The Rise of Australia

Chapter 555: Two-pronged approach to public opinion diplomacy (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

How to quickly reverse the British public opinion disadvantage during the Irish War? It is important to keep a firm grasp on the assassinations and attacks by the Irish on the British, and the number of casualties in each incident.

In addition, whitewash the various misdeeds of British rule in Ireland, promote the good side of British rule in Ireland, strive to brainwash some neutral Irish people, and divide the entire Irish class.

The current IRA is still relatively dispersed, and as long as it can be divided, it will be relatively simple to deal with.

Of course, the corresponding public opinion work should be left to professionals. Arthur just set a goal and expressed his support for the British.

Although this may offend some Irish immigrants in Australasia, the number of Irish immigrants is not large compared to the total number of Australasia and will not have an impact on the stability of Australasia.

What's more, doing this can win the favor of more British people, which is much more important than the favor of the Irish.

Even if Ireland becomes independent from the United Kingdom at this time, it will still be far inferior to secondary powers such as the Netherlands and Belgium.

It is not worthwhile to offend Britain for such a country, let alone the era of the empire on which the sun never sets.

1 Under the premise that the two wars of independence attracted the attention of the whole world, Arthur delivered a speech on supporting the actions of the British Empire in the Irish War of Independence, and stated that national unity is more important than anything else.

Arthur's support caused an uproar in European society and caused the Irish Republican Army to publicly express its dissatisfaction.

But the problem is that the IRA has no influence on Australasia, and it is impossible for them to travel across the ocean to cause trouble in Australasia.

Not to mention the strictness of weapons inspections at Australasia's borders and customs, Australasia's emphasis on national stability alone determines that the current IRA is destined to be unable to influence Australasia.

Arthur's reputation and status in Australasia are not fake. Once external forces cause trouble in Australasia, what he will face is a comprehensive encirclement and suppression by the Australasian army.

Unless the IRA can send hundreds of thousands of troops across thousands of miles to launch a full-scale war with Australasia, if they really have such strength, they will not just attack Britain secretly.

The public support of Arthur and Australasia came as a relief to the British government and to the gratitude of George V.

But it will not completely change the entire diplomatic situation, but at least the British Empire is no longer so weak, and a large number of small countries have decided to support Britain.

There is no way, the comprehensive strength of Australasia and the British Empire has far exceeded the current France and Russia.

With the support of Australasia, this actually means that most of the world alliance supports the United Kingdom.

When it comes to the two major powers of the World Alliance, do the other small countries in the alliance dare not to take a stand?

The position and expression of small countries is also a matter of knowledge. Currently, Australasia and the British Empire have the upper hand. If they do not go along with the trend and express their support for the United Kingdom, they will inevitably be settled by the British.

Ordinary countries simply cannot bear the accountability of a top power. If nothing else, even simple economic sanctions and blockades are enough to collapse the economies of these small and medium-sized countries.

Not all countries can be self-sufficient. If a country wants to achieve all-round development, it must integrate with the international community and obtain various materials it lacks.

In addition to public diplomatic support, the Australasian public opinion apparatus mobilized, publishing a large amount of news about Britain and Ireland around the world.

Some of these news are true and some are false, with 70% true and 30% false, and they can withstand scrutiny.

If you are not someone who truly understands the situation and history of Britain and Ireland, you will not be able to determine the authenticity of these news even if you check the information.

This is also the most brilliant part of the influence of public opinion. News must not be false, it must be half true and half false, preferably 70% true and 30% false, so that it can withstand scrutiny.

When ordinary people see the seven points of truth, they will naturally believe in the three points of falsehood. Because the public is easily influenced, they are more likely to believe their own subtle guesses about things they don't know.

Although the cruel policies of the British in Ireland are indeed true, the British and Australasian public opinion agencies have jointly whitewashed this war, and the British's responsibility in it has become less and less.

Of course, in addition to these public opinion actions, the assassination of the main leaders of the Irish Republican Army is also indispensable.

Especially the very famous Michael Collins. In name he was the Finance Minister of the Republic of Ireland and the Intelligence Director of the IRA, but in reality he was the leader of the Irish assassination organization and planned many attacks against the British police and the Irish Republican Army. Assassination by the military.

