The Rise of Australia

Chapter 731 May Day Theory

Because of the intentional proximity between Australasia and Denmark, the relationship between William and Princess Alexandrine heated up rapidly in a short period of time. ]|I{}I|[

Seeing that the situation was almost the same, Queen Mary formally proposed a marriage to the Danish royal family on behalf of the Australasian royal family, and the Danish royal family readily agreed.

1. The Australasian royal family and the Danish royal family officially announced the engagement of William and Alexandrine, and publicly stated that they would set their engagement date in the second half of this year, around October.

Almost at the same time, the two governments expressed congratulations on the marriage of the two royal families. The Australasian government also publicly invited the Danish government to pay a diplomatic visit to discuss further cooperation.

The Danish government was naturally happy to accept it. No country would refuse an invitation from a great power unless it was about to go to war.

What's more, establishing cooperation between the two countries is completely advantageous for Denmark, and the Danish government will naturally not miss this kind of thing.

What the Australasian government did was actually a unilateral decision by Prime Minister Raul. Doing this is not only to save face for the royal family, but also to tell the Danish royal family that you have chosen the right marriage partner.

Although the marriage of two very important kingdoms did not change the world situation much, it was good news for the European royal family.

A large number of countries have expressed congratulations to both countries, including great powers such as Britain and France.

The British are actually quite disappointed. Originally, George V's idea was to deepen ties with Australasia and promote a marriage between the two countries.

Although Arthur is also a direct descendant of the British royal family, it is perfectly fine to find a princess who is many times different and whose blood relationship is relatively distant for marriage.

After the Victorian era, the British Empire spawned two superpowers. If there is still close cooperation between these two superpowers, it will naturally be a legendary story worth writing about.

After William made the engagement, the only one who can marry is Princess Anna of Australasia.

George V began to urgently search for suitable members of the British royal family, and tried his best to promote a marriage with Princess Anna.

On the Finnish side, Dmitri was also at the fastest speed. As Queen Mary's biological brother and William's biological uncle, Dmitri had only his heartfelt blessings for William's marriage.

Moreover, William's marriage to Denmark is also good for Finland. After all, he is William's biological uncle, which also means that Finland and Denmark have a certain connection.

As one of the outlets of the Baltic Sea, Denmark is still very important in the Baltic Sea.

It is worth mentioning that Arthur’s sister married to Sweden and is now the Crown Princess of Sweden.

From this point of view, there are three Baltic countries that have close relations with Australasia, which can also be said to have affected the entire Baltic Sea in disguised form.

Compared with the heartfelt blessings of the Finnish royal family, some other small European countries are a little envious.

Alliance with a powerful country is a great improvement for a small country.

If it is a country like Australasia where the monarch holds real power, the improvement will be more than a little bit.

As long as Princess Alexandrine pleases Arthur, Denmark will gain the support of one of the world's top three powers, which is equivalent to a disguised guarantee of independence.

Especially when William becomes king in the future, the relationship between Denmark and Australasia will be even closer.

In the next 50 years, as long as the Danish royal family does not commit suicide, the throne will be very stable and the country's security will be guaranteed.

In addition to the United Kingdom, there are two other countries that are slightly disappointed, namely Germany and Russia.

In fact, like the United Kingdom, Germany and Russia also need support from the outside world, and Australasia is a good choice.

This has also made the remaining Princess Anna a favorite. Most European royal families are keeping an eye on Princess Anna's whereabouts to promote the marriage they want.

Princess Anna, who is still in Denmark, naturally does not know that she has become the first choice for European royal marriages. She is also happy for her brother and worried about her future marriage.

William's marriage was settled, and Arthur was very happy. Arthur even planned to use William's name to distribute free food to ordinary people throughout Australasia on the day of William's engagement, so that the people could participate in the royal celebration.

The reason why he used William's name was naturally because he wanted to accumulate a certain reputation for William. After all, he is the future heir to the throne. William's reputation not only determines his status and power after becoming king, but also determines the power that his next heir can inherit.

After this good news, Arthur became more strict about Peter and George's education.

After all, these two little guys are going to be kings on the other side of the ocean. If they don't have some foresight, they will easily be deceived by those cunning Americans.

In order to train them, they also began to gradually come into contact with some government affairs. Although they do not have the power to make decisions, Arthur will also give them some questions based on these government affairs to test their judgment.

