The Rise of Australia

Chapter 491 Hungarian Democratic Republic

Which countries had the greatest impact from the Russian Civil War?

There is no doubt that it is a relatively weak country adjacent to Russia.

Among all Russia's neighbors, the one most affected by the Russian Civil War was probably the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was in great internal chaos.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was not divided during the war, which was a great blessing for Emperor Karl I.

But the problem is that Karl I obviously no longer has enough prestige to maintain the union of Austria and Hungary.

If you add the Bohemian region, it becomes a tripartite situation.

The triangle is stable, but the three powers are not. Coupled with the influence from the Russian Revolution, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also faced the most difficult choice.

In March 1919, Soviet Russia held a conference in Moscow and formally established the Third International.

After that, the Soviet party in Hungary received support from Moscow, attracted supporters in the Kingdom of Hungary, and became one of the largest parties in Hungary.

As mentioned before, most of Hungary's economy is small-scale peasant economy and small-capital economy, which also means that Hungary has a large number of self-employed farmers.

In order to win over these farmers, the Hungarian Soviet parties vigorously advocated the advanced nature of the Soviet system and emphasized that the Representative Committee was for the benefit of workers and farmers and fought against the capitalists, that is, the old Austrian government.

This actually corresponds to the relationship between Hungary and Austria. Comparing the economies of the Hungarian and Austrian governments, they are clearly on the weaker side.

The Hungarians were not happy to see the Austrian government oppressing them, and the conflict between the imperial government and the royal government made the two regions in dire straits.

Opposing the Soviet parties were the bourgeois parties that had already been established in Hungary.

Although the consciousness of the two parties was different, the two parties were united at this time. They had the same goal, which was to end the 400-year rule of the Habsburg dynasty in Hungary.

As the greatest family in Europe, the history of the Habsburg family is absolutely glorious.

But now, although the Austrian throne is still retained, Habsburg's position in the Austro-Hungarian Empire is already very fragile.

Emperor Karl I has not yet made up his mind to separate Austria and Hungary, even though the two regions have become enemies that cannot continue to be united.

If Hungary's betrayal during the previous war was the trigger that intensified the conflict between Austria and Hungary, then the imperial government's completely different attitude towards Austria and Hungary during the influenza period was a sharp sword that directly cut off the connection between Austria and Hungary.

Hungary was a grain-producing area of ​​the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the imperial government naturally required the Kingdom of Hungary to provide enough food for the entire empire during the influenza period.

At the same time, because the imperial government was burdened with a large amount of debt, the imperial government used only blank checks to purchase food from the Kingdom of Hungary, and the Austro-Hungarian crown, which had depreciated to the point that it was worse than waste paper.

The farmers and small capitalists in the Kingdom of Hungary naturally did not want the food and assets they had worked so hard to grow to be acquired by the imperial government.

They also wanted to use the previous method, which was to firmly declare that they were out of food to fend off the imperial government's demands.

But unexpectedly, under the order of the imperial government, the army marched directly to the Royal Hungarian Government and forcibly confiscated a large amount of grain.

Although some crowns and pounds were left as compensation, Hungarian capitalists were obviously unwilling.

After all, during the influenza period, the price of food had already increased several times. The imperial government wants to use the food prices before the influenza outbreak to buy food. Isn't this just taking advantage openly?

Besides, the krona of the Austro-Hungarian Empire could not be spent in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the extent of the depreciation cannot even be described as an exaggeration.

Under such circumstances, the Kingdom of Hungary's complaints against the imperial government infinitely deepened, and the contradiction between the royal government and the imperial government was intensified.

As the emperor who was supposed to be the mediator, when faced with the contradiction between the imperial government and the government of the Kingdom of Hungary, he not only did nothing, but also did not comfort the Hungarian government who was on the victim's side.

This made the Royal Hungarian government very disappointed with Karl I, and also intensified the conflict between the Hungarian people towards the imperial government and the royal family.

Facts have proved that as long as the people don’t like you, whatever you do will be wrong.

The angry Hungarian people broke out in nationwide demonstrations, demanding the overthrow of the rule of Karl I and the establishment of a completely independent Hungarian democratic state.

It was from this moment on that the relationship between Austria and Hungary was on the same level. It was impossible for Karl I to have both of them. He also had to make a choice between these two lands.

The outcome was obvious. It was impossible for Karl I to choose the Kingdom of Hungary, which had openly opposed him. He could only pretend to turn a deaf ear to the matter and pray that a demonstration like the one in Hungary would not break out in Austria.

