The Rise of Australia

Chapter 586 The Great Tokyo Earthquake

The successful opening of the National Cinema City was not the biggest good news for Arthur. A month later, Gundam broke out in 1 island country and became more than 100 cinemas in places including Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Shizuoka and Yamanashi. One hundred thousand people died, and more than 2 million people were left homeless. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Such a massive earthquake naturally attracted attention from all over the world.

In order to express its responsibility as a great power, Australasia also provided several tons of food to the island countries, including certain emergency medical supplies.

Not only Australasia, but basically all countries in the world have expressed their concern and support. After all, no matter what the relationship is, you still have to get along in terms of face.

But behind the scenes, the major powers have accelerated the transportation of food to the island countries. This is not for aid. The price of these grains will only be higher than usual. None of the great powers is a good person, so naturally they cannot choose to help the island country in vain.

Take Australasia as an example. Although Australasia provided free assistance of less than five tons of grain, hundreds of thousands of tons of grain were sold at several times the price.

In addition to food, the prices of medical supplies, tents, domestic water and other supplies have all doubled in the disaster areas.

Not to mention how huge the economic losses caused by the earthquake were to the island countries, the cost to the island countries alone was at least tens of millions of pounds.

In all comparisons, what are the thousands of pounds of aid provided to island countries?

For the island country's government, it is no longer a big deal for the great powers to take the opportunity to double their food sales. Because if the supply of food and materials in the disaster area cannot be guaranteed, they will face a more serious cholera.

This is also the experience brought to island countries by various earthquakes and tsunami epidemics. Events with high mortality rates like this often lead to the emergence of plagues.

In particular, there are various constant aftershocks, and the bodies of the islanders buried under the rubble cannot be processed well at all.

In early September this year, East Asia ushered in high temperatures again. These corpses killed by earthquakes are likely to become the source of life-threatening plagues.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although the island government has taken a lot of precautions, it still cannot prevent the epidemic of cholera in the Tokyo area.

The earthquake only took away more than 100,000 people, but the cholera that spread rapidly in the Tokyo area has taken away the lives of tens of thousands of people, and is still spreading among the more than 2 million homeless people.

For island countries, earthquakes are nothing. The plague caused by earthquakes is the most terrifying thing, and may even cause heavy losses to the economy of island countries.

On the third day of the earthquake, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government of the island nation declared martial law in the earthquake area and did not allow anyone to enter or leave the city to prevent the plague from spreading to other areas.

Immediately afterwards, other cities affected by the earthquake also promulgated such regulations in an attempt to save areas that were not currently affected by the plague.

There is also bad news for the island country, that is, the Keihin Industrial Zone, a very important industrial zone of the island country, is in the Kanto region.

In addition, the island nation's Prime Minister Tomosaburo Kato suddenly fell ill and died on August 24. The island nation was facing this serious crisis before the replacement of the government was completed, which made the island nation somewhat inadequately prepared.

It was not until the day after the earthquake that Yamamoto Gonbei became prime minister, urgently integrated the island country's cabinet, and had full authority to deal with the earthquake and the plague after the earthquake.

On an international level, the earthquake in the island nation was a good thing for Australasia.

First of all, in order to quickly deal with this crisis, the island government is naturally unable to provide any support to the United States for the war in Central America.

Even in the next period of time, how to restore the economy and industry after the disaster will be a key topic for the island countries, and the diplomatic activity of the island countries will be reduced a lot.

Especially after the earthquake, the island country borrowed more than 2 billion yen in foreign debt from the U.S. private sector and the government, which was a huge burden on the island country's economy.

Whether the island country's finances can support such a huge army and navy is a problem, not to mention taking into account the recovery of industry and economy. This is a difficult problem for the new island country Prime Minister Yamamoto Gonbei.

Afterwards, the damage done to the island country in the earthquake was finally calculated.

This earthquake is not an ordeal for the island country, but has experienced successive sanctions from earthquakes, fires, plagues and other disasters.

According to information released by the island country, the number of damaged houses and facilities alone is as high as 470,000.

Coupled with the damage to roads and industrial areas, even if the island country spends a lot of money to repair it, it will not be possible to return to the pre-disaster situation within two or three years.

This is not over yet. Due to various reasons, the damage to the island country this time is more serious than in history. The death toll has been confirmed to exceed 150,000. A considerable number of areas are still suffering from cholera and tsunamis. The death toll Still increasing.

I have to admit that the island country’s cultural export to Asia is quite successful.

During the earthquake in the island country, many Asian countries extended a helping hand and sent their own medical teams and relief teams.

As time enters mid-September, the pain of the earthquake in the island country has finally slowed down a lot. But how to eliminate the plague in the disaster area has become the most troublesome thing for the island government.

For this reason, the island country urgently requested more masks and disinfectants from major powers, and explicitly ordered people in the disaster area not to leave the disaster area, and people outside the disaster area not to enter the disaster area, and implemented a strict isolation system inside and outside the disaster area.

Although the relationship between Australasia and the island country is not good, Arthur will never miss such an order delivered to his door.

Under Arthur's order, major mask manufacturers increased their prices three or four times, and then gathered a large number of masks to transport to the island country.

Even some of them are Australasia’s strategic reserve of masks. But there was no way. Faced with three or four times the profit, Arthur couldn't help but be tempted.

By selling these masks, you can produce several times more masks. Whether it is used as a strategic reserve or sold at the original price, Arthur cannot lose money.

Island countries are not very popular in Europe, and the disaster that occurred in the island countries did not attract too much attention from the European powers.

