The Rise of Australia

Chapter 579 Nicaraguan Civil War

With the implementation of various policies that benefit the disabled, various voices praising the royal family, Arthur, and the government became popular in newspapers. The people loved Arthur and the royal family very much, and were quite satisfied with the work of the government.

This has also made the whole country unite as one, very concerned about the development of Australasia, full of enthusiasm for various construction projects, and the enthusiasm for work has been greatly increased.

This also made Australasia's construction in the second half of the year very efficient, and at the same time, it also allowed 1 to improve very quickly.

Several more important data, first of all, is the growth of population.

The total population growth of Asia has exceeded 1.4 million, and the total population has successfully exceeded 25 million. The accurate number should be more than 25.27 million people.

The increase in immigration is one reason. Another important reason is that the life happiness index of Australasians has always been very high, and their desire to have children is still very strong.

Of course, strict implementation of the eight-hour work system is also a very important reason. Even if people want to have children, they have to have enough time to do so, right?

According to current statistics from major cities in Australasia, the average working time of the urban population is less than ten hours, which also allows them to have enough rest time to relieve the fatigue of the day's work, and also provides benefits to the Australasian population. Make a contribution.

Speaking of the 8-hour work system, this is currently the most reasonable way of working. There are 24 hours in a day. In addition to the minimum rest time of 8 hours, there is also 1 hour.

Although the working time seems to be only 8 hours, the time spent traveling to and from work and the various preparations for work are at least 1 to 2 hours.

This actually means that after people implement the 8-hour work system, the time they have at their disposal is less than 8 hours, or even generally around 6 hours.

Is there really enough room? For people in the early 20th century who currently don't have many recreational facilities and activities, it is actually enough.

After all, without the influence of mobile phones and the Internet, people would spend most of their free time at home or going out for a walk. Only rich people would choose to travel around.

This is also the real reason why the fertility rate has increased. If you still have time to stay at home, you must do something.

The population exceeding 25 million is good news for Arthur. After all, this can be regarded as completing half of the second step of Arthur's population strategy.

Arthur's population strategy is divided into three steps. The first step is to reach a population of 20 million to meet the requirements of becoming a regional hegemon.

The second step is to reach a population of 50 million to ensure its competitiveness among the great powers, while seeking a higher international status. The sphere of influence is what creates the hegemony of the Southern Hemisphere.

The first two steps of the mission are expected to be completed before and after World War II. Creating a true southern hemisphere hegemon and top power status is also Arthur's requirement and goal after World War II.

As for the third step of the population strategy, that is, reaching a population of 100 million, it can no longer be completed within a few decades.

The goal of 100 million people is what Arthur wants to reach in this life. Australasia, with a population of 100 million, will definitely become one of the most powerful countries in the world by then.

According to Arthur's estimation, such a goal may not be completed until the 1960s and 1970s, or even longer.

Judging from Arthur's age, persisting until the country's population exceeds 100 million people will be Arthur's limit.

The next goal of 230 million will depend on the efforts of future monarchs and the Australasian people's desire for fertility.

There is also good news, that is, the economic construction of Australasia is quite strong.

The GDP of Asia as a whole reached a growth rate of 8% last year.

Large-scale construction plans, including railway construction, industrial base construction and various infrastructure construction, have created a large number of jobs in Australasia and promoted Australasia's economic development to a considerable extent.

At any time, infrastructure construction brings huge economic improvements. If this growth rate can be maintained, Australasia's economic situation will completely crush Italy's, second only to Great Britain, France and the United States, which have a much larger population than themselves.

Thanks to this rapid economic growth, 1 total revenue also reached a new high, totaling A$12.4 billion.

The competition for the fiscal budget in the new year is another key topic. After all, with the growth of fiscal revenue, the fiscal proportions of various departments must be newly divided.

