square, it would have been an awkward coronation.

Fortunately, Arthur is still very confident about his support among the people, and the second scenario is absolutely impossible to happen in Australasia.

"Members, ladies and gentlemen. I am very happy to be able to become the ruler of this great country in front of all of you." Arthur walked on the stage with a smile on his head, wearing a crown designed by a private jeweler. He stood in front of the loudspeaker that had been prepared and said with a smile.

"Australasia is a great kingdom composed of Australia and New Zealand. It shoulders the great mission and goal of the common rise of Australia and New Zealand. I am deeply aware of the responsibilities and heavy responsibilities that this goal brings to me. , I will also do my best to fulfill this responsibility and goal with the support of all parliamentarians, all government officials and all citizens of the Kingdom, so that Australasia can move toward harmony and prosperity."

"I, Arthur, King of Australasia, Duke of Australia and New Zealand, and Defender of New Guinea, pledge myself to all my subjects to safeguard the interests of all kingdoms and dominions, and to love the children of all kingdoms and dominions. People. Together with my MPs, officials, and loyal soldiers, I will defend this country until the end, and defend all its people until the end. Long live Australasia! Long live Saxe-Coburg Gotha!"

Facts have proved that Australian civilians today are still very easy to coax. After Arthur personally said to defend the country and his people, the sky above the square was filled with cheers and shouts from all Australians and New Zealanders.

"May God witness that, as the king of Australasia, I will protect the interests of every Australasian citizen, even if I pay a huge price for it. May God bless me and I will faithfully fulfill my promise, AU Long live Lacia!”

Arthur's coronation proclamation was actually not long, and the actual speech lasted only more than ten minutes.

But what Arthur said was what the people of Australasia were willing to listen to. Who doesn’t want to have a monarch who cares deeply about the interests of the people?

What's more, Arthur is like this. He has already proven with actual actions that what he said is not false, but will really be realized with actions.

No matter what the nobles and officials of other countries think, at least the people of Australasia are very satisfied. They are very willing to be loyal to the young king and fight for the dream of the rise of Australasia, even sacrificing their own lives.

After the declaration was read out, the next step was for Australasian parliamentarians and officials to pay their allegiance to Arthur.

The loyal crowd includes all members of the Royal House of Representatives and the House of Representatives, and even members of the state houses of each state.

Of course, the actual members of the state House of Representatives are not qualified to come to the stage to take the oath in person, but they still have to stand in the audience and take the oath together with the members on the stage.

From this point, the royal power of Australasia can be reflected. Whether they are members of parliament or officials, their first allegiance is to Arthur.

When the allegiance session began, guests from all over the world saw the extent of Arthur's support in Australia.

You must know that the crowd surrounding the square must be at least close to 80,000 people. If you include those outside the surrounding squares, it may even exceed 100,000 people.

But looking around, most people were taking the oath to express their allegiance and recognition to the young king.

Such scenes cannot even be seen in many European countries, and even autocratic countries like the Russian Empire may not be able to see such scenes, even if they are artificial.

Although Australasia currently has a small population, the potential it has shown has exceeded the potential that its population should have, and it has also caused many European countries to start to pay attention to the new country of Australasia.

Throughout the entire oath of allegiance, Arthur sat solemnly on the throne on the stage. The people who swore allegiance to Arthur also evolved from Australasian officials and parliamentarians to all Australasians present.

"This will be a terrible country!" A noble from a small monarchy in Europe couldn't help but blurt out after watching in stunned silence for a while.

His speech also attracted recognition from many people. Australasia only has a population of just over six million, but its potential is already staggering.

What if the population of Australasia reaches tens of millions or even tens of millions? Will this become a country like an island country that attacks the status of great powers?

After the oath of allegiance ended, the coronation ceremony was actually more than half over.

If we look at European tradition, what is left next is a large banquet with foreign guests in the evening.

This kind of large-scale banquet is conducive to the country's new monarch to expand his diplomatic relations and establish better relations with nobles and rulers of other countries.

Arthur naturally has this plan, and will also hold a huge celebration banquet at Sydney Palace.

But before doing so, Arthur felt it necessary to bring the coronation atmosphere to its climax.

"People, taking this great moment, I would like to announce a major national decision on behalf of the government of the Kingdom of Australasia." After the oath of allegiance ended, Arthur did not lead everyone as planned. He returned to the Sydney Palace to rest, but stood in front of the stage again, speaking mysteriously.

Arthur's words quickly attracted the attention of all Australians and foreign guests. People wanted to know what Arthur was going to say and what impact it could have.

"My fellow citizens, Australasia is a huge country that spans the entire Oceania. We have the continent-like Australian region, New Zealand, which is composed of many large and small islands, and many overseas islands and territories. In order to protect our In the interest of all territories and maintaining the stability and peace of Australasia, the Australasian Cabinet Government has decided that Australasia will carry out a huge shipbuilding program in the next ten years. In order to have a sufficient fleet To protect our overseas interests, Australasia will launch at least two battleships, ten medium cruisers and three other main warships within ten years, forming a fleet of five large main warships, ten medium protected warships and dozens of A large fleet of cruising small warships. This huge shipbuilding plan will take us ten years to complete. In order to realize this great plan, the Australasian government will spend at least 50 million Australian dollars, carried out in batches. Australasia's The ocean must be protected by Australasia's own power. This is what must be done before Australasia rises. No one can harm the interests of Australasians unless he can remove the corpses of Australian soldiers and fleets. Step over the wreckage!"

Second update of 3,000 words, please support!

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