The Rise of Australia

Chapter 435 Poison Gas War

Beginning in mid-March, fierce fighting on the west bank of the Maas reached its climax. In the last two days of fierce fighting, the German army deployed a total of five divisions on the west bank of the Meuse River. The German commander ignored the fierce artillery fire and machine gun fire from the French defenders and blindly ordered the troops to march towards Morte-Aum. Strong attacks were carried out on the east and west sides of the high ground, which ultimately caused heavy losses to the German army.

After a few days of rest, the German army suddenly launched an extremely violent artillery attack on the defensive positions on the northeast and northwest slopes of the Molt-Om Highlands. Under the cover of the artillery, an elite German army began to move northeast Slope to attack.

This army cooperated with the ordinary army that had moved to the northwest of the highland a few days ago, and together they launched a fierce attack on the neck of the highland.

Because of the fierce offensive of this elite German army, the offensive and defensive battle on the highlands quickly achieved results. After several rounds of guarding, the French defenders on the highlands had no choice but to retreat to the top of the mountain, leaving only a part of the machine gun unit for defense.

The remaining machine gun units were obviously unable to withstand the German attack. The elite German troops quickly took control of the defensive positions halfway up the mountain and converged to launch an attack on the top of the mountain.

In addition, the German army also divided its forces, not only consolidating the defensive positions it had captured, but also dividing its forces into two groups. On the premise of attacking the defensive positions on the top of the mountain, it launched an assault to the rear of the Molt-Om Heights.

The Germans originally wanted to outflank the French defenders' retreat and try to encircle and annihilate the French army.

But the French army is not stupid either. Once the rear of the defensive position is outflanked, they will have no room to retreat.

For this reason, the defenders took out all their machine guns and artillery, and used dense and dense firepower to declare their unyielding.

Although the German attack went relatively smoothly, it also suffered a large number of casualties.

Because the French army is located on the top of a mountain and occupies relatively good defensive terrain, it is often able to achieve a better battle loss ratio.

If the German army wanted to launch a strong attack on the French army on the top of the mountain, it could only mobilize its artillery to the middle of the mountain, surround it on all sides, and launch artillery bombardments on the positions above.

There is bad news for both France and Germany, because it is already the second half of March and the temperature in the Verdun area has gradually become warmer.

As a result, the ice and snow have melted in many places, and the land near the Verdun Fortress has become very muddy, making logistics and transportation more difficult.

As the ice and snow melt, the problem of dealing with the large number of corpses on the battlefield is also difficult.

In the past, because the temperature was relatively cold, the bodies of humans and livestock could be delayed for half a month before being disposed of.

But not now. If these corpses are not disposed of within a week, the stench and germs emitted by the various corpses will be enough to collapse the armies of both sides.

In this regard, France and Germany have also formed a tacit agreement. After each round of offensive and defensive battles, medical soldiers from both sides will deal with the corpses on the battlefield. During this period, France and Germany entered a temporary ceasefire.

It is precisely because of this unwritten rule that the large number of corpses on the battlefield of Verdun can be dealt with to prevent the breeding of germs and plagues.

Under heavy bombardment and attacks by French troops, the defenders on the highlands began to move south, allowing European troops to occupy the top forts and artillery positions.

Although they successfully occupied the position on the top of the mountain, the Germans also suffered a large number of casualties.

A brigade of the Buffy Army bravely charged against the machine guns and artillery of the French army. In the end, the entire brigade was almost wiped out, with less than ten survivors.

To quote the tragic situation described in his diary by a French officer who retreated: "The battles at Jacaris and Karun were considered very fierce, but I didn't expect that the battle on the front line at Verdun was even more fierce than those places. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that the fighting could reach such an intense level.

From this point of view, the previous military classics and the teachings of famous generals are useless. In this fortress battle, even though shells were raining from both sides, the army still moved forward without fear.

The fighting will of the armies on both sides was terrifying, and they remained unrelenting under heavy artillery fire.

On March 20, all the ditches and fortresses in our position were bombarded and destroyed. The German covering artillery fire filled the first defensive trench and was scattered on the roads behind the battle line, with an area of ​​more than 2,000 meters. The German large-caliber artillery often extended the firing distance and destroyed our artillery positions and the communication trenches between positions.

At 8 o'clock that night, we took a car to the rear of the second and third lines. While riding in the car, several bullets hit the car body and some people were injured. We saw that our troops were high-spirited and showed no fear. The German army was the first to carry out the artillery bombardment, but our army's artillery bombardment was relatively intensive. The sound of the shelling was deafening. The closer we got to the front line, the louder the explosion of the shells. We could even feel the earth shaking, and our hearts were beating in our chests.

