The Rise of Australia

Chapter 311 Why not support Australasia?

The screening of the film Australasian Dreams continued throughout the National Day week in Australasia. New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

According to joint statistics from the three major film studios, during the National Day week, the film was screened more than 30,000 times in Australasia, with millions of viewers.

This doesn't mean that the remaining people don't want to watch the movie, but every time the movie is played, there are huge crowds of people around, which is bound to make it impossible for some people to squeeze in.

But no matter what, this movie has been watched by at least 7 million people so far, which can be regarded as setting a record for the current number of movie viewers.

If the movie had been screened more often or for a longer time, Arthur believes that at least tens of millions of Australasians would have watched the movie.

Even in later generations, the name of free movies will attract many spectators to watch.

In this era when entertainment conditions are not developed, free audio movies that promote the country and nation will only have more viewers.

Of course, these 30,000 screenings cost the three major film studios as much as 2 million Australian dollars.

If you include the previously purchased projection equipment and trained film projectionists, plus the cost of shooting the film and editing the script, the total cost of the film may be as high as tens of millions of Australian dollars.

But in fact, for Arthur, this ten million Australian dollars is the most valuable sum he has spent recently.

What can be clearly felt is that after the National Day Week, the crime rate and criminal cases across Australasia have been much less, and the conflicts between immigrants of different ethnic groups have also been much less.

Most people are even able to put aside their past grudges and become friends or partners with people they previously disliked just because they said we are all Australasians.

For the first time, the large and general national concept of Australasians has been recognized by all Australasians and all immigrants on such a large scale.

According to news from the Royal Parliament, there have been dozens of applications for the formation of a nationalist party since the National Day holiday. Australasian people have become the most glorious recognition in the eyes of all Australasian residents. .

This is a good thing for Arthur, at least it can solve some of the hidden dangers of non-British immigrants.

In terms of attracting immigrants, Arthur can finally safely absorb a large number of European immigrants without worrying about hidden dangers and conflicts within the country due to the reduction in the proportion of the main ethnic group.

It can be said that as long as the concept of the Australasian nation is managed well, Australasia will always have only one unified nation. New 🅇.🄲🄾🄼

Those who do not accept the unified national concept of Australasians will become an outlier in Australasia. Not only will they not be recognized by the people around them, but even the government's welfare policies will not have the slightest bias.

Yes, there will be many welfare policies for Australasians in the future, but these all have a unified premise, that is, only Australasians can enjoy them.

As time entered 1, with a debate and meeting of the British cabinet, the naval policy of the British Empire also officially changed.

In fact, the trend of changing British naval policy has already been revealed at the cabinet meeting at the end of last year.

The actual reason is also very simple. Everything is accompanied by the British Admiralty Churchill preaching that for every battleship built by Germany, the British Empire will follow up the plan to build two battleships.

With a battleship construction ratio of 1:2, the number of battleships currently in service and planned to be built by the British Empire quickly overwhelmed the number of German battleships.

But that's the problem. Germany has built a lot of battleships, and Germany has invested heavily in the navy.

This also means that Britain's investment is twice that of Germany. Even if the British Empire has vast colonies and rich wealth, it cannot withstand long-term horrific consumption.

In the 1 report, the British cabinet was surprised to find that Britain's finances could barely keep up with the progress of the Navy Bill.

If we use the 1:2 battleship construction ratio preached by Churchill, Germany would build three battleships and one battlecruiser every year, which also means that the British Empire would build at least one cruiser every year.

If you include the one-year and three-year plans, the British Empire will spend more than 40 million pounds to build a total of 18 battleships and main battleships.

Even if divided into three years, the annual cost of building main battleships alone is as high as at least 15 million pounds.

Even if the current annual military expenditure of the British Empire reaches more than 60 million pounds, it will never be able to withstand such horrific consumption.

You know, the naval arms race that was not too tense before has already overwhelmed European countries.

If such a horrific construction plan continues, I am afraid that the British Empire's finances will have problems sooner or later.

Speaking of which, we have to mention a series of welfare policies enacted in the UK during the reign of Edward VII and after the Reform Party took over the government.

This series of welfare policies greatly improved the reputation of Edward VII and the British government, and brought the people of the British Empire closer together. New 🅇.🄲🄾🄼

However, these welfare policies have made the British Empire's finances become somewhat tight. If such a huge warship construction continues, I am afraid that the British Empire's finances will be overwhelmed.

What makes the British Empire even more overwhelmed is that Germany has released news that it is currently building a super-dreadnought ship.

This was originally a trump card used by the British Empire to crush the Germans in terms of warship quality, but it has been quietly followed up by the Germans.

This also means that half of the British Empire's warship construction plan must be used to build super-dreadnoughts. Otherwise, when the scale of the German super-dreadnoughts catches up, the navy will still not have much advantage.

But the problem is that the current most advanced dreadnought ship costs about 2 million pounds.

The current most advanced super-dreadnought ship costs about 2.4 million pounds.

No matter how you calculate it, the financial burden of the British Empire will only become more and more burdened, which also makes other officials of the British government a little worried.

You know, if the arrogant British Empire goes bankrupt in the hands of this government, I'm afraid the people's spit will be enough to spray them to death.

After all, when the government runs out of money, people's welfare policies will also be reduced. What does this make people who are used to getting benefits think? Isn’t that just plain government incompetence?

In order to address these concerns, the British cabinet held an emergency meeting to discuss the current shipbuilding plan and the financial difficulties faced.

The current Prime Minister of the British Empire is Asquith, who is also the Chancellor of the Exchequer. From this we can also see the importance of finance to a country.

