The Rise of Australia

Chapter 622 Aboriginal

1 Queen Wilhelmina issued an initiative to all retired and laid-off veterans, requesting veterans to return to the army and participate in the counterinsurgency against the natives of the Dutch East Indies. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

Queen Wilhelmina specifically promised that the army would not be disbanded at will after the rebellion, and that these veterans would enjoy their previous salaries after returning to the army.

This is also good news for veterans who have retired and been laid off. After all, in the Netherlands, which is affected by the unemployment wave, it is not easy to find a high-paying and stable job.

Soldiers should be a profession with a relatively stable salary in the Netherlands. Coupled with Queen Wilhelmina's personal commitment, many veterans have indeed returned to the army, starting a wave of joining the army.

In order to avoid misunderstandings in Australasia and to gain more time, the Dutch Foreign Minister made representations and requested that the counterinsurgency time be increased to more than five months.

Minister Daize did not dare to make decisions on his own regarding the Dutch's request, so he could only report the Dutch's request to Asena.

"Increase the time for counter-insurgency to more than five months?" Arthur looked at Minister Daize and asked: "Is there something wrong with the Dutch government's brain?"

Now it is obvious that Australasia is making demands to the Netherlands. How does the Netherlands have the guts to make demands in turn?

"Tell the Dutch government that if they don't act soon, the Australasian military won't mind protecting their own people personally," Arthur said.

After sending away Minister Daze, Arthur called Batty, the director of the Royal Security Intelligence Service, and gave new instructions: "Director Batty, find a way to make the rebellion in the Dutch East Indies more anxious. Provide those indigenous people with A batch of weapons and equipment, let the Dutch see clearly the strength gap between them and the indigenous people as soon as possible."

Declaring war directly before the one-month deadline is reached will damage Australasia's reputation.

After all, a powerful country is enough to be feared. If it is a country that is warlike and keen on expansion, it will inevitably encounter common opposition from other countries.

Especially since the Netherlands is still a European monarchy, it is still necessary to find a justifiable excuse for a war with the Netherlands.

This is not only to appease Australasians, but also to appease more Europeans.

"I understand, Your Majesty." Director Batty nodded and agreed.

Director Batty is quite good at this kind of work, and it is the best opportunity to show his work ability.

Fortunately, the Dutch East Indies fell within Arthur's planned layout, and a considerable number of intelligence personnel were still deployed in this area.

After receiving Arthur's order, the intelligence personnel lurking in the local area quickly contacted one of the indigenous rebel forces and proposed their intention to cooperate.

"Do you want to cooperate with me?" Nur Brady Hakara looked at the person who came to him with a curious expression and asked with interest.

"Of course, Mr. Chief." Bob nodded and said matter-of-factly: "The Kingdom of the Netherlands is now extremely weak. You are destined to be the Sultan of the new Sultanate in the future. Why don't I cooperate with you?"

"Hahaha!" Bob's words obviously aroused Noor's interest and made the leader of the indigenous tribe very satisfied: "Do you also think that the Dutch are already weak?"

"Of course. Although the Netherlands did not participate in the previous European wars, the weakness of Germany has seriously affected the Netherlands. I even think that your army can easily defeat the East Indian army, and there is even a good chance of unifying the entire Sumatra." Bob Said with a smile.

His previous identity was a foreign businessman in Sumatra, but today his identity is an intelligence officer of the Royal Security Intelligence Service.

And the identity of Nur Brady Hakara he found was not ordinary. He was a descendant of the sultan of the extinct Jambi Sultanate on Sumatra Island.

It is precisely because of this identity that Nur Brady Hakara can sit on thousands of indigenous troops and become one of the indigenous forces with the largest army in Sumatra.

Of course, thousands of troops were not huge compared to the tens of millions of natives in the Dutch East Indies.

But Nur Brady Hakala is younger, currently only in his early 20s. Compared with the chiefs of other indigenous forces, he is undoubtedly the one who is better to control.

"Then what can you do to help me?" Nur Brady Hakara asked curiously.

Although he is young, this does not mean that Noor Brady Hakara is a fool. Bob's sudden visit without any purpose or request is simply impossible.

"Weapons," Bob said with a smile.

Nur Brady Hakala's expression remained unchanged. This was just as he expected. Bob was most likely an external force, a representative of other countries.

"What's the price? Mr. Bob. Neither you nor the forces behind you will provide me with weapons for free!" Nur Brady Hakara said with a smile that saw everything through.

