The Rise of Australia

Chapter 218 Albert Einstein

With the end of the 1906 Government Annual Report Conference, time also came to 1907.

After entering the new year, the frequency of government decrees issued by the Royal Government has also accelerated a lot, and many effective laws have been promulgated, such as the "Law to Encourage Childbirth" that can significantly increase the local population.

According to this law, as long as you have legal citizenship of the Kingdom of Australasia, you can immediately receive a reward of fifty Australian dollars for each additional child you give birth to, and you can receive annual childcare subsidies from the government. Twenty Australian dollars.

The funds will be received until the child turns six years old, and then will be converted into a lower-level reduction of tuition and fees.

If a family is able to give birth to more than five children, the mother of the child will be awarded the title of Hero Mother. Not only will she be featured in the Australasian newspapers, but all children will also receive priority entry into schools and even universities.

There will even be preferential treatment when applying for scholarships and bursaries. It can be said that there are a large number of welfare policies from birth to university graduation, which greatly reduces the pressure on Australasians to raise their children.

This policy was welcomed by many Australasians. After all, Australasia's geographical location determines that it is not at the center of the world, and various crises and wars around the world basically have nothing to do with Australasians.

In addition to the newspapers ordered every day, which contain some news about food and current affairs, the only entertainment that Australasians have in their spare time from work every day is to create people.

After the government solves their worries about raising offspring, Australasians can create humans with confidence and even receive large rewards.

Many families have decided to take the lead in winning the title of hero mother. Whether it is the benefits brought by this policy or the funds and benefits that can be obtained every time they give birth to an offspring, they are all exciting.

At the same time, various transport fleets in Australasia have also moved, including cruise ships and frigates, frequently traveling between Europe and Australia to transport more immigrants to Australasia.

With the establishment of the Kingdom of Australasia, Australia gradually entered the range of choices for European immigrants.

Of course, this does not mean that no one has chosen to immigrate to Australia before, but in the eyes of Europeans at that time, immigrating to the Americas was the mainstream.

The Americas have extensive land and a developed economy, and their languages ​​are not much different. They can integrate well into the life of the Americas.

But now, Australia has characteristics similar to those in the Americas. Although Australia's economy is not that developed, the economy and quality of life are also growing steadily.

More importantly, Australia is not troubled by any war, and King Arthur of Australasia is closer to Europeans in blood.

Under the influence of various factors, Australasia has become the second choice place for immigrants after the Americas, and more and more Europeans want to immigrate to Australia.

If nothing unexpected happens, the population growth of Australasia in 1907 will be the largest in recent years. As long as there is no war in Australia, the scale of immigration will continue to grow.

A strong source of immigrants, coupled with a large number of domestic policies to encourage childbirth, gave Arthur and the Australasian government hope to expand the population to tens of millions.

Before the population reaches hundreds of millions, this kind of population growth rate is what everyone is happy to see.

Since the establishment of Federation, exchanges between Australia and New Zealand have become much more frequent.

It became even more frequent after the establishment of the kingdom, and even a one- or two-day voyage between the two regions could not stop this economic closeness.

This has also contributed to the growth of the shipbuilding industry in Australasia. During this time, more and more people have taken out loans from the Crown Bank to start small private shipyards.

Most of the boats they built were very small fishing boats or sailing boats, which were used for people's daily work and travel.

Because all the land is composed of large and small islands and peninsulas, Australasia's fishery is also very developed.

For example, the famous Australian lobster, Australian abalone, blue flag tuna and yellowtail are produced in all major regions of Australasia.

Especially in the southern part of the Australian continent and around Tasmania, there are a large number of natural fishing grounds. The people of Australasia also have aquatic products.

These rich fishing grounds and aquatic products support a large number of fishermen and practitioners in the Kingdom of Australasia.

This also allows many people to see business opportunities. At present, the shipbuilding industry in Australasia is not developed. Although it can build top battleships and dreadnoughts, there are not many shipyards that build small civilian ships. Various small fishing boats and ships are even in short supply.

Regarding these loan application requirements, as long as the basic qualifications and conditions are OK, you can easily apply for a loan.

