The Rise of Australia

Chapter 614 Dilemma of Choice

"Your Majesty Arthur, the current situation in Greece is very chaotic, and it is also the best opportunity to intervene in the situation in Greece. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞Search𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆" Early the next morning, George II, who had been thinking all night, finally found Arthur. And started his own tirade.

"If you can help me restore the throne, I am willing to sign an alliance with Australasia on behalf of Greece. Greece will always be Australasia's partner, and we can cooperate in all aspects." George II was slightly sincere. said.

Arthur was prepared for George II's impatience. After all, George II, who finally became king, was deposed from the throne just a few years after becoming king. This kind of blow and sense of gap was huge, and he longed for the throne. Nature is also huge.

But in any case, it is impossible to get Arthur to help George II unconditionally. First, George II had to understand the priorities of Australasia and Greece in diplomacy, and what he should do for Arthur.

After hearing George II's speech, Arthur smiled slightly and asked: "The republican resolution was made by the Greek Parliament, right? If I want to restore you to the throne, isn't this going against the whole of Greece?"

"Although this is the case, His Majesty Arthur." George II explained: "But it is obvious that the Greek people are influenced by the ideas of republican democracy. The current Greek government has not achieved complete republican democracy, and they are very politically chaotic. , which in turn exacerbated Greece’s weakness.

The reason why the people did not trust the royal family was the previous Greco-Turkish War, but the blame for the failure of the war should not be entirely placed on the royal family.

Your Majesty Arthur, please give me a chance. As long as I can sit on the Greek throne again, I will definitely be able to improve the current situation in Greece and make the Greeks believe in the royal family again.

In addition, Greece will also establish all-round cooperation with Australasia, and we are willing to reform under the guidance of Australasia. "

Previously, Greece was biased towards Britain, but this does not mean that the country's diplomatic preference cannot be changed.

The relationship between Charlotte and Arthur made George II understand that perhaps Australasia, far away from Europe, is the most reliable reliance. At least Greece is safe and will not be affected too much.

Of course, George II would not give up on his relationship with the British. If we can establish cooperative relations with the United Kingdom and Australasia, with the help of these two powers, the rise of Greece will only be a matter of time.

"Even if you can regain the throne, it won't be easy to get the rights, right?" Arthur asked with a smile.

The restoration of the monarch needs the support of the local forces in Greece, otherwise a successful restoration will only be a castle in the air without any power basis.

George II was delighted. Arthur's question meant that Arthur recognized and supported him to sit on the throne again.

As for the question of whether you can obtain power, it is actually not important anymore. After all, to put it bluntly, it was easy for George II to gain power under the combined pressure of Britain and Australasia.

This issue was not so much a test of George II's ability as it was a test of George II's political bias.

"Whether I gain power or not, I will never forget Australasia and Your Majesty's kindness to the Greek royal family. I have one more request when I come to Australasia this time, and that is to let little Alexander study in Australasia. .Compared with Greece, Australasia's safer and more advanced learning environment allowed Alexander to learn more knowledge, and also allowed him to experience the power of Australasia, which would also be beneficial to him in governing Greece in the future. "George II threw out his trump card and said with a sincere face.

It is said that Alexander was allowed to study in Australasia. In fact, it is better to say that Alexander was kept in Australasia as a hostage in exchange for Arthur's opportunity to support his restoration.

George II and Charlotte had only two children. In addition to Alexander, the eldest son, there was also the eldest daughter Elizabeth.

If nothing else, Alexander will be the next king of Greece. Although he lives as a hostage in Australasia, as long as he doesn't cause trouble, Australasia will definitely treat him with courtesy.

Although there are some restrictions imposed by others, you can learn a lot of advanced knowledge in Australasia, and at the same time, you can have a good relationship with the Australasian royal family.

More importantly, safety issues can be guaranteed in Alexandria, which is far away in Australasia.

This can be regarded as the retreat left by George II to the Greek royal family. If he were to be dethroned again, or even put his life in danger, the Greek royal family could still have Alexander sit on the Greek throne again.

Doing so would also be good news for Australasia. The first is that Alexander grew up in Australasia and was easily influenced by Australasia and became close to Australasia.

A Greek king closer to Australasia would obviously be in Arthur's best interests.

Secondly, Alexander was in Australasia to ensure that whatever George II said would come true.

After all, this was a living hostage, and it was impossible for George II to ignore his only son.

Arthur also did not expect that George II's trump card was to send hostages, but he had to admit that such conditions did represent George II's sincerity.

