The Rise of Australia

879. Chapter 846 The Warlord and the French Difficulty

Chapter 846 The Warlord and the French Difficulty

As Arthur expected, after declaring war on the Polish government, Germany quickly launched a nationwide mobilization.

At present, the total number of German troops is only 600,000, and it is still very difficult to win this war.

Under the planning of the German Army Command, Germany formulated a detailed mobilization policy and planned to increase the size of the German Army to about 1.5 million men.

Although it was several hours before the Poles received news of the war, the Polish government was not to be outdone and issued a nationwide mobilization order on the same day. It was estimated that the number of troops to be recruited would reach a terrifying 2.25 million people.

Compared with the Spanish Civil War, in which both sides had been fighting for more than a year and barely had nearly 1 million troops mobilized, the number of troops expected to be invested in the German-Polish war, which had just begun, was close to 4 million.

It is obvious that this is a large-scale war in the true sense.

Starting on November 16, 1935, the war between Germany and Poland instantly became the hottest news in Europe, attracting the attention of most European countries and people.

Also on this day, France announced a partial mobilization in the eastern region and lodged a strong protest to the German government.

In an interview with domestic and foreign media, French President Albert angrily condemned the German government for reneging on the previously signed contract. They are cunning and cunning warmongers, the chief culprits of the war, and the sinners of the European people.

The reason why President Albert was so angry was because Germany quickly declared war on Poland, clearly ignoring the contract signed a few months ago.

During this period, the entire French government, including President Albert, continued to promote the peace era that this contract would bring to France and the entire Europe.

Well, within a few months, Germany had torn up the contract, and everything that President Albert had previously promoted came to naught.

Instigated by several militant generals and officials, President Albert even submitted a proposal for war against Germany to Congress.

But soon, the cruel reality slapped President Albert in the face again. The French Congress resolutely rejected the proposal to send troops to Germany and cursed the official who proposed the proposal bloody.

"Damn it, those idiots who only care about taxes and public opinion, they have no idea what France is facing!" One of the top leaders of the French war faction, Congressman Leon Blum, faced with the final decision of Congress, He cursed with an angry look on his face.

As a rare militant in France, Leon Blum does not have a high status in France so far.

The reason why Leon Blum became a militant is also very simple. Leon Blum is a French Jew with pure blood.

As we all know, the various cruel policies of Germany and Italy towards the Jews have made the Jewish community hate these two countries very much.

As a relatively well-known representative of French Jews, Leon Blum understands his position very well and must firmly oppose France and Italy.

However, compared to the more traditional militant faction, Leon Bloom is a little less courageous and determined.

Knowing that it was impossible for Congress to agree to launch a war, Leon Bloom did not intend to take any follow-up actions.

So far, France still has a large number of so-called militants with similar attitudes to Leon Blum.

The attitude of these militant factions was also not firm, which caused the French government to miss the last opportunity to confront Congress and lose the initiative in the German-Polish War.

Since the French Congress does not agree to go to war with Germany, what right does France have to say in this war?

Counting on the slightest threat to scare the Germans away, Britain and France would not choose the appeasement policy from the beginning.

Sure enough, the German government paid no attention to the French threat.

When faced with the French ambassador's question, the German government said nonchalantly: "If your government does not recognize our just war against Poland, then just attack us.

The German Empire has never been afraid of any enemy, nor will we stop our just actions just because of any enemy's provocation. "

In response to France's partial mobilization, Italy announced partial mobilization on October 17 at the request of the Germans.

Because the Italian army has already exceeded 600,000, even a small partial mobilization will make the Italian army infinitely close to one million.

Now, the pressure is back on the French government.

Although the French claimed to have carried out partial mobilization, in fact they only mobilized a small number of troops. Without the support of Congress, it is impossible for the French government to actually mobilize the army.

On the other hand, in Germany and Italy, their military mobilizations are real. If their military mobilization is not stopped, France will face the German-Italian alliance with a combined army of millions.

Sensing the threat, the French immediately contacted their ally the Austrian Empire and requested that the Austrian Empire also conduct partial mobilization to prevent surprise attacks by Germany and Italy.

At the same time, President Albert made an urgent call to British Prime Minister Baldwin to seek diplomatic support from the British government.