With the participation of Soviet Russia, it was impossible for the Hungarian march to end well.

In just a few days, the number of people marching in Hungary has exceeded 100,000. The people demanded the formation of a completely independent government, or else the government of the Kingdom of Hungary would be overthrown.

Under pressure from the people and parties in the country, Tisza, who was the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary at the time, united with the Hungarian armed forces commander, declared independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, abolished the monarchy of the Kingdom of Hungary, changed the Kingdom of Hungary to the Hungarian Democratic Republic, and proclaimed himself the Hungarian Democratic Republic. ’s first Prime Minister.

The Hungarian armed commander was appointed as the Minister of Defense of the Democratic Republic, and the two began to promote a large number of their cronies in order to quickly replace the original royal government.

The establishment of the Democratic Republic plunged Hungary into a state of revelry, and major newspapers were also lamenting the victory of this revolution.

But for the workers' parties in Soviet Russia and Hungary, the establishment of a democratic republic was not a good thing.

Prime Minister Tisza made a perfect transition between the royal government and the democratic republic government, which did not benefit Soviet Russia, which had been painstakingly laid out for a long time.

Under the influence of Soviet Russia, the Hungarian workers' party became highly emotional and strongly demanded to return to the Russian path, that is, a civil war broke out to compete for the power of the government.

Relying on its strong appeal among the working class, Soviet Russia had taken advantage of the civil war against Tsarist Russia.

The Hungarian workers’ party is trying to replicate this, unite Hungarian workers and farmers, and directly ban this democratic republican government that should not have been established in the first place.

In May 1919, with the support of Soviet Russia, the Hungarian workers' party brazenly launched an armed uprising and captured major cities in Hungary.

In just a few days, the Hungarian civil war spread to every corner of the country.

The civil war was not good news for this newly established country. In addition to the civil war, they also had to face possible revenge from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Prime Minister Tisza urgently requested help from European countries and declared the seriousness of Soviet Russia's expansion to the outside world.

The biggest reason why countries did not take the initiative to send troops during the Russian Civil War was because Tsarist Russia had some advantages at the beginning. In theory, it could win the war by relying on manpower consumption.

Unexpectedly, Soviet Russia had a huge appeal for workers. This also caused a large number of workers in the Eastern European lands of Tsarist Russia to respond to Soviet Russia's call and join the ranks against Tsarist Russia.

As for the peasant class who supported the Tsar's rule, because of Nicholas II's violent suppression policy at the time, they were not so fanatical in their blind worship of the Tsar, and they were even less likely to use their own lives to safeguard the Tsar's rule.

From the distribution map of the two sides' forces from the Russian Civil War to the present, it can be seen that at the beginning of the Russian Civil War, the north and the south were at odds. Tsarist Russia even occupied wealthy areas, including Poland.

But with the development of time, the Polish region has gradually been controlled by Soviet Russia. Even though Tsarist Russia had support from European countries, it was no match for Soviet Russia.

In fact, this can be seen from the fighting spirit of the soldiers on both sides. The soldiers of Soviet Russia were less equipped than the soldiers of Tsarist Russia. They had a more fearless attitude and were not afraid of death at all in war.

On the other hand, in Tsarist Russia, although most of the soldiers were veterans from the battlefields of World War I, these people had also experienced the cruelty of the war and were not that supportive of the war.

In particular, a considerable number of them were forcibly recruited to the battlefield, and their attitude towards war was naturally not very good.

There are even many people who suffer from battlefield sequelae, but Tsarist Russia still doesn't take it seriously and still forcibly orders these soldiers to go to the battlefield.

If it hadn't been for the ban on the asset government and allowing Nicholas II to gain part of the power of assets, I'm afraid the outcome of the Russian Civil War would have been decided by now.

Facing the growing power of Soviet Russia and Soviet Russia's attempts to spread this awareness to other surrounding countries, European countries began to become vigilant.

No one wants such a country to appear next to them, which can have a huge impact on their own system and ideology.

For any industrial country, the working class is a force that cannot be ignored. But Soviet Russia accommodates all workers within its scope. Doesn’t that mean that workers in all industrial countries are likely to become supporters of the Soviets?

No monarch wants to see his country turn into a republic, especially a republic like the Soviet Union.

Hungary's request for help also attracted the attention of European countries. If the foreign invasion of Soviet Russia like Hungary cannot be prevented, the entire Europe will be affected by Soviet Russia, which is something that no great power wants to see.

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