"Of course." Bob nodded and also smiled: "To be precise, I am an intelligence officer of the Royal Australasian Security Intelligence Service. This cooperation is what the government and His Majesty the King want to achieve with you."

Nur Brady Hakara nodded calmly, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

He originally thought that Bob was just sent by other small countries to cause trouble for the Netherlands, or perhaps by the Dutch's own forces to make the Netherlands more chaotic.

But I didn't expect that Bob really came from a foreign country, and it was the closest great power country to the Dutch East Indies.

"How to cooperate?" Nur Brady Hakara asked the question he was most concerned about.

While cooperation with Australasia was certainly exciting, it would be somewhat unnecessary if the end result of such cooperation was the establishment of a new Dutch East Indies.

The purpose of the indigenous resistance was to destroy the rule of East India and establish independent indigenous states.

If it became an Australian East Indies due to the influence of Australasia, what would be the use of indigenous resistance?

"We will help you establish a new sultanate and support you in becoming the sultan of the sultanate. Please rest assured that Australasia has no interest in the Dutch East Indies, which has a large indigenous population. We prefer to establish a cooperative relationship for It’s just profit.” Bob said with a smile.

There are currently three remaining islands in the Dutch East Indies, each of which has millions of indigenous people.

Especially in Java, the most populous island, the current indigenous population definitely exceeds 20 million, which is extremely troublesome to control.

Although due to the impact of influenza, a considerable portion of the indigenous population was reduced. But compared with the total number of indigenous people in the Dutch East Indies before, such a reduction is not a thorn in the side.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current indigenous population of the Dutch East Indies is at least more than 30 million, and may even be around 35 million.

This population size is much larger than the total population of Australasia, which is why Bob said that Australasia is not interested in East India.

There is no way, just controlling these 35 million people is enough to give the Australasian government a headache.

Hearing what Bob said, Noor Brady Hakara nodded, quite agreeing with this statement.

The size of the indigenous population was the biggest reason why it was difficult for the Netherlands to fully control the Dutch East Indies. It was also the same problem for Australasia, which was also underpopulated.

Australasia's policy in New Guinea, Nur Brady Hakala, also knew that it was nothing more than the comprehensive expulsion of the indigenous people.

But the problem is that the island of Sumatra where they are located has millions of indigenous people, and the neighboring island of Java has more than 20 million indigenous people. How can we expel such large-scale indigenous people?

It is for this reason that Nur Brady Hakara is still very relieved about Bob.

"How much support can you provide?" Nur Brady Hakara asked with a little anticipation.

Although the indigenous resistance has turned into a large-scale riot, because the indigenous technology is not advanced, most of the weapons used by their army are cold weapons, as well as some firearms from hundreds of years ago.

It was very difficult for these weapons to face the attack of the Dutch army, which is why the Dutch rule persisted in the Dutch East Indies for hundreds of years without collapse.

Especially after the invention of the machine gun, it became easier for the Dutch to suppress indigenous rebellions. A position only requires a few machine guns to stand firm and become the biggest means of hindering indigenous attacks.

"2,000 rifles, 200,000 rounds of ammunition, 5 machine guns, 5 artillery pieces and some machine gun bullets, artillery shells, etc." Bob said with a smile: "This is just the first round of support. If it is effective, there will be more in the future. There are second and third rounds.”

There is a certain limit to the support for the indigenous people. After all, it is difficult for Arthur to guarantee that these indigenous people will obey the rule of Australasia in the future.

Besides, the Australasian intelligence organization is not the only one looking for indigenous forces. Together, the many indigenous forces had enough troops to give the Dutch East Indies a headache.

Although Australasia supports some obsolete rifles, they are not the current advanced Lee-Enfield rifles.

But for the Dutch government, which had already found it difficult to suppress the rebellion, it no longer mattered what kind of gun it was.

Australasia acted quickly. On the day the cooperation was reached, some weapons and equipment had been shipped to various sultanates and indigenous forces.

Of course, the transportation methods of these weapons and equipment are relatively secretive, and some even use airships to avoid being discovered by the Dutch government.

Of course, even if the Dutch government discovers it, it can completely explain these airships as civilian economic purposes.

The Dutch do not have the corresponding technology, and they have no better way to deal with these airships flying in the sky.

They would not be crazy enough to attack Australasian airships, because this would be no different from directly declaring war on Australasia.

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