The Rise of Australia

Chapter 784 Diplomatic War

"Mr. Norman, are you saying that there will still be problems among the Indians?" The intelligence officer asked slightly surprised after hearing what Norman said.

"Haha, there will be problems in the powerful British Empire, let alone India, which is originally a mess." Because he was in a good mood after completing the task, Norman McKellen smiled and explained to his men: "You think What is the purpose of me taking the initiative to find Prabhati?

Only when Gandhi's men took the lead in provoking the armed factions, the forces in various parts of India hiding in the dark could not help but show their feet.

The Rajputs, the Indians, the Sikhs, and that messy mess of caste systems, oh, they will be very busy then. "

Having said this, Norman McKellen couldn't help but smile and said with a hint of pride: "Just imagine, when all parts of India begin to arm their own armies, how will the British clean up this rotten army?" What about the mess?

When Gandhi, supported by Indians, could no longer prevent armed rebellions across India, perhaps the bright pearl in the crown of the British Empire would be broken. "

"Are you saying that Gandhi was supported by the British? Didn't Gandhi's movement influence the rule of the British?" His subordinates were a little confused. Gandhi seemed to be hostile to the British, so why did Norman say he was British? What about supporting Gandhi?

"Why not?" Norman McKellen said with a mysterious face: "Don't you think that only people like Gandhi who advocate absolute non-violence can maximize the revolts across India and save the British insurgency? Indian rule?

Without Gandhi, no one would have been able to suppress the armed rebellions across India.

Even if the British could suppress these rebellions, they would still have to devote a lot of attention to Indian affairs. For us, the time the British spend in India is a great opportunity for us to resolve the war in South America and seek more opportunities to fight against the British. "

When it comes to national interests and politics, the relationship between people and factions becomes very complicated.

Although Gandhi's purpose seemed to be to resist British colonial rule, his methods were undoubtedly more extreme and moderate than those of other anti-British forces in India.

If they had to choose a leader to lead the Indian rebellion in India, the British would naturally choose an extreme moderate like Gandhi rather than a rebel who advocated force.

Although Gandhi would also pose a threat to British colonial rule in India, he might even directly destroy British colonial rule in terms of public opinion.

But at least, as long as the British Empire was strong, there would be no need to worry about India's independence. If forces advocating force are allowed to lead the revolution in India, I am afraid that in addition to investing a lot of physics and manpower in the rebellion in India, the British Empire will be forced to let India become independent and lose the bright pearl in its crown.

In anticipation of Norman MacLaren, the French government quickly took action. The first was the loan promised to Prabati. The French provided a full 500 million francs.

Although 500 million francs seems like a lot, if you know the exchange rates of world currencies at this time, you will understand that this is just a fairly normal external low-interest loan.

The current currency exchange rate: 1 pound = 2 Australian dollars = 14.57 US dollars = 327 rupees = zone 2, cannot be estimated in most areas)

Although 500 million francs seems like a lot, after conversion it is only about 2.384 million Australian dollars.

This is the result of the French trying their best to control the exchange rate of the franc and barely allowing the value of the franc to rise some.

At the lowest ebb of the franc's value, 1 pound could even be exchanged for more than 300 francs. At that time, most of the franc currency system had collapsed.

It is precisely for these reasons that after the demise of the United States, the only common currencies in the world are the pound sterling and the Australian dollar.

Other currencies, including the franc and the new dollar, can only circulate in some areas.

After all, the value of other currencies is not that stable compared to the British pound and the Australian dollar. If you use currencies other than the pound and the Australian dollar to conduct international trade, it is easy to cause unnecessary losses, which is what companies that conduct international trade do not want to see.

Although the loan is only less than 5 million Australian dollars, it is still possible to purchase a batch of weapons and equipment produced in France.

At this point, the French also adhere to the practice of European powers in foreign loans, which requires the borrowing countries to use the loans for themselves.

Prabati can use this loan to purchase needed weapons and equipment from France, as well as food, medical and other supplies, but he simply cannot use the money for other purposes.

After such an operation, the French seemed to have borrowed a debt, but in fact they still kept the money in the country.

The move by Prabati not only increased France's income, but also caused the Indians to owe themselves a debt. It can be said to be a win-win situation - you win twice.

After receiving the loan, Norman McKellen immediately began to enthusiastically introduce to Prabati the weapons and equipment produced in France.

Having said that, the French have actually made considerable achievements in weapons and equipment. The French are also very famous for their artillery, and the production of various weapons is also among the best in the world.

Under the instigation of Norman McKellen, Prabati purchased a large number of weapons and equipment, including a large number of rifles, bullets, and some small-caliber machine guns with relatively fast firing rates.

With these weapons and equipment, Prabati was able to quickly arm a powerful army and became the most powerful presence in the resistance to the British.

He was even able to compete with the famous figure Gandhi for the right to speak in the Indian National Congress with the help of his own army.

Just as Norman McKellen was immersed in the joy of successfully provoking the Indian War of Independence, his subordinates brought him bad news, that is, there was something wrong with the Lone Star Republic.

To be precise, it is not only the Lone Star Republic that has problems, but also Mexico, which has always coveted the Lone Star Republic.

Although Mexico is not powerful, due to its unique geographical location and its connection with Texas, it is not that easy to deal with.

Mexico's population is less than half of the country's total population. Whether in terms of military strength or economic industry, Mexico can never be an opponent of the French.

But the problem is that the Lone Star Republic is more repellent to French rule than Mexico.

