The Rise of Australia

Chapter 766: To poach someone, you have to dig up the roots

Hearing that Fermi chose to join the research of nuclear weapons, Arthur nodded with satisfaction. But when Fermi said he could get back to work now, Arthur said with a bit of laughter and tears: "

There’s no need to be so anxious, Academician Fermi. Research on top-secret projects is important, but settling in for you and your family is also essential.

Well, I'll give you five days off, just in time to settle down in St. Arthur's Castle, and then take your family to explore the city.

Five days later, your work officially begins. By then, you and your family will get together less often due to the confidentiality of the research project.

But you can rest assured that as long as the project research is successful, all researchers, including you, will be heroes of Australasia. "

Hearing what Arthur said, Femi no longer forced herself and nodded to show that she understood.

One of the reasons why Fermi came to Australasia was actually because of Italy's anti-Semitic policies, which made Fermi's wife a target of arrest.

It can also be seen from this that Fermi still attaches great importance to his wife and family. Being able to give up the title of academician of the Royal Academy of Italy and the position of professor of physics at the University of Rome, and come to a new country to start over, this decision has already proved the relationship between them.

Looking at Fermi with a grateful face, Arthur also understood that the atmosphere was almost perfect, so he smiled and said: "If I remember correctly, when you were in Germany, your teacher was the famous physicist Max Born Yeah?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Although Femi was a little confused, he replied quickly.

"As far as I know, Mr. Max Born is also a Jew, right?" Arthur got to the point and asked with a smile.

Fermi was not a fool and immediately understood Arthur's intention.

However, Fermi had no objection to this intention. After all, to put it bluntly, Arthur's actions can also help Max Born and give him a safer choice.

"That's right, Your Majesty. We had exchanged letters before, but now the teacher has been suspended. He seems to have the idea of ​​​​immigrating abroad." Fermi replied.

Arthur nodded, the situation was not much different from what he expected.

You know, there are still many Jews in Europe. However, after the dictatorial governments in Germany and Italy came to power, they immediately began to persecute the Jews.

In fact, having said that, the top Jewish leaders are definitely guilty of the persecution of Jews in these two countries.

However, their persecution affected a large number of Jewish civilians, and also caused many famous Jewish scientists to choose to immigrate abroad.

Although Arthur did not have much favorable impression of the Jews, he still hoped to accept this group of Jewish scientists.

During this period alone, there were at least hundreds of Jewish scientists from Germany who immigrated abroad.

Arthur also hoped that through Max Born’s network, he could leverage more German Jewish scientists to come to Australasia.

Under Arthur's control anyway, the Jews would not have much influence on Australasia.

They are not the dominant ethnic group in Australasia and the country's finances and assets will not be in their hands.

Even if Arthur wanted to, he could eliminate more Jews through German and Italian hands.

Anyway, these two countries hate the Jews very much. There is not much difference between killing more and killing less.

"Mr. Fermi, I want to invite more Jewish scientists to Australasia through you and your teacher, Mr. Max Born." Arthur stated his purpose directly: "

We will ensure your personal and property safety and condemn the cruelty of Germany and Italy against the Jews.

Of course, I would also welcome more Jews to come to Australasia. The economic environment in Australasia is relatively stable, and it is still very suitable for investment at present. "

For the current Jews, their suffering has actually just begun. The anti-Semitic policies of Germany and Italy have only just been enacted, and the massacre of Jews will continue for several years.

During this period, there was also a massive spillover of Jews and Jewish assets. What Arthur wanted most was actually those famous Jewish scientists and Jewish assets.

When Arthur had sufficient military power, the Jews coming to Australasia were actually like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

It's just that Arthur won't be so cruel on the surface, and will find a reasonable excuse before doing anything.

The best outcome is to finally find a land for the Jews to settle down, as happened in history.

With such conditions, he was able to defraud a large number of scientists and assets from the Jews.

It is believed that the Jews who lost their homeland were willing to give up part of their property and population for an independent territory of their own.

However, World War II has not yet broken out, and Arthur is not sure where to settle these Jews.

This is why Arthur did not set out conditions for the Jews to find a piece of land. After all, conditions cannot be promised easily, and the current stable life is attractive enough to these Jews.

"I will ask my teacher, but I am not sure about inviting him to Australasia." Fermi did not refuse Arthur's request, but he still stated in advance that he was not very sure either.