Fortunately, Australasia can still obtain additional income from the defeated countries in World War I and the United States. There is no need to worry about the financial situation. The annual fiscal surplus is as high as tens of millions of Australian dollars. It has basically paid off its foreign debts. Even more than half of the £100 million owed to the royal family has been repaid.

Last year's total fiscal expenditure slightly exceeded the total budget by AU$10 million, resulting in total fiscal expenditure as high as AU$0.5 billion.

It is expected that there will be no increase in total fiscal expenditure this year, and the budget will probably be maintained at around AUD 0.5 billion, leaving a certain amount of room for emergencies.

The scale of industry is also growing quite rapidly. At present, the total steel production in Australasia is close to 10 million tons, which can barely meet the requirements of an industrial power in this era.

In fact, if Arthur is willing, the total scale of industry can still increase crazily. However, the Great Depression in history is coming soon. At this time, it is not a good thing to increase the scale of industry without limit. It is better to reduce it to a controllable range. Even if any crisis occurs in the future, we can respond at any time.

Grain production and animal husbandry meat production are both growing continuously. These two industries will basically maintain continuous growth unless there are normal circumstances, so there is no need to say more.

Judging from various data, West Asia is still developing peacefully.

The development of various data is very stable, and it can be regarded as a relatively special country in the world. It has not been affected by the chaotic situation at all.

Australasia even made a small profit from the arms trade by relying on the war in the Philippines that was just around the corner.

The number of Filipino students currently studying in Australasia has also exceeded three digits. This also means that Australasia has deepened its control over the Philippines. Even if the Philippines succeeds in becoming independent from the United States, it will not break away from Australasia's control.

And because the Philippines is relatively close to Australasia, it will be impossible to escape the influence of Australasia for decades.

In other words, Australasia's future rule in the Philippines will be much more stable than the British colony.

And because of the brutal rule of the United States in the Philippines, the influence of Americans on Filipinos will be greatly reduced, which will also increase the stability of the Philippines in disguise.

If we talk about the year of 1, that time just entered 1 and ushered in a war again.

This war is still related to the United States. It can only be said that the United States did not have very good luck after entering the 1920s.

This war took place in Nicaragua, a small country in Central America. It was a struggle between pro-American forces and anti-American forces in Nicaragua.

Speaking of Nicaragua, many people may not have an impression of it. Because this is a Central American country, this country has been controlled by the United States for most of its independence. It is not very active in the international arena and is naturally not well-known.

But in fact, Nicaragua is still very important, which is why the Americans are trying their best to control Nicaragua.

First, look at the geographical location of Nicaragua. As a Central American country, it is still very close to Panama. Nicaragua poses a considerable threat to the Panama Canal and is also an important means for the United States to ensure the security of the Panama Canal.

If Nicaragua is controlled by other countries, the Panama Canal may be blocked by other countries at any time, which will be a fatal blow to communication between the two coasts of the United States.

In addition, let’s look at Nicaragua’s natural resources.

As a small country, but one of the most important gold producers in the world, Nicaragua has proven its status.

This is not over yet. Nicaragua is also rich in various mineral resources such as silver mines, copper mines, lead mines, zinc mines and oil. The mineral resources are quite rich.

In addition to being close to the Panama Canal, Nicaragua is connected to Honduras to the north, Costa Rica to the south, and two Central American countries, Guatemala and El Salvador, to the northwest.

Such an area is very important to Central America as a whole and is equivalent to the transportation hub of Central America.

Whoever controls Nicaragua is equivalent to controlling the entire Central America. This is a geographical location that Americans will never let go.

Moreover, there is a British colony of Honduras in the north of Nicaragua. If the Americans do not pay attention to Nicaragua, the British will never give up this good opportunity.

Throughout the history of Nicaragua, this area was originally a Spanish colony, and it got rid of colonial rule and declared independence in 1821.

But this does not mean that Nicaragua has established a stable regime. In the following decades, Caragua has experienced the period of the Mexican Empire, the period of Central American Federation rule and the period of the Republic. Regime changes have been relatively frequent.