The Treasury Department of Australasia was also one of the cabinet departments over which Arthur controlled the selection of ministers.

"Your Excellency Churchill, I think it is necessary to reconsider the naval construction plan. Even if our fiscal revenue is almost twice that of Germany, we cannot withstand such huge consumption! You must also know the financial situation last year. If we continue to be so crazy, If the construction continues, I am afraid that our finances will be overwhelmed in a few years, and we will have to borrow money from outside like crazy." At the cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Asquith frowned and looked to the side, the slightly confident Navy Minister Churchill, said.

"Mr. Prime Minister, now is not the time for the British Empire to withdraw! Those Germans are building warships like crazy. If we suspend the construction plan of warships, doesn't it mean that we will hand over our number one position in the navy to others?" The Secretary of the Navy Churchill looked excited. Even though he was facing Prime Minister Asquith, he still retorted righteously.

"We know that the navy is currently facing a lot of pressure. Although Germany needs to take into account the development of the army, we also need to take into account the implementation of the security and welfare policies of the colonies, right? Our military expenditure has exceeded a quarter of our fiscal revenue. One, even this year it will be more than one-third. Do you want the entire British Empire to serve the navy, regardless of development?" The Home Secretary stood up to refute Churchill's words.

It is worth mentioning that Home Secretary McKenna was the Lord of the Admiralty of the British Empire six months ago. The last Home Secretary was Churchill, and they held the position in 1st.

During his tenure as Home Secretary, Churchill countered the naval expansion to alleviate financial pressure.

After Churchill became Lord of the Admiralty, he changed his views and intended to massively expand the navy to maintain the status of the British Empire.

McKenna, who was once based on naval expansion, has changed his view to government as the most important thing after becoming Home Secretary, and naturally he has to refute the naval expansion plan.

"I also know the current financial pressure, but we can still issue bonds externally, can't we? As long as we can maintain the naval advantage, the Germans will turn their attention to the expansion of the army. By then, the pressure on the navy and finance will be will decrease. If we give up early, the Germans will surpass us in the navy and France and Russia in the army. By then, no country or force will be able to unilaterally suppress Germany. This is not true for the current situation in Europe. It is disastrous, and it is even more disastrous for the British Empire and government." Churchill did not buy it at all and expressed his views and opinions.

"We maintain our naval superiority, sit back and watch the land confrontation between Germany and France, and lend a helping hand to France when necessary. This will not only bring down Germany, but also avoid the rise of France after Germany's defeat. Isn't this what we have always implemented Concept and purpose?" Churchill brought out the European troublemaker policy that the British Empire had always implemented, as if anyone who disagreed with naval expansion was a sinner of the British Empire.

"Having said that, are bonds free? The bonds issued will not have to be repaid by government finances. If a large number of bonds are issued, the size of the navy can be built. Can the navy bear the interest on the bonds for the government? If you follow what you said, our finances will be completely ruined before we can defeat the Germans. You must know that our enemy is not just Germany. The Americans have also made great efforts in the navy, and sooner or later they will become ours. One of the main competitors. If we spend our own money to resist Germany, the one who picks up the peaches after the war will be either France or the United States." Prime Minister Asquith, who is also the Chancellor of the Exchequer, shook his head and still insisted on suspending the expansion of the navy.

Although the British Empire has the most powerful navy and the most colonies in the world, its status and interests are also coveted by more countries.

Take Europe as an example. The enemy of the British Empire is every European power that has the potential to become the European hegemon. This is also the reason why the British Empire’s European turmoil policy was born.

Although the British Empire is the most powerful country in the world, after all, in Europe it can only stay in the British Isles.

This also means that if any country becomes the European hegemon, it will threaten the British Empire.

This is also an important reason why Britain fought against France before and now against Germany.

For the British Empire, Germany was currently the competitor to be defeated. But if France takes the opportunity to rise after defeating Germany, then there is no point in defeating Germany.

The best way is to let Germany and France both lose in the war, so that it is impossible for them to threaten Britain's position.

If the most powerful country in Europe is France, I am afraid that Britain will join Germany's camp to fight against France.

What gives the British government some headaches is that in addition to the situation in Europe, there is another country that is paying close attention to the situation in Europe, and that is the United States.

Although the United States was looked down upon by major European countries in the past, thinking that it was just an upstart occupying a good area.

But we have to admit that the development of the United States has gradually kept pace with Europe. The current economy and industry of the United States are already world-class.

What separates the United States from the top powers is actually its military and technological foundation. If the United States is given another few decades, I am afraid it will grow into a more terrifying competitor than Germany.

"The United States?" Churchill smiled nonchalantly and asked: "Why don't we try to support Australasia? Anyway, supporting the island country has failed, so it is better to find another country to help. Australasia has the same roots as us From the same origin, as long as the British population occupies the majority of Australasia, they cannot be our enemies. Isn't this the best support object? Although the population of Australasia is slightly smaller, it is basically European immigrants, they are more qualified to become a developed country and a great power than island countries."

The reason why the British Empire supported island countries was not without reason.

The geographical location of the island country is destined to have a war with Russia, the overlord of the Far East, if this country rises.

Moreover, the island country is only separated from the United States by the Pacific Ocean. Under the premise that the United States cannot reach Europe, their expansion can only be placed in South America and the other side of the Pacific. The Philippines is the best example.

Supporting island countries is one of the means used by Britain to counter the United States. It is also to divert the attention of the Russians, consume Russia's power in the Far East, and prevent the Russians from planning for British India.

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