After mid-September, the European powers turned their attention to the ongoing peace talks in London, because this will determine the fate of Russia and whether Russia will become two countries.

1, London, UK.

The British Foreign Secretary formally submitted a "Three Recommendations on Handling the Russian Civil War Situation" at this peace talk, which also represented the climax of the Russian peace talks.

The general outline of the three suggestions is to first recognize the independent nature of many countries that have become independent from Russia, including Lithuania.

Secondly, it is clear that Tsarist Russia is Russia's orthodoxy, and the two countries follow the current border lines to rule peacefully.

Finally, Soviet Russia was also recognized as an independent country, but it had to sign a neutrality agreement with European countries and was not allowed to wage war against its neighbors, etc.

Although this handling opinion was generally biased in favor of Tsarist Russia, the British also had selfish motives and did not condone the emergence of a unified Russia.

Although Tsarist Russia is still Russia's orthodoxy, the independence of Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and other countries has become a fact. Even Finland is recognized as an independent country. Tsarist Russia's territory has faced huge reductions.

Nicholas II would naturally not agree to such a proposal, but the problem is that those small independent countries would definitely agree to such a proposal.

Although Australasia maintains a soy sauce role in this meeting, the British still have a large say in the peace talks.

The views of the French are very contradictory. They both hope to see a relatively powerful Russia share the pressure for them, but they are also afraid that an overly powerful Russia will become their competitor.

After all, the reason why the previous Franco-Russian alliance was sweet was that both sides had a strong competitor, Germany.

But Germany has already suffered major restrictions. The two most powerful countries on the European continent are France and Russia.

Perhaps it is because of this mentality that the French recognized the British point of view, but at the same time they also demanded that Russian territory be retained as much as possible to ensure that Russia after being divided would still be a great power.

The British naturally agree with the French's point of view, because according to the current world situation, if Russia can usher in peace, the two countries that divided Russia may even become great powers.

After all, judging from Russia's high population, neither side can become a mediocre country.

In order to cut the knot quickly and prompt Nicholas II to agree, the World League directly approved the independence of Finland, Poland and the Baltic countries, greatly reducing the current territory of Russia.

This decision made Nicholas II furious, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The dissatisfied Nicholas II set his sights on Arthur and sent a telegram to Arthur, asking for Arthur's consent to make the British change their minds and refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the other party.

Naturally, Arthur could not directly agree to Nicholas II's request. After thinking for a long time, he sent a reply to Nicholas II.

1. Russia, St. Petersburg.

"Prime Minister, what do the Australasians say?" Nicholas II sat on the throne, his anxious movements revealing his inner thoughts.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty Arthur promised to provide us with assistance at the meeting, but said that it is not certain whether the British will agree. At the same time, the Australasian government is also willing to give us more assistance and support, but will not be firm. Stand behind us." The Prime Minister stood up and said somewhat helplessly.

"I knew it!" Nicholas II, who knew the result, was not so angry. He sighed, and then said in a discouraged tone: "Whether it is France or Australasia, no one will stand firmly behind us. .”

To be honest, Nicholas II was very grateful to Arthur for his support in the civil war. Although Nicholas II also knew that Arthur did not do his best, it was not easy compared to Britain and France, who were still supporting Soviet Russia behind the scenes.

The Russian Civil War was able to continue until now thanks to the European powers. This also made Nicholas II feel that the former Franco-Russian alliance was extremely ridiculous, and even regretted that he had not been able to promote the formation of the German-Russian alliance.

"Your Majesty, the current situation is not too bad. We still have a chance to reverse it." The Prime Minister took a deep breath and boldly said to Nicholas II.

"What opportunity?" Nicholas II looked at the Prime Minister eagerly and asked, as if grasping a life-saving straw.

"The British will not see the French becoming big alone on the European continent. The French also need an ally to help them resist the British. This is an opportunity for us. At least we are the orthodox Russia and still hope to reunify Russia. ." Seeing that Nicholas II was very interested in what he said, the Prime Minister breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"With our dealings with Britain and France, we should be able to get more assistance from Britain and France to help us quickly restore our post-war economy and industry. Coupled with the support of Australasia, our development speed will be much faster. Beyond our enemies, we are still the most powerful country in Russia,” the Prime Minister said with a smile.

"When we regain our strength, those small independent countries will still follow our rule. As for the Poles, the worst we can do is divide them with Germany. Who can stop Russia, which has restored its industry and economy? At present, we The most lacking thing is time. With the support of Britain, France and Australasia, we are still the country with the best hope of unifying Russia. It just needs a little time." After saying his entire proposal, the Prime Minister also breathed a sigh of relief and said He looked at Nicholas II, waiting for Nicholas II's decision.

"That's right." Nicholas II nodded in agreement, expressing his support for the Prime Minister's statement.

After all, he was the tsar of the once huge Russia. Although Nicholas II was not good at military command, he was still qualified in politics and diplomacy.

Diplomacy between major countries is a constant search for opportunities. No country's diplomacy is eternal, because the relations and interests between countries are constantly changing.

Compared with Russia, which has been depleted by the civil war, the fear between Britain and France is the greatest.

The British need a powerful Russia as an opponent of the French, and the Russians also need a powerful France as their helper. This is also an opportunity that the Russians can find.

"Tell Australasia that I hope to receive more material and technical support after the peace talks, such as the aircraft and tanks they produced in World War I. Also, tell Britain and France that we can accept their peace talks. , But the premise is that they must vigorously support our economic and industrial recovery." Nicholas II was in a good mood after being comforted, and he regained his energy and issued his own order.

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