The Rise of Australia

Chapter 576 Let white people immigrate to Australia and let black people fill the Americas

Throughout the development history of Australasia, population has always been a topic that Australasia can never avoid.

The lack of people, the lack of Europeans and the lack of British immigrants, has always been a major demographic problem in Australasia.

Although Australasia has made significant efforts to this end, the overall British population limits the number of immigrants to Australasia, and the number of immigrants limits the development of Australasia.

This is also the reason why Arthur wants to have a good relationship with Britain. In addition to the fact that the British Empire is currently the world's most powerful country and can provide a large amount of assistance to Australasia, the number of people who immigrate to Australasia every year from the British Empire is also What Arthur valued.

Due to historical reasons, Australasia cannot get rid of British influence at all, and it is impossible to change the fact that the dominant ethnic group in the country is the British population.

It is very important to maintain the proportion of the main ethnic groups in the country. This is related to the stability of the entire country and the fundamentals of the country's long-term stability.

Although Australasia has tried its best to develop the national concept of Australasians, the management of this national concept will take decades to perfect. It does not mean gathering a group of people to declare that they are Australasians. That's it, the Lasians.

It also allows the people to identify with this national concept from the bottom of their hearts and spontaneously admit that they belong to this nation. Only in this way can the creation of the Australasian nation be completed.

In order to increase its immigrant population and create some contradictions for its biggest competitor, the United States, under Arthur's order, Australasia launched a plan called the Dyeing Project in an attempt to create greater contradictions for the United States. .

Since the American Civil War, black people have also obtained rights similar to those of white people. This has also made white people who are very dissatisfied with black people very dissatisfied. Naturally, conflicts have arisen between white people and black people.

Including the famous US President Wilson, he was also a member of the discrimination against black people, which is enough to show how serious the discrimination against black people by white people in this era was.

But the problem arises again. When the U.S. government was fighting the Civil War, it called for the liberation of all rights of black people and the return of freedom to black people.

The current approach is not in line with the original call, which also makes a considerable number of black people dissatisfied. The racial contradiction has already emerged at this moment.

However, the power of black people is not that strong at present. In the dark era of the world, it is still difficult for black people to have a real say.

But as the number of black people increases, the conflict between black people and white people has become a hidden danger in the United States.

At present, all European countries are dominated by white people. As a white-colonized country, the United States has a considerable part of the domestic population made up of black people. This also makes the American bloodline look less pure.

Of course, the United States is not without its brothers and sisters. The dyeing crisis in France after World War II was much more serious than that in the United States, and the France of the past was gone forever.

How to accelerate America’s racial crisis? It is important to increase the proportion of black people, especially those who do not submit to the rule of the US government.

After careful consideration, Arthur decided to transport all the remaining black indigenous people in Australasia to the United States, and encouraged a large number of black people in Africa to go to the United States to pursue their own freedom.

This plan, also known as the dyeing plan, aims to provoke conflicts between whites and blacks in the United States and create greater divisions and gaps in the United States.

1Australasia's dyeing program officially begins action.

The first batch of people transported to the United States were tens of thousands of black indigenous people. These indigenous people have received relevant education in Australasia. They have only one purpose in going to the United States, which is to pursue their own freedom, while at the same time destroying the American order as much as possible and destroying the relationship between black Americans and white Americans.

Of course, in order for these black indigenous people to act in a unified manner, there are also people loyal to Australasia among these indigenous people. They will be specifically responsible for contacting Australasia and formulating more detailed plans for action.

Australasia has been in charge of New Guinea and many colonies for a long time. There are indeed many black indigenous people who are willing to join the rule of Australasia and obey Arthur's management.

Arthur maintained a rejection attitude towards these black people, but he was not too harsh on them. He was waiting for opportunities like this.

These black people cannot live in Australasia, but they can live in other countries, such as the United States, which has a large black population.

There were probably dozens of black people on the cargo ship bound for the United States. These people look different from black Africans, and their expressions are a bit tanky.

"Eric, does the United States really respect our rights and give us formal jobs, as they say?" A black man looked at the person next to him and asked in a low voice.