Of course, the number of loans they can apply for is basically balanced with the number of assets they can mortgage.

Arthur is not worried about running away with the money. Firstly, there are mortgaged assets as compensation. Secondly, the Australian dollar is currently only circulating in the Australasian region. Can he escape with the Australian dollar when traveling to other countries? Leaving aside the supervision of intelligence agencies and security agencies, whether other countries recognize the Australian dollar or not is the same thing.

And individuals who can apply for a loan must have lived in Australasia for more than ten years and must have legal citizenship in Australasia.

With layers of screening conditions, it is not easy for people with real ulterior motives to obtain loans.

In January 1907, Arthur attended the Victoria Award ceremony as usual.

This international award, which is awarded annually, has attracted at least a dozen top international talents to Australasia, and is still in progress.

The name of this year's winner of the Victoria Physics Prize surprised Arthur, and he immediately decided to win him over to Australasia.

Albert Einstein, this is a famous figure in later generations.

Einstein's achievements in physics were enough to make him one of the greatest scientists of the entire 20th century.

Einstein is still very young now. Einstein, who was born in 1879, is now less than 27 years old and has just received a doctorate in physics from the University of Zurich.

It was precisely because the photon hypothesis proposed by Einstein successfully explained the cause of the photoelectric effect that he successfully won the 1906 Victoria Prize in Physics.

In fact, Arthur still had some hesitation when he saw Einstein's name at first.

According to Einstein's life trajectory and life experience, he was first a pacifist and humanitarian, and then became a democratic socialist.

Einstein was once denied immigration to the United States on refugee terms because Einstein believed in, advocated and promoted anarchism, and was also accused of being a participant and supporter of an anarchist movement from 1937 to 1954.

In addition to being a Jew, Einstein also supported Zionism and supported the Jews in choosing to settle in the ancient land of Judaism, that is, Jerusalem.

Faced with such a top scientist who seemed extremely difficult to control, Arthur was also worried about whether wooing Einstein would have a certain impact and fluctuation on the political environment in Australasia.

But after thinking about it, Arthur decided to win over him. First of all, Einstein's ability and knowledge are definitely one of the top scientists in the world today. Since such a talent has appeared, Arthur cannot let him go.

Regardless of whether Einstein's political views are consistent with the political situation in Australasia, Einstein is still very young and what he expresses and supports is only pacifism and humanitarianism.

There is currently no war in Australasia, and Arthur is also very keen on relieving the country's bottom population.

Isn’t this the simplest form of pacifism and humanitarianism?

At least in a short period of time, Arthur can control this top scientist in Australasia and let him make more contributions to Australasian scientific research.

As for what happens next, Arthur is definitely not a kind person. If such top scientists cannot be mastered by Australasia, then we can only ask Einstein to see the beautiful water world under the sea.

On the day of the Victoria Award Ceremony, Arthur invited all the award-winning scientists and talents to a small celebration banquet.

At this banquet, Arthur launched a unified invitation to all talents, inviting them to conduct scientific research and technical work for Australasia. Australasia will bring them more advanced laboratories and more research. funds.

No one expressed any objection. At most, they just said that they needed more thinking.

In fact, they are not stupid. If they offend Arthur on his territory, isn't that just lighting a lantern in the toilet?

Of course, Arthur's main target was Einstein. The day after the banquet, Arthur invited Einstein to the National University of Australasia and invited him to visit the major laboratories of the national university.

National University was the first university established by Arthur with funds. Its construction standards and goals at that time were also world-class.

This has also resulted in many laboratories in the national universities being among the best in the world today, for which Arthur and the government also paid millions of Australian dollars.

After visiting all this, Arthur went straight to the point and invited Einstein to become an honorary professor in the Department of Physics of the National University of Australasia. All research laboratories of the national university can be open to Einstein, and he can receive a sum of at least twenty stipends every year. million in research funding.

At the same time, Arthur also stated that he would form the Royal Physical Research Association of Australasia, invite Einstein to become the first president of the Physical Research Association, and conduct academic research in Australasia.

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