The Rise of Australia

Chapter 742 Cyclotron and Australia-Canada University

The biggest problem currently facing the German government is not the depreciation of the mark, but the continuous depreciation of the mark.

This kind of depreciation cannot be stopped at all, and bread has become a transaction "currency" whose value is much more stable than the mark.

After all, bread is one of the indispensable things in people's daily life, but Mark is no longer.

With a stack of marks in his pocket, what he got in exchange might be a small piece of bread. It's better to just put a piece of bread in it, so you can take a few bites when you're hungry.

The economic chaos has determined the chaos in German politics.

President Hindenburg was already unpopular, Wilhelm II rarely showed up, and the most popular person was a figure who rose from a small soldier - Hitler.

Of course, the current situation in Germany is still very different from that in history.

Strictly speaking, Germany is not a republic.

The current name of Germany is still the German Empire, the emperor is still Wilhelm II, and there are still grand dukes and kings in each state.

These are also a major force affecting the situation in Germany. After all, the monarchs of various states certainly do not want their power to be taken away by those political parties.

It is precisely for these various reasons that Germany's economic chaos is unstoppable and continues to occur.

The number of unemployed people in Germany is already one of the largest among European countries, second only to Russia.

But after all, Russia has sufficient land and population. In addition to Germany's homeland, its other colonies have long been divided up by Britain and France.

The chaos in Germany attracted the attention of the world, and Arthur also expressed his concern.

If Arthur was not sure whether Germany would cause World War II before, then Arthur is now sure that Germany was definitely one of the initiators of World War II.

The Germans' dissatisfaction with the status quo alone has determined that no matter who holds power in Germany, they must start a war to change the status quo in Germany.

Even if there is no Hitler, there will be other Tellers. This is the inevitable result of the times and the inevitable result of the brutal oppression of Germany after the war.

Arthur had no choice but to develop Australasia as much as possible, ensure Australasia's strength in future wars, and first ensure the security of his own country.

As for Britain and France, they also made a fortune from carving up the United States, and it was their responsibility to serve as a bridgehead against Germany.

As for whether France in this era would surrender in just one month like in history, Arthur could only express his resignation.

Fortunately, the current Australasia can replace the role of the United States in World War II.

With the support of Australasia, it will not be that difficult for Britain to resist Germany.

But there is also a problem, that is, Australasia may have to compete with island countries in the Pacific.

The ambitions of the islanders doomed this country to never be peaceful. Without the United States, the island countries are bound to start a battle with Australasia in the Pacific to compete for dominance in the Pacific.

All Arthur could do was to try to ensure that the historical Pearl Harbor incident would not happen in Australasia.

For Arthur, the threat from island countries is greater than that from Germany. Even if he risks Germany's full occupation of Europe, Arthur will try his best to eliminate the enemy of the island country.

Because compared to other countries, the island country is inhumane, and fighting against such a country makes Arthur feel sick.

Thinking of this, Arthur increasingly felt that developing the country was the most important thing at the moment.

Only when Australasia itself becomes stronger can Arthur have the confidence to fight against opponents like Germany and island nations.

Although I feel very contempt for such an inhumane country like the island country, I have to deny that the threat from this country is very great, and fighting it will require certain casualties.

Only if Australasia itself possesses sufficient strength can Arthur have the confidence to eliminate this country once and for all.

Whether it is missiles or nuclear weapons, they are gifts prepared by Arthur for the island country, and they are also the key to Arthur's confidence in destroying the island country.

Turning his attention back to domestic development, the start of construction of another university made Arthur very concerned.

This university has invited a large number of experts and scholars from California. In theory, it is actually a new branch of the University of California.

Of course, the name of the University of California is California State University, and it is obviously inappropriate to use such a name for the new school.

Therefore, after Arthur's approval, the name of the new school was changed to the United University of Australia and Canada, which means a university jointly built by the United Kingdom of Australasia and California.

The University of California is the most famous university in California and one of the famous universities in the United States.

Arthur originally thought that the University of California would be excited enough for him to acquire the talent of Oppenheimer, but he did not expect that the talent pool of the University of California exceeded his expectations.