After that came the period when the United States ruled Nicaragua. The Americans established military bases in Nicaragua and controlled Nicaragua's internal affairs and military to a considerable extent.

However, such American rule will naturally be dissatisfied by the Nicaraguans, and it is inevitable to set off rounds of resistance.

Arthur has an impression of the Nicaraguan Civil War. If Arthur remembers correctly, the historical Nicaraguan Civil War should have occurred more than four years earlier than in history, perhaps because of the influence of the Philippine War of Independence.

After all, so far since the war in the Philippines, the U.S. government has not had any effective response. This may give Nicaraguans hope and the hope of driving the United States out of Nicaragua completely.

"Your Majesty, a large-scale military conflict broke out in Nicaragua yesterday, and a civil war has begun in this country!" Foreign Minister Daze hurriedly asked for a meeting and brought this news that was completely good news for Arthur.

"Nicaragua? Isn't this a country controlled by Americans? Is the civil war about Americans?" Arthur asked curiously.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Minister Daize replied: "A guy named Augusto Cesar Santino started this war. They have publicly shouted that the Americans should withdraw from Nicaragua and respect Nicaragua. sovereignty."

"What is the American reaction to this? Is there any influence on this matter from other countries?" Arthur then asked.

Arthur was very curious about the American reaction to the outbreak of the civil war in Nicaragua. This was another provocation to American dignity after the Philippines. The former had seriously damaged the majesty of the former US President Wilson, and whether the latter would give the current US President Coolidge a chance. Where's Dabi Kabuto?

As for whether there are references to other countries in what Arthur asked about, it is not surprising at all from a national perspective.

Almost no event on the international scale can escape the influence of the major powers.

Whether it was the various crises and conflicts that broke out before, or the Russian Civil War and the Philippine War of Independence, they all had the influence of the mastermind behind the scenes.

When a civil war suddenly broke out in an important region like Nicaragua, Arthur in his previous life might have thought it was because the Nicaraguans were overly dissatisfied with American rule, but now, the first thing Arthur thought of was the influence of the great powers.

Although the world seems to be calm on the surface, the storms below the sea surface are invisible to ordinary people, and the competition between the major powers has never stopped.

"It seems not at the moment, Your Majesty. However, the British are very interested in the Nicaraguan Civil War and are already asking about our attitude." Foreign Minister Daize thought carefully for a while and gave his answer.

"Is there no influence from other countries?" Arthur was slightly surprised.

This means that the Nicaraguan Civil War really broke out due to Nicaraguans' dissatisfaction with American rule, rather than because of the influence and support of other countries, or even the destruction of relations.

As for the British's positive attitude, Arthur was not surprised at all.

The British already had multiple colonies in Central America, including the colony of Honduras, which was relatively close to Nicaragua.

The British are definitely interested in the outbreak of civil war in Nicaragua, not to mention that it can weaken the strength of their rivals, the Americans.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no evidence pointing to Britain yet, Arthur would even think that Britain is the murderer behind the Nicaraguan Civil War.

But even without any substantive evidence, the suspicion of the British cannot be shaken off.

After all, it would be good for the British after Nicaragua broke away from American rule.

The British could easily control this small country to achieve their own goal of being closer to the Panama Canal.

It's not just Arthur who thinks so, Americans also think so.

But no matter what, the British Empire is currently the world's most powerful country, and the Americans have nothing to do with the British without any substantive evidence.

This is also the confidence of the major powers in carrying out their own diplomacy. Generally speaking, the gap in strength between the powers is not too large. If they are not pushing people into a dead corner, they generally will not break up.

After all, a fight between great powers is a war, especially the current situation among the great powers. Once a war breaks out, it will be a super war between multiple powers. This is something no country wants to see.

Especially after experiencing the cruel First World War, the European powers, including Britain and France, have given up on war. If they are allowed to start a world war in a short period of time, they will definitely retreat instead of fighting.

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