The Rise of Australia

Chapter 854 Military Production

Speaking of which, Arthur's youngest son George was born in 1919, and as of this year 1936, he has just turned 17 years old.

Although he is not an adult, he no longer has the face of a child. After a long period of education from Arthur, George looked mature and steady, quite like a wise king.

After careful consideration, Arthur decided to let George return to the United Kingdom on the West Coast in advance, and take advantage of the upcoming World War II to improve his reputation in the country and allow him to take advantage of the opportunity to gain a certain amount of power.

After all, the United States was a republic before. Although the situation in the United Kingdom on the West Coast was relatively stable under the influence of Australasia, this was ultimately the interference of external factors.

In order to completely stabilize the monarchy system of the United Kingdom on the West Coast, George, as the king, must work hard himself to win the trust and support of the domestic people.

This is why Arthur said that the war was the opportunity for George and Peter to fully secure the throne.

Only when the royal family and the people advance and retreat together and successfully win this war can they, as kings, stabilize their position and gain the heartfelt support of the people.

When George left the palace, Arthur was even more sad than when he saw off Peter.

This is not to say that Arthur favors George, but after the death of Princess Louise, the population of the royal family is indeed getting smaller and smaller.

Peter and George were sent away one after another. At present, apart from the Arthurs, only the Williames and their child Alexander are left in the royal family.

But the good news is that, at Arthur's repeated urging, William and Princess Alexandrine are also about to give birth to their second child.

Calculating the date, it's almost time, it should be within a month or two.

This would allow the royal family to add new members, so that it would not look so deserted after Peter and George left one after another.

As before seeing off Peter, almost the entire royal family came out. Arthur and Queen Mary gave George their last instructions before leaving.

The national conditions of the Kingdom of California and the United Kingdom of the West Coast are different, and the help Arthur gives to Peter and George is also different.

What is more consistent is a carefully trained elite force of less than a thousand people.

The families of these troops will travel with George to the West Coast United Kingdom and will serve as the Guards for George's rule over the West Coast Kingdom.

In addition to the army, following George to the United Kingdom on the west coast were some officials specially trained for George, medical experts, dozens of servants, including personal tailors, jewelers, chefs, etc.

It is worth mentioning that Ajedin, the previous minister of royal affairs in the Australasian cabinet government, will also follow George to the United Kingdom on the west coast.

Ajedin would become an important minister under George and serve as Prime Minister of the West Coast United Kingdom.

As for George's palace butler, Arthur sent his confidant, Colin Firth, to take over after careful research.

Colin Firth is not very old. He was born in 1897, so he is only 39 years old now.

Being born and raised in Australasia was one of his advantages. Another advantage was that Colin Firth was a beneficiary of Arthur's orphan relief policy.

Colin Firth's parents died when he was young, and he was adopted by an orphanage built under Arthur's order. Because of his outstanding performance, Colin Firth successfully completed a series of studies and received Arthur's attention, entering the list of potential talent development programs.

In the cultivation of talents, Arthur first attaches importance to loyalty, and secondly to ability.

In the test of loyalty and ability, Colin Firth performed very well, which is why Arthur finally appointed him as the butler of King George's Palace.

Moreover, since George received the title, Colin Firth has become George's de facto butler.

Colin Firth's performance so far is also very good, at least Arthur has no reason to replace him.

As for whether George will replace the butler in the future, it depends on whether Colin Firth can satisfy George. The palace butler is very important to a monarch. At this point, Arthur gave George a lot of freedom.

And before Arthur appointed Colin Firth to be George's butler, he also asked George's opinion.

After getting George's nod of agreement, Arthur issued the order.

Speaking of the two countries controlled by Australasia in North America, the current development can be regarded as "rapid".

The current population of the Kingdom of California is close to 6.5 million, with more than 98% of the population living in California, which can also prove the huge gap between the two states within the Kingdom of California.

The West Coast United Kingdom does not have such a big gap. Washington State, which has been renamed the Capital District, has a total population of only about 1.7 million.

The remaining states of Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have populations of only 1.01 million, 520,000, 450,000 and 220,000 respectively.

Although the West Coast United Kingdom is almost twice the size of California, its population is only about 4 million, which is much smaller than the Kingdom of California.

Even the combined population of the two kingdoms is only a little over ten million, which is not as large as the population of New York State eight years ago. This is why Australasia occupies such a large area but does not encounter much opposition from Britain and France. .

To fully develop these lands, each kingdom needs a population of at least 20 million. But Australasia had a population of less than 40 million at the time, and developing these lands in a short period of time was basically nothing more than a pipe dream.