"Of course, Mr. Fermi. All you have to do is inform Mr. Max Born of Australasia's conditions. No matter what Mr. Max Born chooses, we can accept it.

All Jewish scientists who are on liquidation lists in Germany and Italy are also on our invitation list.

Mr. Fermi, I leave this matter to you. Every time you invite a scientist to Australasia, you will receive a reward of AUD 1,000 on behalf of the royal family.

There is no upper limit to this reward. How much you can get depends on how many scientists you can invite, Mr. Fermi. Arthur said with a smile.

A$1,000 for a scientist is a pretty good deal for Arthur.

After all, this is the depreciated Australian dollar, which is actually not that valuable. Even if Fermi invited 1,000 scientists from Europe, Arthur would only need to spend 1 million Australian dollars.

Although Fermi had a very good relationship with Max Born, Arthur did not intend to pin all his hopes on Fermi.

After all, there are always scientists who are not familiar with Fermi, and it is unclear whether Max Born would like Arthur to invite more scientists.

In such circumstances, the intelligence services and the royal governor-general of European affairs became very important.

It is inconvenient for diplomatic ambassadors to appear. After all, this can easily attract the attention of other countries, and it may also become an incident where various countries want to snatch talents.

Under such circumstances, one can only rely on intelligence personnel to pay attention to European Jewish scientists, and then try their best to draw them to Australasia.

The talents that Arthur values ​​most are actually people like Max Born who enjoy huge prestige in a certain industry and have a very dense and extensive network of relationships in the scientific research community.

As long as you win over one Max Born, you can bring his friends and students to Australasia, which may be more cost-effective than winning over several scientists.

Moreover, Max Born and his friends and students will cooperate more tacitly, and when they form a research team, the research project will become more effective and faster.

Moreover, Max Born's teaching ability has been proved by his many students.

If he is willing to come to Australasia, it means that the physics industry in Australasia will have a leading talent who can cultivate many mainstay physicists.

This is a much more precious resource than an ordinary physicist. After all, physicists can be trained, but it is still difficult to train such high-level talents who can train more physicists.

There are many talents, but genius is hard to find. One genius may bring far more changes and innovations to the scientific community than dozens or hundreds of talents.

In order to win over these talents, Arthur went to great lengths. First of all, as long as you are willing to come to Australasia, you can get a property and a car worth hundreds of Australian dollars.

Secondly, the cost of the scientist and his family coming to Australasia is borne by the royal family, and corresponding warship escorts can be arranged.

Furthermore, for these scientists and their families, Australasia’s nationality review system will be correspondingly more relaxed.

You only need to go through a simple assessment of two to three months and confirm that there are no problems before you can join the Australasian citizenship.

If you come to Australasia with corresponding research equipment or research results, you can also directly obtain nationality to recognize the contributions of scientists.

In addition, the annual salary and welfare policies for these scientists are slightly higher than their original positions.

Especially for those who are qualified to join the Royal Academy of Sciences, even if they are just an ordinary expert, the minimum salary can reach about 675 Australian dollars, which is already several times that of ordinary people.

For higher-level academicians, the minimum standard salary can reach 850 Australian dollars. With various benefits and financial subsidies, the final annual income can easily exceed 1,000 Australian dollars.

This actually proves that Arthur and Australasia attach great importance to talents. In Australasia, as long as you have the ability, you have no worries about income.

Especially the scientific research talents of the Royal Academy of Sciences, their lowest income is several times or even ten times that of ordinary people, and the highest income even exceeds those of the nobles.

For the second-level academicians who are the mainstay of the Royal Academy of Sciences, the minimum standard annual salary is as high as 1,070 Australian dollars, and the comprehensive annual income is generally more than 1,500 Australian dollars.

For the top level, which symbolizes academicians, the minimum standard annual salary for third-level academicians is already more than 10 times the income of ordinary people, which is 1,500 Australian dollars.

Although these incomes may not seem high, they are only the most basic minimum income. In addition, the rewards and shares received from research projects are also one of the important incomes of these scientists.

There is also part-time income from universities, such as income from being a professor, income from research topics and projects, etc., which are also sources of income for scientists.

Relatively famous scientists can often make a lot of money from the share of their research projects.

For example, Diesel, who has made outstanding contributions to engines, owns 2% of the equity of the engine research laboratory, and the dividends he earns every year have accumulated to seven figures.

Combined with other income, Diesel hopes to become Australasia's first multi-millionaire in scientific research.

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