The Rise of Australia

Chapter 573 The Collapse of the Empire

In fact, in addition to fifth-generation military aircraft, Australasian passenger aircraft have also made certain progress.

The latest model of the passenger aircraft known as the Big Belly series can already accommodate more than 20 passengers, and is far safer than an airship.

It's just that airplanes are, to put it bluntly, just the playthings of the rich. The poor and common people cannot afford them, so there is no need to spend too much pen and ink describing them.

However, some cities have still built airports to facilitate domestic exchanges in Australasia and to build faster communication channels with the outside world.

It takes more than half a month to travel to Europe on the fastest warship, but if you take the latest passenger aircraft, the time can be reduced to less than a week.

Although it can significantly save time and cost, under normal circumstances, Arthur will not choose to fly.

Time flies so fast, and we are here in the blink of an eye.

The war between Greece and the Ottoman Empire that lasted for more than a year finally came to an end.

Greece has the support of Britain, and there are still various crises in the Ottoman Empire. The outcome of this war has been doomed before it broke out.

It is worth mentioning that compared with the Philippine War of Independence, which has always maintained its conditions, the Greco-Turkish War seemed to be full of problems.

Due to preparation reasons, the Greek army in the early stage defeated the Ottoman army and captured a considerable part of the city.

But the good times did not last long. After the revolutionary forces in the Ottoman Empire, especially the Grand National Assembly established by Kemal, took control of the Ottoman Empire, the situation changed considerably.

The morale of the army led by the Ottoman Empire was completely different from that of the army led by Kemal, which also caused great losses to the careless Greek army.

The domestic war in the Ottoman Empire has turned into a comprehensive contest between Kemal and Greece, which has nothing to do with the Ottoman government.

The imperial government at this time was in name only, but the Ottoman Empire still existed in theory.

When the time came, after the army of the First Territory drove out all the Greek troops in the Asia Minor Peninsula, they immediately announced the abolition of the Ottoman Empire and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, causing the empire that had existed for hundreds of years to be destroyed instantly.

The demise of the Ottoman Empire was not good news for Greece, because the new Turkish state gathered all the Turks, and they were much more difficult to deal with than the Ottoman Empire.

The establishment of Turkey actually declared the failure of this war. The British Empire had just experienced the Irish War of Independence and had no intention of helping Greece win this war.

Needless to say, Greece cannot compete with Turkey with its power. The previous defeat of the Ottoman Empire was due to advance preparation and the internal decay of the Ottoman Empire.

After many changes, the war that lasted for more than a year finally came to an end, but the ending was not so easy for Britain and Greece to accept.

Although it lost part of its land, the Turkish Republic founded by Kemal still inherited most of the Ottoman Empire's land, and it was no problem to unite the entire nation to maintain a second-strongest position.

Although it seems outrageous to always be the second strongest, according to the current world situation, this is really the case.

Borrowing the setting of eight great powers and eight sub-powers from a well-known game, currently there are only six countries that can be called great powers: Britain, the United States, France, Australia, Island and Italy.

Germany's overall strength is sufficient, but as a defeated country in World War I, it currently suffers from quite serious restrictions.

Not to mention the extremely low-scale navy and army that have been restricted, the heavy weapons, tanks and aircraft industries that are prohibited from research alone are destined to not be considered a great power at present, because it has almost no diplomatic status and international influence.

Can a country without diplomatic status or international influence be called a great power?

Russia can barely be considered a great power, but due to the long-term civil war, Russia's domestic industry and economy have been greatly damaged, and its international influence has also declined significantly.

Of course, Russia's military strength is still sufficient, but the civil war has eliminated Russia's external threat, and its international influence may not be as good as that of Italy.

Except for these two countries that were originally great powers but were not considered great powers for various reasons, there were not even countries competing for the status of great powers.

Countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, and Sweden, which are relatively well-known in Europe, are quite stable in their position as the second strongest country.

This is also a characteristic of this era. Great powers occupy most of the world's resources and interests. It is very difficult for non-great countries to be promoted to great powers because there is a huge gap between great powers and non-great powers.