Speaking of British Prime Minister Baldwin, he is definitely an evergreen tree in British politics. The current term as Prime Minister is Baldwin's third term. His high influence in British politics has continued from 1923 to the present.

"Prime Minister Pierre, what do the British say?" In the French cabinet, President Albert looked at Prime Minister Pierre anxiously and asked. "The British government said that because of His Majesty King George V, they have no time to attend to other matters and will not participate in European affairs." Prime Minister Pierre said to President Albert somewhat helplessly during the interview.

"Damn it, aren't they afraid that the Germans will completely defeat us and challenge their European dominance?" President Albert asked hysterically.

"The British said that they would ensure that the war was limited to Germany and Poland, and were willing to provide certain help to Poland." Prime Minister Pierre said with a strange expression.

"Damn it, do they expect me to believe these words that fool the people?" President Albert sneered, having lost confidence in the British: "Tell the British that Germany is not only a threat to France, but also to the United Kingdom.

France could not become a bridgehead against Germany as it had done in the previous war. If the British are unwilling to take concrete actions to help us, we do not mind giving up resistance to avoid civilian casualties. "

One of the reasons why France was extremely weakened by World War I was that France directly became a bridgehead against Germany.

In order to defend their homeland, the French mobilized a large number of troops to join the war, which also caused the French to suffer a large number of casualties.

But at that time, although the United Kingdom also mobilized some troops, a large part of them were indigenous troops from the colonies.

For colonial empires like Britain and France, hundreds of thousands of indigenous people were killed and injured without much loss. This is one of the reasons why the British quickly restored order after the war.

But the French are different. If the French only relied on those colonial armies, it would be a matter of time before France was captured.

The French mobilized millions of troops, and the casualties caused to the French were definitely one of the most tragic in World War I.

The only countries that can compete with France in terms of casualties are Germany and Russia. Because of the two-front war, Germany suffered a relatively high number of casualties.

Russia simply has poor equipment, resulting in low combat effectiveness of the army, resulting in a large number of casualties.

But these two countries undoubtedly have a larger population than France. Needless to say, Russia had a population of hundreds of millions before World War I. A loss of tens of millions of people would not be a disaster for Russia.

Although Germany does not have such a large population, its population size is much larger than that of France.

This also resulted in France being almost one of the most miserable countries among the victorious countries. Although it won a very large-scale war, the benefits it gained did not match France's casualties.

France's top-down peace faction was largely due to the fact that the sacrifices in World War I far outweighed the gains.

In addition, the people are tired of the war. If the British do not take concrete actions to support France, France may really fail in the war.

"Yes, Mr. President." Prime Minister Pierre nodded, without any surprise on his face.

Prime Minister Pierre Laval has also been introduced before. He is a very extreme pacifist and even opposed World War I.

With this background, it is natural that Pierre Laval would oppose the possible war.

Prime Minister Pierre fully agreed with President Albert's threat to Britain. Even in Prime Minister Pierre's view, France should not face war.

Since Germany wants to expand in Poland, just let it expand. Anyway, Poland can also mobilize a large-scale army of two to three million, which can consume the Germans' effective strength to a great extent.

As for who will win in the war, Germany or Poland, the answer to this question is actually not important.

Both sides frequently mobilized large-scale armies of two to three million. The winner of such a large-scale war was considered a failure compared to France, which did not participate in the war.

Will the British back down because of the French threat?

of course not.

In the eyes of the British, although Germany and Italy were powerful, France, Austria, and Poland could completely withstand them.

Another ally of Germany and Italy is held back by Australasia. Coupled with the long distance, it is basically impossible to provide help to Germany and Italy.

This also means that the war between Germany and Poland, at worst, will turn into a war between the German-Italian Alliance and the Franco-Austrian Alliance, with Poland being the nailed-on fat.

Such a war between two major military groups with relatively equal overall strength is what the British want to see most.

The advantage is that such a war will not have too bad results, and the British do not have to worry about one of them becoming bigger and stronger, thereby threatening their own position.

Also, the British can sell large quantities of arms and other supplies in such a war and draw enough nutrients from these countries.

In the end, a powerful British Empire without any losses can serve as a mediator in the war and obtain the greatest benefits. This is simply a perfect plan.

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