The Rise of Australia

Chapter 849 Infantry regiment, attack!

Such air raid scenes are not exclusive to this place.

In fact, the Luftwaffe bombed many railways in Poland, not only to eliminate Poland's effective forces supporting the front line, but also to blow up Polish railways and block any Polish support for the front line.

Except for a few areas where the German Air Force and the Polish Air Force fought back and forth, most of the German Air Force units performing missions successfully completed their missions.

On October 18, 1935, on the Polish front line, the 8th Infantry Regiment of the 35th Division of the 3rd Army Group was undergoing a very arduous defensive task.

So far, the Third Army, where the 8th Infantry Regiment is located, has bravely resisted Germany for more than three days.

Of course, the entire Third Army is fighting and retreating, and has been forced to allow the Germans to advance at least 20 kilometers.

The main reason is that these most elite Polish soldiers have suffered heavy casualties after a brutal war. Each establishment has less than half of the soldiers at most, and only more than half of them at most. They are in urgent need of support.

Although the 8th Infantry Regiment relied on its familiarity with the terrain, it bravely and stubbornly launched a counterattack against the German army.

But fewer people are a significant disadvantage. Without reinforcements from the rear, the collapse of the front line will be a matter of time, or even very soon.

"Damn it! Where are the reinforcements that the division promised us? When will the reinforcements come?" Andre, the commander of the 8th Infantry Regiment, spat out the dirt in his mouth and asked loudly to the messenger next to him.

"The division headquarters said that reinforcements will arrive soon. Let us hold on for another five hours." The messenger immediately replied loudly.

"Damn! Another five hours! How many five hours have we persisted? Tell the division headquarters that not only do we lack reinforcements, we also lack a large amount of weapons and ammunition. If reinforcements and supplies cannot arrive within five hours, We will no longer have any means to stop the enemy's attack." Andre said with some dissatisfaction.

From the outbreak of the war to the present, Poland's war machine has still not entered full operation.

For the Polish army on the front line, this sudden war caught most people off guard.

Simply stationed on the east and west borders are Poland's elite troops. The reason why Poland can bravely resist the German army relies on these veterans.

But unfortunately, in the four-day battle, all the veterans were exhausted. Most of the veterans transported by the Polish government to the front line were blocked. The few recruits who arrived at the front line alone could obviously not support the needs of front line defense.

On the other side, the 5th Infantry Regiment of the 4th Division of the 6th Army of the German Second Army was in a completely different situation than the Poles who were struggling to support themselves.

The commander of the German 5th Corps, Richard Stellmann, smiled and issued an order to his soldiers: "Infantry regiment, attack!"

Following Richard's order, the German soldiers of the 5th Infantry Regiment, like wild horses, rushed toward the Polish position ahead without fear of death.

In order to cover these soldiers, the artillery in the rear carried out all-round bombing without any intention of saving artillery shells.

Under the cover of artillery fire, a large number of German soldiers quickly approached the Polish position, and a more brutal offensive and defensive battle broke out.

Da da da!

The Polish heavy machine guns quickly counterattacked, trying to push the Germans back.

"Damn it, Hank, take away that damn heavy machine gun." The commander in charge of the attack ordered angrily.

Just now, due to the attack of this heavy machine gun, several German soldiers rushing at the front were instantly knocked down, and a large number of German soldiers in the rear were in danger.

"Understood, man." Hank nodded with a smile, took out a few grenades, pulled out the fuses, and aimed at the machine gun position not far ahead.

Because the war broke out in a hurry, the Poles did not have enough time to build defensive positions.

This resulted in their machine guns being generally deployed in simple trenches, without solid cement facilities to protect the machine gunners.

For such a machine gun position, blasting with special grenades is the easiest way. It doesn't need to be thrown particularly accurately. It only needs to be within 5 meters to effectively kill the machine gunner operating the machine gun.

Of course, in an offensive and defensive battle like this, one must also avoid whether the grenade will be bounced off when it hits surrounding obstacles, or even bounce back, causing accidental damage to friendly forces.

Therefore, the farther the grenade is thrown, the safer your side is.

In the deployment of the German army, there are indeed grenadiers who specialize in throwing grenades.


The explosion of the first grenade was a little far away from the machine gun position, but the machine gunner on the opposite side seemed to be frightened, and the shooting stopped for a while.