"Who knows? But we have nowhere to go, right? I believe Australasia will not lie to us. I have seen in the newspapers they provided that black people in the United States can hold demonstrations, and they can Fight for more rights for yourself." The man next to him, who was obviously the leader of the group of black men, replied.

"Africans can live in the United States, why can't we? On the contrary, we live better than Africans, and we must make Americans fully recognize our status!" the man continued.

Australasia arranged all the transportation and expenses for these black people to go to the United States, so they no longer hated Australasia.

Even under the influence of a small number of black people, these black people who were sent to the United States were full of gratitude to Australasia.

They are grateful that Australasia can send them to a place where they can survive, let alone a paradise for freedom like the United States.

Arthur had high hopes for this group of black people. He not only distributed their own supplies to them before leaving, so that they could eat and drink well enough to go on the road.

It cultivated in them the importance of freedom and respect for human rights in the United States, and gave them a longing for the country of the United States.

Then, there is the zero-dollar purchase strategy, which at this time only has a subtle influence on these black people. After they find that life in the United States is not as beautiful as they thought, this may be their way of venting.

In later generations, black people were quite famous for zero-dollar shopping, which also caused heavy losses to stores in most cities in the United States.

It would be unimaginable for this kind of scene to happen in any country, but if it happened in the United States, Arthur would just applaud.

The situation now is different from that of later generations. If a black man robs a white man's store, the white man will never sit idly by.

Even more intense conflicts will break out among white people. After all, the power in the United States is still controlled by white people. The pride and self-esteem of white people do not allow black people to easily rob them.

Will black people be willing to intensify the conflict? This is a good question. If there were many Australasian masterminds among the blacks, there would be a revolt by the blacks.

If the conflict between whites and blacks in the United States can be completely ignited, this will be a good thing for Australasia and can completely resolve the threat from the United States.

Because the number of black people transported to the United States is too large, in order not to attract attention, these black people will take transport ships from different countries and go to the United States in batches according to time.

Hundreds of thousands of black people will be dispersed to different states and cities in the United States in an effort to influence more black Americans and change the situation in the United States.

Once turmoil breaks out in the United States, other countries will not miss such a good opportunity.

Even without the famous Great Depression in later generations, the United States is destined to be unable to withstand the covetousness of other countries.

Among other things, the British Empire will never let go of its biggest competitor, the United States.

If the domestic chaos in the United States can be used to completely solve the United States, its biggest competitor, I believe that everyone from the British royal family to every British civilian will agree to do so.

This is like the competition with Germany before World War I. This kind of competition can only succeed but cannot fail. Sooner or later, the two countries will reach the end of the fish and the net.

But in this case, there is also a question worth pondering, that is, after the United States is divided, who is the biggest competitor of the British Empire?

At present, it should be France. After all, France is currently the most powerful country on the European continent and a neighbor of the British Empire.

However, compared to the United States, the French are not so competitive. Viewed individually, France can no longer pose a threat to Britain. The French suffered too heavy losses in the war, which also prevented them from being a top power.

Unless France can annex Germany directly after the war, perhaps it can because it is not weaker than the superpowers of Britain and the United States.

But let’s not talk about whether the United Kingdom and the United States will allow it, but tens of millions of Germans in Germany will never allow French rule.

In fact, even if the French took back Alsace and Lorraine, their rule was definitely not that simple.

If they want to completely control Alsace and Lorraine, the French have only one way, and that is to expel the Germans from these two areas and immigrate as many French people as possible to these two areas.

The Germans had controlled this area for decades, resulting in a large German population in Alsace and Lorraine, and these people would not submit to French rule.

Although this area was regained, the Germans in this area were not a population for France, but a potential threat.

This is like the United States occupying a region of Russia in later generations and then converting those Russians into Americans.

Not to mention whether the occupied areas will be opposed by other countries, the ethnic issues in the occupied areas alone are enough to cause headaches for the occupied countries.

The only way is to expel all these people and replace them with immigrants from their own country, in order to maintain long-term peace and stability in the occupied areas.

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