The Rise of Australia

Chapter 730 William’s lifelong events (13 updates)

Although the hit rate of both rockets is not ideal, they are currently the longest-range weapons, so it is still necessary to equip them with a certain number of missiles.

After careful consideration, Arthur decided to equip 1,200 ground-launched missiles and 500 small missiles that could carry transport aircraft.

The total cost of these missiles is close to 18 million Australian dollars, which is considered a considerable investment.

It is unrealistic for the government to bear all these funds. After all, the government still has a long eight-year construction plan, which is the real source of money.

It can only allow the Ministry of National Defense to further reduce its budget, and the government can raise another 13 million Australian dollars from other places to fund the construction of missiles.

Although the direct investment of 18 million Australian dollars will make the government's finances slightly tighter, Arthur believes that if a war does break out, the 18 million Australian dollars in missiles will definitely be worth several times or even dozens of times the strategic value. blow.

However, I believe that no country will have the courage to break out a war with Australasia in a short period of time.

Although the world situation is still chaotic, the general tone of peace will basically not change unless a country has reached a point where war is inevitable.

While ordering the missiles, Arthur also made several suggestions to the missile project team.

The first is the missile's speed, range and maximum flight altitude. These three factors are related to the probability of the missile being intercepted, and are also factors that must be taken into consideration in the development of missiles.

However, no country currently has the ability to intercept missiles. After all, missiles are still an unknown concept to other countries.

But we have to admit that the military imitation capabilities of other powerful countries are excellent enough. Once the missile information and data are leaked, other countries will imitate and develop missiles in a short period of time.

If we do not make preparations in all aspects in advance, we may not be able to compete with the rich scientific and technological foundations of other powers due to hasty improvements in the future.

In addition to the three factors related to power, Arthur also has high expectations for the accuracy of the missile.

For now, there is no doubt that missiles still have a lot of room for improvement. As long as the hit rate of the missile is increased to 30% to 40%, its effectiveness will be greatly improved. This is also the direction that the missile project team will develop next.

After confirming the order for the missiles, Arthur received news from Queen Mary, which seemed to have some clues about William's lifelong events.

Although it was only half a month before the departure of Queen Mary and her party, because they took a plane, the speed was actually very fast.

Half a month is enough time to travel around the world twice. Queen Mary and her party have already arrived in Europe, and have even made a brief visit to the UK and traveled to Denmark, one of the five Nordic countries.

In fact, logically speaking, Australasia and Denmark do not have much to do with each other. Queen Mary and her party should head north to Finland or Sweden, or go directly to St. Petersburg to return to their hometown.

However, for the life-long event of William and Anna, Queen Mary quickly found an excuse to stop in Denmark, which was to stop the plane and replenish supplies.

After contacting Denmark in advance, the plane taken by Queen Mary and her party landed in Denmark smoothly.

Because Denmark does not have a dedicated airport, the landing section was chosen on a very wide road.

The road has been cleared in advance, the landing of the plane is smooth, and the pilots are carefully selected.

Queen Mary and her party received a warm welcome from the Danish royal family.

This is actually a normal thing. After all, Australasia is one of the great powers, and it is also recognized as the third great power in the world.

Denmark is only a small European country, and the Danish royal family is constantly losing power.

The huge Danish kingdom that once ruled Finland, Norway and Iceland is now the only one left.

Moreover, Iceland also gained autonomy not long ago, and Denmark no longer has that great influence on Iceland.

The Danish royal family also had speculations about the purpose of Queen Mary and her party, but they did not dare to take the initiative.

Of course, the day after Queen Mary and her party arrived in Denmark, the Danish royal family held a grand welcome banquet for them, attended by a large number of local Danish nobles.

The news Queen Mary mentioned also came from this banquet. To be precise, it should be Alexandrine Frederik August, the daughter of King Christian X of Denmark.

Princess Alexandrine was born at 1 year old and is 19 years old this year.

Because she was the only daughter of Christian X and the youngest child, she received the greatest favor.

At a banquet, William and Alexandrine fell in love at first sight, and the two soon began to flirt with each other. This situation was naturally noticed by Queen Mary and Christian X.

Christian X was naturally happy. In fact, before holding this banquet, Christian X specifically asked Princess Alexandrine to dress herself carefully because there would be a distinguished guest at the banquet.

