The Rise of Australia

Chapter 816 New Cabinet

Although Britain and France also announced various conditions agreed by Germany to deal with public suspicion and confusion, such statements obviously could not be hidden from Arthur.

France just gave in, this is an indisputable fact.

Perhaps this was France's only chance to shatter Hitler's illusions without war.

Because the German army is limited to 150,000, the Italian army seems to be large, but its combat effectiveness is not strong.

Even if a war breaks out, without intervention from other countries, nearly 500,000 French troops can easily break through Germany's defense. After all, the German army does not have large-scale heavy weapons.

But there was no way. Although France was the victor in World War I, the damage caused to France in World War I made the French fear such a war.

On the contrary, the harm and hatred caused by various countries to Germany after World War I was basically transferred to France and the Jews by Germany.

Coupled with Hitler, a very outstanding speaker and emotional agitator, when Germany faced the same harm as the French, the Germans chose hatred instead of cowardice like the French.

Although this means that war is not far away, the increase in Germany's military strength is also good news for Arthur.

Only a more powerful Germany can consume more of the national power of Britain and France within a controllable range.

When Britain and France couldn't hold on any longer, they would turn to Australasia, the world's third largest power.

Only in this case can Australasia get what it wants, and get it in a peaceful way.

It will take some time for Germany to expand its military, and it is certainly impossible to start a war with just these 250,000 troops.

This also means that Europe still has at least two years of peace, which is also a prime time for the development of Australasia.

It is unclear whether Britain and France have noticed the smell of war, but Arthur can no longer care about Britain and France at this time.

Because as time came to June 1933, the election of the first cabinet government of the Australasian Empire also officially began.

Although cabinet elections had been held many times in Australasia, this was the first since Arthur founded the Empire.

This cabinet can not only have the title of the first cabinet of the empire, but also gain a higher status than before. This is one of the reasons that caused many officials to compete.

Under stricter political party laws, the number of political parties in Australasia has been reduced to 15.

Among them, only 9 parties have more than one million supporters, and only 6 parties have won at least one seat in the House of Representatives.

Although the number is small, the competition between political parties will be more brutal. Moreover, all members of the House of Representatives can sign up to run for cabinet.

In addition, those who have been elected as cabinet members and are still eligible for election can also participate in the election of the first cabinet of the empire.

This resulted in all seats in the first cabinet facing far greater competition than before.

Even the ministers of some unimportant departments have caused competition among many officials, and the difficulty of re-election of the current cabinet has been magnified many times.

In addition to paying attention to the electoral competition of the cabinet, people are also paying attention to whether the regulations vaguely formed by the previous cabinet will continue after the establishment of the empire.

This rule is that after serving as Minister of State (Deputy Prime Minister), if the current Prime Minister cannot be re-elected, he will 100% be elected as the next Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

This rule has been in place since the creation of the Secretary of State under Prime Minister Kent, and remains so to this day.

Judging from this situation, if Prime Minister Raul cannot be re-elected, then the current Minister of State Dezee Watson should become the Prime Minister of the new cabinet government.

Is this really the case?

Arthur actually has related considerations.

Although Arthur can directly decide on the choice of prime minister, Arthur does not want to use this seemingly arbitrary power frequently.

It can be seen from the changes in cabinet governments in Australia that although the position of prime minister is very important, there are still some candidates that Arthur is not optimistic about.

Although the political parties are different, the ideological concepts of these officials can be roughly divided into two groups, radicals, conservatives and balancers.

The current Prime Minister Raul has stepped up from the position of Minister of Defense to the position of Prime Minister, and he can be regarded as a representative figure of the radicals.

The representatives of the conservatives, mainly during the Principality of Australia, were the first Prime Minister Evan and the second Prime Minister Walter.

As for the Balance faction, there are currently two representatives, namely Prime Minister Kent and Prime Minister Roger.

The two men have one obvious thing in common, that is, they entered the first cabinet directly as Arthur's confidant, and then moved step by step to high positions in the government.

It can be understood that the radicals are the military, the middle class and small capital with a pioneering spirit; the conservatives are big capital and local forces.

The Balanceists can actually be understood as Arthur's die-hard loyalists. Their political thoughts are not fixed. Arthur's thoughts are the fundamental reason that determines their political thoughts.

