The Rise of Australia

Chapter 650 Preparation to pass on the crisis

Arthur was aware of all William's actions in London, and he naturally understood the fact that the London stock market was about to collapse. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

This time can be very long or very short, and it can not only be controlled manually, but also can be laissez-faire.

If there is human intervention, the crisis in the London stock market should be delayed for several years. This is the real reason why a large number of consortiums have not evacuated. After all, the stock market still has several years to make profits, and the British government will not let the stock market collapse.

And compared to the economic crisis breaking out in London, Arthur would rather see the economic crisis break out in the United States.

After all, the wheel of history cannot be changed. Americans are larger and can more easily withstand the harm caused by the economic crisis.

Arthur has been seriously considering it, but in the current world environment, if an economic crisis breaks out, what impact and harm will it bring to various countries?

Because economic crisis is unavoidable, it is an inevitable law in the capitalist market, and human control cannot avoid it. It can only advance or delay the outbreak of economic crisis.

The economic market under capitalism is like a person, and the economic crisis is like the death of this person. This is something that cannot be changed by current scientific and technological means.

However, the economic market will still usher in recovery, but humans will have nothing after death.

To consider the impact of the economic crisis on various countries, the economic scale of each country and the bubbles under the economic scale have become particularly important.

As the two most populous cities, London and New York are undoubtedly the two twin cities with the largest economic scale.

London is backed by the entire British Empire, and New York is backed by the entire United States. Both have a huge market support.

The reason why London can surpass New York is simply because most of the British colonial companies also go to London for listing, which in disguise increases the prosperity of London.

With the exception of London and New York, other stock markets are too small to affect the whole world.

This also means that in order to minimize the impact of the economic crisis on Australasia, the economic crisis must break out in the United States as it has historically, and perhaps the only answer is New York.

Because once the crisis breaks out in London, the major European stock markets will also be unavoidable. This will cause huge damage to Europe. The United States will successfully become the world's most powerful country, and it will directly become that giant country without even needing World War II.

This was simply unacceptable to Arthur. When the United States becomes stronger, it is destined to cause trouble everywhere. This will not only destroy the colonial system of Britain and France, but also destroy Australasia's rule in the southern hemisphere and across the Pacific.

It is even a bold guess that if the economic crisis destroys Europe, it will not even need the baptism of war, and Europe will directly lose its competitiveness.

Because the capital connections between European countries are quite close, once there is a problem in London, all European stock investors will be affected, most of the European industries will go bankrupt, and Europe's prosperous age will also come to an end.

"Your Majesty, I don't think we need to worry too much about the economic crisis, because our economic situation is different from that of Europe and the United States." During the cabinet meeting, Finance Minister Hunter said to Arthur seriously.

"What we should be worried about is the extreme shrinkage of imports and exports after the economic crisis, and the coming of winter in international trade. I am afraid that except for some grain and meat trade, all our exports will be terminated, and all imports will be unavailable."

For the current world economy, the more powerful a country is, the less likely it is to avoid the impact of the economic crisis.

To give a simple example, if a country becomes stronger, it will definitely occupy more markets and create more import and export trade.

However, even if the economic crisis does not affect itself, it will reduce the purchasing power of other countries, and the export trade volume will naturally shrink.

If things cannot be sold, it will also be a heavy blow to the country's industries and industries, because companies will have to lay off employees and create a new round of unemployment.

Can we say that it is immoral for companies to lay off employees at this time? If the company does not lay off employees, it will be the end of the company.

But the problem is that once companies start to lay off people in large numbers, people who quickly lose their jobs and sources of income will not only breed a large number of crime cases, but also increase people's dissatisfaction with the government.

How to deal with the impact on Australasia's exports of goods after the economic downturn in other countries is what Hunter believes Australasia should be worried about.

Arthur nodded. What Hunter said was not much different from what Arthur expected. Australasia's economy does not have a big bubble. It is basically real economic growth driven by various infrastructures.

Things like those in real estate, stock markets and finance that are prone to bubbles, although there are bubbles in Australasia, are far less severe.

Even Sydney and Melbourne, which have large populations, do not have the same situation as London, where there is less land and more people.

The whole of Australasia is still sparsely populated, so there is naturally no shortage of land for building houses, and housing prices will naturally not rise too much.

As for those investors who speculate in the stock market, Australasia is not without them, but it is not as exaggerated as London.

The number of investors in the entire Australasia is only a few hundred thousand, and the combined capital entering the Sydney and Melbourne stock markets every day does not exceed one million Australian dollars. Even if the stock market crashes, the impact will not be that big.