What is gratifying is that two young people of similar age have a good impression of each other, which makes Christian X very satisfied. The Danish royal family may have a reliable ally.

Queen Mary had no objection to this. Australasia has certain information about European royal family members, and the Danish royal family is naturally among them.

Although Denmark is not a strong country and the royal family does not have much power, it is one of the ancient kingdoms in Europe after all, and its geographical location is also considered superior.

Although after the construction of the Kiel Canal in Germany, Denmark's importance declined a lot. But looking at Europe as a whole, the benefits of forming an alliance with Denmark definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

More importantly, Denmark itself still has a certain influence on the original Kalmar Union countries.

Together with Finland, Australasia's influence on the Baltic coast will also increase, which will be beneficial to Australasia, Finland and Denmark.

In this case, Queen Mary would naturally not prevent the contact between William and Alexandrine.

While allowing the two to contact each other, Queen Mary also sent a message to Arthur, asking for his opinion.

What could Arthur say?

Of course I agreed.

In fact, from a long-term perspective, Denmark is one of the five Nordic countries (Iceland is not yet independent), has rich resources, and has relatively few overall affairs.

The only flaw is that in future wars, it is very likely to be breached by Germany, and the Danish royal family will be exposed to certain risks.

However, as long as Australasia exists, there is no need to worry about the Danish royal family being abolished. After all, Germany is now a monarchy, and William II also has to consider his own interests.

If he allowed the Danish royal family to be deposed, his own throne would be in great danger.

The best result is to protect their respective thrones. As long as the interests of the royal family are not lost, the monarchy can come back at any time.

Arthur quickly sent a reply to Queen Mary to express his approval of William's contact with Princess Alexandrine.

Even if both parties are interested, Queen Mary can propose marriage to the Danish royal family on behalf of the Australasian royal family under suitable circumstances.

After all, William and Princess Alexandrine have already turned 1, which is not far away.

It is in the best interest of the royal family for the two to get engaged as soon as possible and get married within a few years.

After all, for the heir to the throne of a country, the first thing to do is to give birth to a new generation for the royal family.

Only through continuous inheritance from generation to generation can the royal family continue and the family prosper.

Anyway, the Australasian royal family has strong assets and can afford to have more little ones.

Only when the number of people in the royal family increases, the rule of the royal family will be stable.

Otherwise, any minor accident may lead to the death of the royal family and the country that Arthur worked so hard to run would fall into the hands of others.

Such an ending has not happened before in history, and it all proves the importance of having successors.

Arthur said he was very confident when he got engaged because he never considered whether Denmark would say no.

To be honest, Denmark has no reason to refuse at all. No matter how you look at it, marrying a powerful country is a good deal, and King Christian X of Denmark is definitely smart.

Queen Mary, who had Arthur's support, asked William directly for his opinion the next day.

"William, what do you think of Princess Alexandrine?" Queen Mary suddenly asked with a smile, looking at William who came back happily after a day out.

"Ah?" William was stunned, not expecting the inquiry to come so soon.

"It should, maybe it's not bad." William, who had never experienced this, turned a little red, and his originally happy expression became a little panicked.

"It's nothing, William." Looking at William's nervous look, Queen Mary said with a smile: "You know, originally this trip was just to find a suitable engagement partner for you. If you think Princess Alexandrine If it's not bad, your father and I will support your engagement.

If you like her, then I will propose marriage to the Danish royal family on behalf of the royal family and get you engaged as soon as possible. How about it? "

"Are you getting engaged so soon?" William asked in surprise.

"Of course, you are the heir to the throne. The first thing you have to do is to give birth to offspring to ensure that someone will inherit the throne in the future." Queen Mary nodded and explained to William with a smile: "I also want to see it sooner. William, you have to work harder for the birth of grandchildren."

As the heir to the throne, William naturally received education on how to produce offspring.

Of course, such education is common among European royal families, and the purpose is to prevent the royal heirs from being seduced and coaxed by others in the future.

When William came of age, Arthur arranged for a maid to serve William personally. William has already been exposed to this kind of thing, but the maid's identity is not qualified to give birth to William's children. Such a result will be informed to the maid and William in advance.

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