If Arthur had to choose, Arthur would actually prefer the radical and balanced factions.

It's not that which party is more loyal. The main reason is that Arthur takes a fancy to the support and excitement of the war between the radicals and the Balanced parties.

Conservatives, as the name suggests, are somewhat conservative in their thinking. For example, the second Prime Minister Walter, as a native Australian, advocated Australia's low-key development, and even advocated streamlining the army and saving military expenditures.

In times like these, radicals are clearly better suited to rule the country. Although Daze Watson has been a member of the cabinet for four consecutive terms, Arthur is not optimistic that the more conservative Daze Watson can lead Australasia to win this war.

Arthur's attitude has already determined the candidate for the next cabinet prime minister.

After about a month of elections, Prime Minister Raul was successfully re-elected and became the first cabinet prime minister of the Australasian Empire.

Daze Watson also ended his political career as a four-term cabinet member, taking his title of baronet with him, and very wisely chose to retire.

With the hereditary baronetcy, Dazzle Watson allowed the Watson family, which was originally a common people, to successfully become an aristocratic family in Australasia.

This credit is enough. Daize Watson is also a smart man and knows when to choose to leave.

For such a smart person, Arthur would naturally not burn bridges. After all, he is also a veteran of four cabinet governments. He has served as the Australasian Cabinet Minister since 1911 and has stayed in the country's most important cabinet government for 22 years.

When Daze Watson left, Arthur specially rewarded Daze Watson with a large piece of land and awarded him a medal as a reward.

Back to the cabinet.

Although the Prime Minister is still Raúl, this cabinet government has undergone relatively large changes compared with the previous one.

Former Prime Minister Roger led the Australasian National Party to successfully return and successfully won the very important position of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

In order to appease the conservatives, Arthur chose Agriculture Minister Maciei, who also had conservative ideas, as the Minister of State in the new cabinet government.

Naturally, the Archbishop needless to say that Australasia will usher in a new Bishop only after the death of Archbishop Steed.

Defense Secretary Thomas remains re-elected. With a war likely to break out in the next few years, Arthur has no intention of changing the defense minister in this cabinet administration.

After all, Thomas' abilities are still very good. Since he took office as the Minister of Defense, Arthur has been very satisfied with some of the military expansion plans and investments in military technology he has put forward.

It was this guy who seemed a little too crazy every year when he asked for military expenditures, which annoyed many members of the cabinet, including Arthur.

However, he also knew that Minister Thomas was for the country's military considerations. Even though Arthur was annoyed by Minister Thomas at the beginning of every year, Arthur still had no idea of ​​punishing Minister Thomas.

After all, Arthur also wanted to see the country become stronger militarily. Although various factors such as economy, industry, population and military determine the comprehensive strength of a country, only when the military strength becomes stronger will the enemies be truly afraid.

Hunter, the previous finance minister, became minister of royal affairs again. The previous Minister of Royal Affairs, Ajedin, was prepared by Arthur for George and was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on the West Coast.

It is worth mentioning that because the old Butler Hunter is getting older, many things in the royal consortium have gradually been transferred to Hunter's hands.

This is also the reason why Hunter stepped down from the important position of Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Minister of Royal Affairs does not usually have much to do, and this period of time allows him to control the entire royal family consortium.

With the experience of two consecutive terms as finance minister, Arthur is relatively confident whether Hunter can control the entire royal family consortium.

After all, even the country's finances can be managed, let alone the royal consortium.

What's more, Arthur also has many other confidants, and various companies under the royal consortium have their own management candidates.

Hunter only needs to manage the leaders of these companies, and he can indirectly manage the entire royal consortium.

Of course, the current royal consortium actually has a new name, called the royal consortium.

After all, the empire has been established, and the Australasian royal family has successfully become the Australasian royal family, and can legitimately bestow royal titles on some companies and units.

Back to the cabinet. In addition to these relatively familiar members, other cabinet positions have more or less personnel changes.

The most important of these positions is probably the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is in charge of the country's finances.

The choice for chancellor is a new name, Finn Hudson. Finn Hudson has successively held the positions of Mayor of the Leonora Industrial Base Special Zone, Governor of Western Australia, Governor of Sydney and Governor of the Capital Territory. After being elected by the House of Representatives, he became the Minister of Finance of the new cabinet government.

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