The bomb maker named Hank seized this good opportunity and quickly threw a second grenade, which happened to be thrown in the trench where the machine gun position was located.


With the second explosion, the scarlet soil was blown out directly and fell not far in front of the German soldiers.

Looking at the Polish position in front, the machine gun had deviated from its original position. Along with a faint smoke, the smell of blood and earth came together.

"Well done, Hank." The commander who had previously ordered Hank to take action praised, and then ordered the soldiers to seize the front position.

Without the heavy machine gun, the firepower of this Polish position was greatly weakened. Although it also caused a lot of casualties to the German army, after more than 50 casualties, the 5th Infantry Regiment successfully captured this position.

"The progress is still too slow, everyone." Richard, the commander of the 5th Infantry Regiment, said to the staff beside him with some dissatisfaction: "We have to speed up the progress. Today's task is to completely capture the front position. We have to rush Get home before Christmas.”

The rhetoric of winning before Christmas and going home before Christmas was used by many countries as early as World War I.

However, not many countries can successfully fulfill such requirements, especially for a war that only broke out in mid-October.

With all the plans in mind, there is only a little more than two months until Christmas. It is undoubtedly very difficult to deal with Poland, which has 700,000 troops and is still expanding its army, in two months.

But this order was not issued by the German staff, but by the German ruler.

For most German people and soldiers, the orders given by this man must be carried out no matter how difficult it is.

This is also the reason why the German army is not afraid of death and can even use casualties to storm positions.

"I heard that the Air Force has successfully blocked the enemy's reinforcements, which has saved us a lot of trouble." Andrade Maxwell, the staff officer of the 5th Infantry Regiment on the side, smiled and nodded. : "

If we can capture the enemy's position today, our progress will probably be the fastest in the entire division. "

The Fourth Infantry Division, where the 5th Infantry Regiment is located, is a newly added organization after the German army expansion.

This also resulted in the fact that most of the German soldiers who formed the 5th Infantry Regiment were recruits recruited in the past year.

This is why the 5th Infantry Regiment was held back for so long. Although they had a certain firepower advantage, what they faced was the elite Polish army.

But the good news is that the Polish elite army is getting smaller and smaller, and the German army is transforming into an elite army with the war.

Especially now that Germany has blocked Polish reinforcements, the balance of the frontline war must be slowly tilting towards Germany.

But the German army obviously has more crazy ideas. Rather than slowly consuming the enemy's effective forces and gradually advancing the front, the German army preferred to quickly conquer the enemy's positions and directly advance the battlefield to Warsaw before the enemy's defense line was completed.

The battle between the German 5th Infantry Regiment and the Polish 8th Infantry Regiment actually happened on the Polish border.

Although the German army was well prepared, due to the insufficient number of troops, it had to face a Polish army that was equal to or even larger than its own.

Moreover, these Polish soldiers are generally veterans. Although their overall combat effectiveness may not be as good as that of the German army, if they stick to their positions, they can still fight the German army.

If it were not for its superiority in air force and firepower, I am afraid that the advancement of the German army would not be so easy.

Of course, as mentioned before, the situation of the war is gradually shifting towards Germany.

Both Germany and Poland were frequently deploying troops to the battlefield, but the Polish railways were harassed by the Luftwaffe from time to time, which greatly hindered Polish support.

So far, Poland has transported more than 150,000 soldiers to the front line, and about 100,000 soldiers have arrived safely.

In addition to more than 50,000 people being intercepted, a large amount of supplies were directly blown up by the Germans or intercepted on the railways.

The serious consequence was that the route to the battlefield was almost destroyed. The railway was full of bombed train carriages, supplies, corpses, etc.

If the railways cannot be cleaned and repaired in time, the number of soldiers and supplies the Poles can transport to the front will only decrease.

But the problem is that there are a large number of German aircraft circling and reconnaissance in the sky every day. Once a Polish train heading to the front was spotted, it would be attacked by the Luftwaffe.

Those trying to clear and repair the railways were also attacked by the Luftwaffe.

Under such intensive surveillance, it was difficult for the Poles to effectively repair the railway and restore the logistics supply line to the front line.

Without the extremely efficient train as a means of transport, the Poles had to rely on small-scale horse-drawn carriages and trucks.

Although enemy attacks were effectively avoided, the transportation efficiency of a truck and carriage was destined to be far inferior to that of a train.

As a result, the Poles' intensity of support to the front line eventually had to be weakened.

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