What's more, the Australasian stock market is basically composed of Australasian companies. The number of foreign companies is very small, so the possibility of collapse is not high.

This is also because Australasia is too far away from Europe and the United States. These companies have better options like New York and London for listing, and naturally they will not choose Sydney or Melbourne, which are thousands of miles away.

Sydney and Melbourne are more attractive to Southeast Asian companies. There are many rubber and mining companies founded by Europeans, as well as a small number of agricultural products companies. Most of them will choose to list on the Sydney or Melbourne stock markets.

Coupled with Australasian local companies, this is the composition of the Australasian stock market.

As long as the rubber industry is under control, it is almost impossible for the Australasian stock market to crash. After all, the size of the royal family is here, and Arthur cannot sit back and watch the royal family and other financial groups collapse. .

It is also very simple for Australasia to weaken the impact of the economic crisis. It only needs to reduce the share of production and provide certain relief to those who are unemployed, so that they can obtain income and food through work-for-relief.

Judging from the grain and meat production in Australasia, it is impossible for the country to collapse internally, not to mention that Arthur is still in charge.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that Australasia was able to almost avoid the harm caused by the economic crisis, which was nothing more than a period of economic malaise.

However, out of consideration for the interests of the royal family, the economic crisis will still have a certain impact on Australasia.

After all, William, as the heir to the throne, has grown up, and he needs opportunities like the economic crisis to brush up his reputation and enhance the public's favor with him.

Anyway, the economic crisis is within his control. Let William build up his reputation under his control without worrying about any accidents.

Even if the situation becomes uncontrollable in the future, Arthur will still be in charge, so there is no need to worry about Australasia's economy being seriously affected.

This can be regarded as paving the way for the next king. No matter how high Arthur's prestige is, his rule cannot last for hundreds of years.

The throne must be stable from generation to generation. This is crucial for the training of the next generation, not only his ability, but also his prestige and status.

After determining that the economic crisis would have little impact on Australasia, Arthur turned his attention to other countries, looking at Hunter, who had grown significantly, and asked: "If the economic crisis breaks out in the United States, what impact will it have on the current situation in Europe?" What impact will it have?"

Hunter thought carefully for a while before continuing: "Your Majesty, judging from the current industrial situation in Britain and France, after the economic crisis breaks out, they will definitely pass most of the crisis to Germany.

Long before that, the Allies had placed some heavily polluting factories in Germany. This has allowed Germany's industry to recover quickly and allowed Germany's exports to continue to grow.

After the economic crisis breaks out, Germany will be severely affected no matter where it breaks out. Judging from the current number of British and French factories in Germany, at least one million German workers will be displaced, and the German economy will collapse overnight.

But if the economic crisis is not serious, maybe they will try to absorb the economic crisis themselves. Especially for the British, they should not be willing to see a collapsed Germany. "

Arthur nodded, quite satisfied with Hunter's guess. No country wants to endure a very serious crisis alone. Britain and France will definitely pass the crisis on to other countries without hesitation.

After all, Britain and France had previously allowed Britain and France to transfer some heavily polluting industries due to loan repayments.

Although these industries accelerated the recovery of German industry, they made the German economy more tied to Britain and France.

Once the economic crisis comes, it will be easy for Britain and France to pass the blame to Germany. Although it is not possible to completely escape the impact of the economic crisis, it is still okay for the Germans to bear the brunt, and at least they can bear most of the harm caused by the economic crisis.

Because the essence of the economic crisis is that overcapacity leads to a backlog of a large number of industrial products. If there are too many products that cannot be recovered by the economy, it will cause shortages in the economic chain and eventually cause companies to go bankrupt.

After the company closed down, a large number of workers lost their jobs. These workers and their families lacked income to buy daily necessities, and their consumption capacity was reduced again, leaving them with no money to buy industrial products.

This goes back and forth, forming a vicious cycle. This is the process of economic crisis, and it is also a major crisis that cannot be avoided in the capitalist world.

The current German industry is undoubtedly in a state of overcapacity, and every year it exports a large number of cheap industrial products to Britain, France and other European countries.

Once Britain and France take the initiative to reduce their share of imports, Germany's industry will be devastated, and the number of unemployed people Germany will face will definitely be in the millions.

Even Britain, which wants to support Germany against France, will definitely choose to pass the crisis to Germany without hesitation when faced with an economic crisis that affects itself. After all, protecting itself is the most important thing.

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