Although the Turkish Republic under Kemal's rule lost a large amount of territory compared to the previous Ottoman Empire, it still maintained the basic base of Anatolia. This is also the guarantee for the newly born Turkish Republic to become the second strongest.

Of course, as the theoretical successor to the Ottoman Empire, Kemal's Republic of Turkey will naturally not inherit the debts of the Ottoman Empire. They still have a large amount of compensation to pay.

This is also the bottom line for the British. The Ottoman Empire can disappear, but the Ottoman Empire's reparations cannot disappear.

The price for the establishment of the Turkish Republic was to inherit the war reparations from the Ottoman Empire.

However, this is good news for all Turks. After all, compared to the Ottoman government they despised, the new Turkish government was a bright hope for them. For this reason, it was worth living a harder life.

Although the war between Greece and the Ottoman Empire has ended, if we look at the entire world situation, it does not mean that it has stabilized.

Although there is no major war that would affect the world situation in general, the contradictions and conflicts between various regions doomed that the world situation will not be peaceful at any time.

In this relatively chaotic international background, some events that have occurred in various countries are actually worth considering.

1 Herrick, a doctor in Chicago, published the first electrocardiogram to record heart function, which was a crucial step for the medical community.

In later generations, electrocardiogram is a crucial item in medical treatment, and it can also improve the medical level to a considerable extent.

Arthur naturally also understood the importance of electrocardiogram. After the electrocardiogram was discovered, he immediately ordered the medical department to keep up with the progress and research and improve related technologies.

Medical progress is crucial to the country. It can not only reduce the mortality rate of the population and increase the average life span of the population, but also increase the happiness index of people's lives.

In the long run, the improvement of medical technology will also be a good thing for the Australasian royal family and Arthur. After all, the royal family and Arthur are the ones who truly enjoy the highest medical level in Australasia.

The improvement of medical standards will not only greatly increase the life span of Arthur and his family, but also make the country's rule more stable.

For a country, a long-lived and high-prestige monarch will invisibly improve the stability of the country, even if he does nothing.

This can be seen in the late Queen Victoria and later Queen Elizabeth.

If the British Empire had such a prestigious monarch when the colonies were divided, the colonies would not have been divided so easily.

If Queen Victoria had lived, most Irish people would not have joined the army against the government. This is the role of a high-prestige monarch.

In order to encourage the development of domestic medical standards, Arthur established a special medical fund to recognize individuals and companies that have made significant contributions to medical technology.

Although this fund is not high, it amounts to more than 1 million Australian dollars every year, which can be regarded as a certain encouragement to individuals and companies that invest in research in the field of medical technology.

In addition, Australasia’s taxes on the medical technology R\u0026D industry are also relatively low, but only in the field of medical technology R\u0026D.

Although there is no hope that the medical level will quickly catch up with future generations, the more advanced the medical level is, the better it will be for Arthur.

After all, Arthur is just a common man. The more advanced the medical level is, the longer Arthur will live.

As an ordinary person, who doesn’t want to live longer?

Arthur was not greedy either. He had witnessed the entire development of World War II and the following Cold War, and had pushed the Kingdom of Australasia he created to the top of the world, at least to the status of one of the super overlords. Arthur was satisfied.

As for the question of whether to create an empire, it depends on the international situation in the future and the support of the people.

In fact, to Arthur, emperor and king are just differences in titles. On the premise of having real power, even if Arthur is just a king, he still has considerable status and prestige among the European royal families.

Especially after the British royal family changed their surname before, but after Arthur maintained the surname of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, he has gained the favor of a considerable number of German families and has a quite good status among the entire European royal family.

After all, the current Arthur is not the dumbfounded one who was just ennobled as a Duke.

At that time, Australasia still needed the care of Queen Victoria, and it was precisely because of his status as a member of the British royal family that Arthur gained the respect of European royal families.

But now, just being the king of Australasia is enough for Arthur to gain enough status in the European royal family.

As for the identity of the former members of the British royal family, it is no longer important to the current Arthur. Since Arthur has expressed his disapproval of the British royal family's idea of ​​changing their surname, it means that Arthur will not miss the so-called members of the British royal family. identity of.

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