On the other hand, the land controlled by Britain and France is either New York State, which has a prosperous economy, or Texas, where the oil industry and cotton planting industry are relatively developed. In short, each has its own advantages.

However, barren areas also have barren benefits.

At least relatively speaking, Peter and George's rule will be more stable, and they don't have to worry about too many local forces threatening their rule.

Large states like New York and Texas are criss-crossed by internal capitalists and other local forces. If you want to rule those areas, you must spend a lot of energy and time.

Before bidding farewell to George, Arthur gave George a task, which was to make full use of the huge area and fertile land of the West Coast United Kingdom to vigorously develop agriculture and animal husbandry.

Taking advantage of the vast land and sparse population of the West Coast United Kingdom, it was easy to engage in large-scale farm-style agriculture at this time. There is a lot of land allocated to each farmer. As long as the land is connected together, it will be conducive to the development of mechanization.

The extensive use of mechanization in agriculture can not only effectively increase agricultural output, but also save manpower invested in agriculture.

War is about to break out, and there is no harm in having more food at this time. In addition to being used for domestic consumption, a small amount can also be exported abroad in exchange for a certain amount of foreign exchange earnings.

This food can be exported to the East Coast of the United States, where there are more people and less area to grow.

It can even attract more immigrants during the war, but it all depends on George himself.

After George left, Australasia officially entered a state of war readiness.

As for the number of reserves, Arthur made certain expansion. The so-called reserves are troops that can be established as soon as possible and have a certain combat effectiveness when a war breaks out or the country is mobilized.

The current total strength of the Australasian army is approximately 60,000, with 20,000 reserves and close to 2 million recruitable soldiers.

This also means that under extreme conditions, Australasia can form an army of at least more than 4 million.

Of course, if you are really desperate, this number can grow indefinitely.

But under Arthur's plan, the maximum number of troops invested in Australasia was 4 million. If this number is exceeded, even if the war can be won, it will cause a huge blow to all walks of life in Australasia.

The casualties caused by the war will also drastically reduce the population size. By then, Australasia will have completely lost its competitiveness as a world hegemon and will have no choice but to sit back and watch the rise of Russia or other countries.

Fortunately, with the two slave countries of the Philippines and Kalimantan, there is no shortage of sources of people.

At its limit, the Philippines can provide nearly 2 million troops. Kalimantan is even more exaggerated. If everything is done, Kalimantan's population can provide at least 5 million to 7 million troops.

Calculating this, Australasia, under ideal conditions, can command a maximum of more than 13 million troops.

The size of such an army is comparable to the troops put into the battlefield by the two major military groups in World War I. If they still cannot win World War II, it will only prove that their teammates do not want to win the battlefield.

In preparation for war, what Arthur paid most attention to was the strategic reserve of various weapons.

One year later, the number of small arms in Australasia has increased to: 2.74 million rifles, 40,000 machine guns, 70,000 artillery pieces of various calibers, 500 million rounds of ammunition, 47 million rounds of artillery shells, 2.2 million sets of infantry equipment, 22 million grenades.

In terms of heavy weapons, the warehouse houses more than 2,250 Cromwell I light tanks, 1,255 T-31 medium tanks and 827 T-31A heavy main battle tanks.

This is the speed when the tank manufacturer is not in full production. As long as three shifts and overtime production are carried out, the tank output in the first year can exceed 6,500 vehicles per year.

Coupled with the continuous expansion of the scale of tank manufacturing plants, Australasia can easily reach the industrial prosperity of Britain and the United States during World War II, with an annual output of more than 10,000 tanks.

Finally, there is the plane. After a period of testing, the sixth-generation military aircraft was finally announced to have passed the test and officially entered production.

Last year, the manufacturing speed of aircraft was not fast, with annual output of only about 1,200 aircraft.

But since it is only the first year that the sixth-generation military aircraft has been put into production, this production speed is understandable.

As time entered 1936, Arthur had only one request for the Royal Aircraft Factory, which was to triple the production speed of aircraft to at least increase the annual output to more than 3,600 aircraft.

If that doesn't work, after the war breaks out, Boeing and Douglas Aircraft Company can also produce sixth-generation military aircraft on their behalf.

These two companies have already mastered jet engine technology. As long as the production lines are urgently modified, it will not be difficult to produce sixth-generation military aircraft in a short period of time.

After all, all the technology for the sixth-generation military aircraft is in the hands of the Royal Aircraft Factory. As long as this technology is disclosed to Boeing and Douglas, they will be able to realize the production of sixth-generation military aircraft.

By that time, the three companies will operate at full capacity and produce regardless of the cost. The annual output of aircraft will be no less than that of any country.

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