The British government naturally hates such a person.

Arthur ordered Australasian intelligence agents to assist the British in identifying some of the main leaders of the IRA as soon as possible and assassinating them to undermine the stability within the IRA.

At the same time, the British government also wooed the Irish Republican Army in Northern Ireland.

For this part of the Irish Republican Army, which never had a conflict with Britain during the War of Independence, it was naturally the most important part in dividing Ireland.

In fact, this group of Irish people still identify with the rule of the British Empire, which is why Northern Ireland still fell under British rule after Ireland became independent.

With the solidarity and support of Australasia, Britain quickly gained a moral advantage and also received diplomatic support from the World Alliance.

Although the resistance of the Irish Republican Army is still fierce, as long as there is no international knowledge, it is difficult for a small Ireland to cause trouble to the British Empire. This is also the completely different situation between Britain and the United States when facing such a war of independence.

1. The Irish Republican Army launched a terrorist attack in Dublin, killing 27 British soldiers and 1 Irish and British civilian.

The incident was reported by the British media and reported around the world.

This was also hailed as a turning point in the support of both sides in the Irish War of Independence. People from all over the world witnessed the brutality of the IRA, but also expressed doubts about what the IRA had said before.

But this was not over yet. The flames of the Irish War of Independence were spread to British ports by the Republican Army.

Between late April and early May, the IRA attacked the streets of Glasgow and the docks of Liverpool, causing hundreds of casualties among British civilians.

Such a terrorist attack aroused disgust across the UK, and the British people urged the government to use force to resolve the crisis as soon as possible.

After receiving unanimous support at home and abroad, the British government is no longer hesitant before.

King George V publicly ordered a comprehensive offensive against the Irish Republican Army to eliminate this "frightening" evil force.

Starting in mid-May, a large number of British troops were stationed in Ireland, changing the British decision not to use military force during the War of Independence.

With a large number of British troops stationed in Ireland, the IRA's operations in Ireland also suffered huge obstacles.

Although the total number of registered members of the Irish Republican Army has already exceeded 100,000, according to internal statistics and estimates of the Irish Republican Army, only 15,000 soldiers have been active in the Irish War of Independence for a long time, of which less than 3,000 are elite and fanatical The soldiers were obviously unable to compete with the elite British Empire army.

On May 17, the British government announced the implementation of military control over the entire Ireland and stated that it would provide all Irish civilians with appropriate food supplies to ensure the food supply for the Irish people under military control.

The Irish were dubious about the British guarantees, but when they actually received the British supplies, their attitude changed in an instant.

In addition to the Army's actions, the Royal Navy blockaded all Irish ports to ensure that there would be no further Republican raids on British ports.

With an all-out effort across Britain, British troops soon took control of the government of the so-called Republic of Ireland and wiped out several scattered groups of Irish Republican troops.

This is also the biggest crisis of the IRA at present. They are not a whole, but are scattered into multiple small-scale armies.

Although it usually seems that the Republican Army is almost spread throughout Ireland, and its momentum is very large.

But in such a crisis, it is also very difficult to bring all the Republican Army soldiers together. At least no one in the current Republican Army can do it.

In order to gain the support of the entire Ireland as much as possible and maintain the unity of the British Empire after the war, George V publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the Black and Brown Legion that had previously brutally ruled Ireland, and expressed his willingness to give Ireland greater power, but Definitely not at the expense of breaking up the British Empire.

George V's speech had a very good impact in both Britain and Ireland. After receiving supplies from the British Empire, some neutral Irish people did not reject British rule.

In addition, after the king condemned the previous rule of the Black and Brown Legion and promised to grant Ireland greater autonomy, a large number of Irish people were no longer hostile to the British government.

Although there are still many Republican Army leaders who still maintain the desire to fight, the Irish people who support them do not think so.

The British Empire now needs to deal with the remaining republican forces, and the crisis in Ireland can be solved.

Of course, the handling of post-war Ireland is also a problem. It is no longer possible to imagine the crazy squeeze on the Irish people as before. The UK must also pay attention to the Irish nation. This is the foundation for ensuring the unity of the UK.

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Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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