All the skirmishers and communication trenches on the position were completely destroyed by artillery fire, leaving the soldiers with almost no shelter. The state of the ground surface is constantly changing due to shelling. As we advanced, we sometimes lay down and sometimes leaped forward. The only thing that could cover us was the crater. Most of the defending troops used bomb craters to hide, and soldiers who couldn't find a place to hide hurriedly rushed to the remaining parts of the trenches.

When the dense German artillery fire extended the distance, many of our soldiers who were hiding took the opportunity to crawl out of the craters and hurriedly entered the position. The attacking German army formed a dense formation, with 5,000 to 6,000 men in one column. When advancing, the infantry was divided into two squads and jumped forward. At this time, our army only had machine guns and fast guns that could play a role, and the 75-caliber artillery was no longer convenient for shooting. Fortunately, the field artillery on the side was able to suppress the German attacking troops. The German troops who continued to attack were also not spared. Bodies killed and injured by machine guns, rapid fire and artillery fire were scattered everywhere. It can be seen that the German attack did not consider the cost of lives. "

As time went by, the German front line and the French position became closer and closer. If both sides want to attack the enemy with artillery fire, they will have to consider the possibility of accidentally injuring their own troops.

In order to ensure the offensive in the Verdun area, Germany had to mobilize troops from Russia and the Balkans.

Even by drawing troops from various fronts in northern France, it was possible to barely maintain the local advantage in the Verdun area.

To this end, the French Paris News Agency also published special news, announcing to the French people that four of the seven divisions in Germany's new battle in the Verdun area were transferred from other places on the Western Front battlefield.

Although the German army has suffered heavy casualties in recent times, the bravery and discipline of the German army cannot be underestimated.

Even if there are more casualties, the remaining German soldiers will still risk their lives to attack. The German soldiers firmly believed that only by passing through the dangerous zone as quickly as possible could they break into the trenches and disable the French army's heavy artillery.

This also caused the German assault troops to charge towards the French defensive positions again and again like a lake.

Even if the soldier in front fell, the troops following behind still stepped over the bodies of their companions without any hesitation and continued to move forward.

Because the French army's artillery was not weak, and a large number of artillery was mobilized in the Verdun area, the German army's formation was often beaten to pieces.

But this still could not stop the charge of the German soldiers. After the French artillery bombardment, the German army quickly reorganized its formation and launched an attack on the French army's position.

Although due to excessive losses, the number of German soldiers who were able to rush into the French positions was obviously not as many as the French defenders.

However, the Germans adopted a bomb-throwing strategy. Once a commando entered the French line, the bomb team immediately behind them would rush up and throw a large number of bombs into the trenches, making it difficult for the French defenders in the trenches to defend themselves.

Because the sneak attack with this kind of bomb was temporary, the French soldiers had no time to get into the fortifications. Under this kind of sneak attack, the French army suffered heavy casualties for a while, and the defensive positions were also occupied by the German troops.

As of the night of March 23, the Molt-Aum Highlands were basically in the hands of the German army. Only Highland 304 and several nearby forts continued fierce fighting until dawn.

Although the current situation of the defenders is very dangerous, the French army has made preparations and even wrote a suicide note under the organization of the commander, preparing to live and die with the position.

When it was getting dark, the French soldiers who had fought fiercely all night were finally able to take a break. They cuddled up against each other and took a nap in the camp.

In the spring morning, there was a hint of coolness in the breeze, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke that the soldiers had long been accustomed to, mixed with a hint of burnt earth and blood.

Suddenly, a strange yellow-green cloud slowly floated along the ground towards this highland. Most of the French soldiers had fallen asleep and did not notice this strange-colored cloud.

When the cloud and mist drifted to the position, the French defenders noticed a strange smell. Some people feel burning pain in their eyes, nose and throat, which becomes more severe when they open their eyes.

Many soldiers began to roar in pain, tearing apart their clothes with both hands, grabbing their throats, and rolling and tumbling desperately.

But such a struggle will only make them more uncomfortable. Frequent and violent breathing will cause them to inhale more poisonous gas, and eventually they will shrink and suffocate or even die.

Germany dropped poison gas into the Verdun area again after more than a month. When the French army was very tired, the poison gas sneak attack had a very good effect.

During the entire Battle of Verdun, the Germans released poison gas more than ten times, but due to the influence of wind direction, only three or four cases actually caused effective damage.

Obviously, this poison gas attack counts as one, and the killing effect is the best among the recent poison gas releases.

In less than half an hour, the French soldiers holding on to their positions and forts had completely lost their resistance.

The few soldiers who were not greatly affected by the poisonous gas quickly struggled out of the trenches and ran toward the rear like crazy.

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