Under the premise that the Royal Government of California is highly cooperative with Australasia, Australasia can easily recruit a large number of experts and professors and invite them to work in Australasia.

A large part of these experts will teach in the new Australia-Canada Joint University, and their salary and benefits will be slightly higher than the previous levels in California. This is also Arthur's reward and compensation for them coming from afar.

In addition, these experts and professors will receive a free house to house their families.

Various household appliances, cars, etc. will also be given to them free of charge as rewards and compensation.

This also expresses Arthur's attitude, which is the importance he attaches to talents. These things are also used to win over these experts so that they can concentrate on working in Australasia.

Among these experts, one name caught Arthur's attention: the very famous physicist Ernest Lawrence.

Of course, Ernest Lawrence's reputation is not that prominent now. This is not to say that Ernest's abilities are not good, but that Ernest, who was born in 1901 and is only 28 years old, has obviously not yet entered the core circle of the world's scientific research community.

But this guy who is just 28 years old has already made quite good achievements so far, and his ability is completely worthy of recognition.

Ernest's grandfather was a teacher from Norway, and his mother was also a Norwegian immigrant. His recognition of the United States was not as high as he imagined.

Ernest liked tinkering with electrical appliances, mineral radios, and homemade telegraphs since he was a child, which also showed his talent in physics.

Since middle school, Ernest Lawrence has become a radio fan, very keen on wireless communications and circuit experiments.

Because his grades in mathematics, chemistry and English were not satisfactory (a Norwegian immigrant), Ernest eventually switched to physics and quickly achieved excellent results.

After finishing his undergraduate studies at St. Olaf College, Best went to the University of Minnesota, the University of Chicago, and Yale University to develop his knowledge and abilities in physics to an excellent level.

Because of his hard work and outstanding achievements, Ernest is already somewhat famous in the American physics community.

After he ended his study career, many prestigious universities extended invitations to him, and the conditions were very favorable.

But in the end Ernest Lawrence chose the University of California, Berkeley, on the West Coast and established his own physics laboratory.

But as luck would have it, just one year after arriving at the University of California, Berkeley, the United States encountered a war and was even directly disintegrated into several countries.

Although Ernest Lawrence did not have a high degree of approval of the United States, the division of the United States still affected his research.

After all, American universities are also supported by the US government and finance. After the fall of the U.S. government, almost all the talents from these prestigious schools were attracted by other countries, and there are actually not many left in the United States.

Without financial support from the United States, Oreste Lawrence's research funding has dropped significantly, and the finances of the Kingdom of California are obviously unable to support so many excellent universities.

At this time, Australasia was recruiting talents across the United States and offered even better conditions than the original United States.

Such conditions naturally attracted a large number of talents, including Ernest Lawrence, who was an immigrant.

So the question is, why is Arthur so interested in Ernest Lawrence?

This guy who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in history invented the cyclotron, which played a very important role in high-energy physics.

So the question comes again, what does a cyclotron do?

Simply put, a cyclotron is a device that generates positron radiopharmaceuticals. After this drug is injected into the human body as a tracer, doctors use PET/CT imaging to observe the physiological and pathological functions and metabolism of the patient's brain, heart, other organs throughout the body, and tumor tissues.

Early monitoring and prevention of diseases can be achieved by relying on different types of imaging drugs produced by cyclotrons to perform specific imaging of various tumors.

In other words, cyclotrons play a huge role in high-energy physics and medical fields, and are considered strategic technologies in the medical field.

Although other current technologies have not yet reached the point where they can observe tumors, the cyclotron does not mean that it has no other uses.

No matter what, the cyclotron is definitely a strategic technology worthy of investing a lot of money in research and development and staying ahead of the curve. This is the main reason why Arthur attaches great importance to Ernest Lawrence.

After all, Arthur is also a human being, and he still attaches great importance to the health of himself and his family.

When the technology matures in the future, we can use this technology to conduct regular physical examinations for all royal members, and also achieve early detection and early treatment of diseases.

This is what Arthur wants to see most besides a strong country. After all, the world is developing at a rapid pace, and Arthur would like to accompany Australasia to go further if possible.

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