With a slight nod, Arthur promised: "As the initiator who once advocated signing a declaration of union between European royal families, I am naturally willing to help the Greek royal family regain the Greek throne.

But I cannot guarantee the power of the king of Greece. I also hope that after you regain the throne of Greece, you can focus on the domestic development of Greece instead of foreign wars. "

After proving George II's sincerity, Arthur would naturally not refuse to help George II regain the throne of Greece.

After all, the more monarchical countries there are, the more stable Arthur's monarchy will be, and there will be no need to worry about future Australasian monarchs losing their thrones.

And there is a more important point. If he can successfully help George II return to the Greek throne, Arthur's reputation and status in the European royal family will be further enhanced.

Don't underestimate the influence of many royal families in Europe. Even in later generations, they are relatively influential groups.

If he can become a relatively influential and respected monarch among many European royal families, this will be a bonus to Arthur's own status and influence, as well as the status and influence of Australasia.

Just imagine the scene where Arthur shouted loudly and many monarchical countries responded, but there was still a trace of enthusiasm.

George II nodded, keeping Arthur's admonitions and warnings in mind very solemnly.

In fact, even if Arthur didn't say it, George II would have done it.

It is not clear whether the war will do great harm to Greece, but the harm of the war to the Greek royal family is huge.

It's okay if the war is won, and the royal family will be praised for its merits. But if the war fails, all responsibility for the war will fall on the royal family.

Looking around the world, there are not many royal families that can shoulder such a responsibility. Even the British royal family, whose status seems to be stable, is still at risk of losing its throne if it suffers the infamy of a failed war.

Perhaps only Arthur's throne is relatively stable so far. But this kind of stability is only temporary and can only be reflected in a certain monarch.

This is also the reason why the monarchy is difficult to maintain. Although a generation of wise kings will make the monarchy stable, as long as a weak king appears, the monarchy will become in danger.

After achieving his goal, George II finally stopped being impatient and relaxed his brows.

Arthur's promise made George II relieved, and he spent the next few days traveling around Australasia, and experienced firsthand how powerful and advanced Australasia was.

Being strong and advanced is not something to brag about. This was George II’s evaluation of Australasia after arriving in Sydney.

"No less than London and Paris." This is George II's emotion about Sydney, the capital of Australasia.

Arthur also smiled and asked George II how he felt about Sydney, and received a very sincere reply from George II: "

Honestly, Your Majesty Arthur. Sydney is an international metropolis that is not inferior to London at all, and is even more advanced than the famous Paris.

If it weren't for a smaller population than London, Sydney would be the most developed city in the world.

If I had to choose a city to live in, I would choose Sydney instead of London. Although London is large and developed, its poor air and environment are destined to not be a city that can be lived in for a long time. "

A poor environment is an inevitable part of the development of great powers. Why can it become a great power? Scientific and technological reform drives industry, industry drives economy, economy drives population, population drives national potential and comprehensive strength, and comprehensive strength determines the great powers.

Each link is very important, especially industry, which directly measures the strength and development of a country.

But today's industrial technology still has big flaws compared to later generations. Most industries cannot avoid high emissions and pollution, which has also caused some industrially developed areas to face severe pollution.

London, the famous foggy city, has proven that industry has caused huge harm to the environment. Although this does not change the fact that London is the largest city in the world, poor air quality is also seriously affecting the lives and health of Londoners.

At present, various countries have very strict requirements for environmental quality and hygiene, and people are also paying attention to their own hygiene and environmental issues.

The issue of improving London's sanitation environment has been raised many times by the British government and the London Municipal Government, but completely changing the current situation in London may not be solved for a long time.

After visiting Australasia for a few days again, George II took Charlotte on a ship to London, England.

They will seek the support of the British royal family in London, England, and then prepare to embark on the journey to Greece again.

However, compared with the anxiety of coming to Australasia, George II, who went to London, England at this time, was still very relaxed.

The current relationship between the United Kingdom and Australasia is still very close, which also means that as long as it has the support of Australasia, the support of the United Kingdom is actually inevitable.

Moreover, the royal families of the United Kingdom and Australasia are actually one family, which also means that George II and the British royal family also have an inseparable relationship.

Well, when it comes to this, I have to mention the European grandmother Queen Victoria.

George II is the great-grandson of Queen Victoria, and his blood relationship with the British royal family is relatively distant.

But after marrying Charlotte, he became the grandson-in-law of Queen Victoria and the cousin-in-law of the current British King George V, and the relationship was further drawn closer.

This is also a common problem among European royal families. Basically, they are all related by blood. Strictly speaking, everyone is a relative.