Many areas in the United States, including the Lone Star Republic, actually have large Mexican populations.

If the United States had not deported some illegal immigrants from Mexico after World War I, I am afraid that the Mexican population in the entire United States would be even larger at this time.


You know, Mexicans have one characteristic, that is, they are able to give birth and love giving birth. While the fertility rates of other ethnic groups in the United States are generally not high, Mexicans still have the highest fertility rate among all ethnic groups in the United States.

It is precisely because of such a high fertility rate that not only the population of Mexico is rising, but also the population of Mexicans in the United States.

In addition to solving the problems of the Lone Star Republic in Mexico, we also need to find ways to solve the Mexican-origin population in the Lone Star Republic.

After all, as long as these Mexican-born people are in the Lone Star Republic for one day, they can have a profound impact on the entire republic, thereby interfering with the political and diplomatic choices of the Lone Star Republic.

This is the same as the vast number of British immigrants in Australasia. Although everyone was very submissive to Arthur's rule, most people still had a favorable impression of Britain.

Although they are still loyal subjects of Arthur, this does not prevent them from favoring Britain in some choices.

This is actually a headache for Arthur. Precisely because of the existence of these British-born people, it is basically impossible for Australasia to actively oppose the United Kingdom, and it is even more impossible to challenge the British as a world hegemon.

This is why Arthur formulated the strategy of cooperating with Britain and then looking for opportunities to inherit the British legacy.

Rather than attacking the British head-on, Arthur's better choice would be to mildly inherit the British's power and status.

After all, Britain and Australasia are highly similar in terms of their ethnic composition and political structure.

If done well, Australasia does hope to inherit the British world dominance, and in a more peaceful way.

But all this has a premise, that is, the British have been too weak during the war, and they are willing to inherit everything they have ever had to Australasia.

It is for this reason that Arthur actually has the ability to prevent countries including Germany and Italy from rising again, but Arthur does not.

Only by allowing these countries to stand up again to challenge the hegemony of the British Empire will Britain be weakened in the subsequent war, and Arthur will have a chance to inherit interests from the British.

It would not be a good thing for Arthur if the British had no challenger. After all, Australasia is already strong enough to threaten the British position.

"What's going on?" Norman McKellen looked a little gloomy and looked at his men in surprise.

"There is news from domestic sources that Mexico has been making frequent moves on the border with the Lone Star Republic, and it is suspected that there is a possibility of invading the Lone Star Republic." The subordinate smiled bitterly and quickly reported the news he had just received to Norman McKellen.

"Damn it, how dare those Mexicans?" Norman McKellen couldn't believe the news and asked with a look of disbelief.

Although it seems that Mexico is only targeting the Lone Star Republic, behind the Lone Star Republic is the powerful France.

"Those damn Mexicans, aren't they afraid of provoking a war with France?" Norman McKellen was confused and asked his men.

“According to speculation from domestic sources, there may be British people behind Mexico.

It seems that the British are also taking action during this period. The country wants you to start operations in India as soon as possible to get the British to give up their support for Mexico. "The subordinate continued.

Although it is not yet certain whether the British are behind Mexico's attack, but judging from the British's past actions, there is a high probability that the British are behind such a thing.

What's more, aren't they also causing trouble in British India? This kind of thing is something that European countries have become accustomed to. The competition is nothing more than who can destroy the enemy's interior faster.

"I understand." Norman McKellen nodded, calmed down his mood, and ordered to his men: "Tell Prabati that if he can start the operation within half a month, I can make the decision. Convert his loan from low interest to no interest.

At the same time, the McKellen family is willing to reach further cooperation with him, including the support of more weapons and equipment, and their willingness to support him in becoming the prime minister of the new Indian Empire. "

At present, the Indian Empire only has the position of Governor-General, and there is no permanent Prime Minister position in a monarchy.

The Governor-General of India represented the British King and could exercise the power of the British King in India.

In other words, no matter how hard Indians work, they can only become the middle class of the Indian Empire, that is, officials in small places.

The highest government of the Indian Empire, including the Governor-General of India, which symbolized the highest power, was mostly composed of British people.

Including commissioners responsible for contacting various Indian states, as well as commanders and commanders of the military system, etc., all are gilded positions held by the children of British nobles and politicians.

Most of the time, these positions have nothing to do with Indians. It is difficult for Indians to even meet British people sitting in these high positions, let alone occupy these high positions.

"Yes!" His subordinates nodded and quickly retreated to convey the order.

Because of threats from Britain and Mexico, the French spent a lot of money to urge Prabhati to act faster.

Prabati was very happy about this. After all, it is only a matter of time for him to act early or act late, but if he can get more assistance from France for this, including waiving interest on his own loans, that would definitely be good news.

However, in line with the bastard mentality of not taking advantage of advantages, Prabati still requested more weapons and equipment, including food and medical supplies.

Although India is an important food import region for the UK, this does not mean that ordinary Indians have enough food surplus in their homes.

In fact, in this era, most of the people who had enough to eat were the upper castes in India. As for the lowly lower castes, in addition to facing exploitation by the British, they were also exploited by the upper castes in the country.

Prabati asked for more food because he hoped to use food to attract more Indians to join his army.

After all, all the funds in his hands were used to purchase weapons, equipment and supplies, and there was not much money to pay salaries.

If you want to attract more Indians to participate in your actions, in addition to money, only food related to daily life can make Indians excited, and even abandon Gandhi's thoughts and join their own forces.

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