1 Justice Grant Wilson of Australasia approached Arthur and made some suggestions on immigration.


Grant Wilson's name is familiar. He was once an important member of the New Zealand Unionist Party. After the merger of the two countries, he became one of the founders of the Fine Gael Party.

The current Fine Gael Party is the largest party in Australasia, and the strength of the Fine Gael Party cannot be separated from Arthur's support.

Arthur still has a certain fondness for Grant Wilson, who is very knowledgeable. Grant Wilson successively served as Minister of Propaganda under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then as Speaker of the 1st House of Representatives. After two consecutive terms, in the last cabinet government election, he took the position of 1st Justice of Latin America.

However, the position of justice is quite special and it is very difficult to be re-elected.

Although special cabinet positions for non-ministers are not subject to re-election, Arthur's support becomes crucial if you want to stay in a cabinet position.

Looking at the very respectful Grant in front of him, Arthur was generally satisfied. This official, who can be regarded as a local New Zealander, has expressed his loyalty to Arthur from the beginning, which is something Arthur is more optimistic about.

Officials in monarchy countries must understand whether their allegiance is to the people or to the monarch. Although the interests of the people are generally considered, the ruler of the country is ultimately the monarch.

In terms of ability and loyalty, Arthur valued loyalty more than a person's ability.

Because to put it bluntly, loyal people will go all out to do what Arthur asks, but unloyal people will not.

Ability is important, but it also depends on whether the person is willing to use his or her abilities.

"Judge Grant, please tell me in detail about the report you submitted." Arthur said with a smile to Grant, who was very respectful.

In ordinary moments, Arthur still wants to give people a friendly and close feeling. But the important officials in Australasia all understand that their monarch may seem amiable, but his actual interests are inviolable.

This kind of secretive monarch is the most difficult to serve, because all the monarch's thoughts will be hidden, and it is difficult for officials to guarantee that they will not offend the monarch.

This is also the political experience that Arthur summarized after becoming an independent monarch for nearly 30 years. A qualified monarch must be able to keep his emotions and anger hidden, giving people a sense of uncertainty and mystery.

The kind of monarch who has all his expressions written on his face is, to put it bluntly, just a fool.

By doing this, it is easy for the ministers to guess their own thoughts and fall into his favour, which naturally makes it easy for them to get close to the monarch.

"Your Majesty, this is the result of my making certain changes to the Unionist Party's platform regarding our national policy on immigration." Grant reported very respectfully: "

As a country of immigrants, the degree of recognition of the country by immigrants and the pride of the people in the country largely determine the cohesion of the entire country.

The demise of the United States was largely destroyed from within, which also means that we, who are very similar to the United States, also have such a crisis.

For the sake of the stability of the country, I think it is necessary to unify language beliefs and writing culture. "

"The stability of the country cannot be separated from your Majesty. I summarize this policy as the May Day principle, that is, one country, one nation, one language, one government, and one king." After looking at Arthur's face, I found nothing wrong. After that, Grant continued: "

As a symbol of the country, you play a vital role in the stability of the country. Immigrants will also trust in your rule, which will help us promote the unity of nationality, language, culture and religious beliefs.

Only by completely unifying the nation, language and religious beliefs can the country become a whole and we will not face risks similar to those in the United States. "

Grant waited for Arthur's decision with some anxiety.

It was also a bold attempt for Grant to say that a country at the height of its prosperity had serious risks.

But Grant believes Arthur will not be fooled by Australasia's current results. As a great monarch, Arthur naturally wanted to completely solve the troubles in Australasia, make the country a whole, and then inherit it for thousands of years.

As expected, Arthur did not express dissatisfaction with Grant's remarks, and even nodded with satisfaction.

"There is indeed such a hidden danger, Judge Grant." Arthur said with a satisfied smile to Grant, who was obviously worried: "I am very satisfied with your so-called May Day theory. If you can pass it through the Unionist Party, If you carry it out, you will be a hero to the country and the royal family, and I will never forget your contribution."

Naturally, it is impossible for Arthur to implement such remarks personally. It is most effective to use the largest party in the country like the Fine Gael Party to implement it.

Arthur's words are also very simple. As long as Grant can do this, Arthur will not forget Grant's contribution. A cabinet position is just a matter of words.

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