Fortunately, the blood relationship between Arthur and Queen Mary was relatively distant, which also avoided the risk of incest marriage.

Others have nothing to do with it, but the Australasian royal family still has to try to avoid incest marriages.

At least within three generations, there will be no need to marry into the British royal family for the time being. Anyway, the power of the British royal family is constantly weakening, and Arthur himself has a relatively close relationship with the British royal family, so there is no need for marriage to bring them closer.

Things did go as George II expected, and his journey in England went very smoothly, and he quickly won the support of George V.

Not that two guys named George hit it off. The more reason is that George V hopes to increase his voice, and helping to restore the Greek royal family is a good starting point.

How can a monarch’s voice be increased? There are two major aspects, one is to gain international influence, and the other is to gain domestic influence.

It is difficult for the current George V to increase his influence in the UK.

The cabinet will not allow a highly influential monarch to appear, and he himself does not have much ability or opportunity to increase his voice in the cabinet and parliament.

Then the only opportunity is to increase international influence. If he can gain the support of the Greek royal family and even repair the relationship with many German nobles, George V's influence in the monarchy can still be further improved.

This is still needed for the current George V. After all, his status in the country has weakened too much compared to his father Edward VII and grandmother Queen Victoria.

George II, who had won the support of the two great powers of Britain and Australasia, was in a good mood. He was already contacting the royalists in Greece and preparing to fight to the death with the republicans.

However, it is really not that difficult for powerful countries to interfere in the situation of a small country.

1 country and Australasia launched operations.

The first step of the action is to launch a public opinion offensive to criticize the Greek government's actions from the republic to the present. It is believed that the Greek government has done nothing, but has made the current Greek economy weak and industrial regressed, even worse than that of the Kingdom.

The purpose of this is to arouse Greek people's memories of the Kingdom of Greece, at least to think of the benefits of the Kingdom of Greece, and then compare it with the current situation of the Republic in order to create emotional resonance.

The second step is to contact the Greek government to express the attitude of the UK and Australasia and wait for the Greek government's decision.

The good news is that the current Greek government is still relatively decentralized. There is no one political party that controls most of the power, but several small republican parties vying for power.

Such a Greek government is obviously more controllable, because they simply cannot have a unified voice to resist the interference of external powers.

1. Athens.

Kronos Alan Hubchin, the president of the Second Republic of Greece and the leader of the Greek Democratic Party, had a frown on his face, sitting alone at his desk and rubbing his brow.

Public opinion in Greece has seriously affected the Greek government, but it is impossible for the current Greek government to block such public opinion with all its strength.

At the same time, the inadvertent statements of the British and Australasians also made Cronus understand that the attitude of the two powers was to support the restoration of the monarchy.

Whether to support George II's return to the throne is a difficult decision for Cronus, and it is also the biggest test for the current Greek government.

First of all, the monarchy is contrary to the republic advocated by Kronos and runs counter to the Democratic Party he leads.

Secondly, as the current president of the Greek government, although Cronus has many competitors, he is undoubtedly the person with the most power in the Greek government.

If he supports the restoration of George II, Cronos' power will inevitably be greatly restricted, and it is even possible that his power will be directly snatched away by George II.

After all, George II was supported by the two great powers of Britain and Australasia, which had a great impact on a small country like Greece.

But if they reject George II's restoration, it will obviously offend George II and the two great powers of Britain and Australia.

George II aside, the accountability of the two great powers of Britain and Australasia alone is enough to make other parties in the Greek political arena abandon the Democratic Party.

In other words, if the United Kingdom and Australasia really press the border with their troops, Cronos has no doubt that the other political parties will simply surrender and put all the blame on the Democratic Party.

This also means that no matter which choice is made, it will have a profound impact on the current Greek government.

It even had an extremely huge influence on all political parties in Greece and on Cronus himself.

To put it bluntly, on the road of power struggle, there is only advancement and no retreat. Concession means failure, and failure means destruction.

Party leaders like Cronos are followed by numerous party members and officials.

Even if Kronos agrees to make concessions, other party members will not agree because it is really related to their interests.

But the question is, if it does not give in, can the currently decentralized Greek government really withstand the pressure from Britain and Australia?

Moreover, there are also royalists in Greece. Although the monarchy was abolished by a vote of the Greek Parliament, there are still a small number of people in Greece who continue to support the monarchy, including senior government officials and senior military generals.

If there is a coup, the situation in Greece will be really difficult to predict. Once the current Greek republican government is overturned, Kronos and others may even lose their lives, not to mention losing power.

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