The Rise of Australia

893. Chapter 860 Crazy Roman

Chapter 860 Crazy Roman

"Everyone, don't forget that on the other side of the earth, there is another powerful country watching this war." When the war faction represented by Roman Barras and the peace faction were arguing fiercely, a sudden sentence made both sides fall into a long silence.

Yes! They only focused their attention on Europe, but forgot that on the other side of the earth, there is also a very powerful country with the same roots as Europe.

"Then what can we do? Force Australasia to join the war? Are you sure this won't push Australasia to the German side?" The peace faction asked unhappily.

"That's a good suggestion." Romain Barras' eyes lit up, and he looked at the congressman with approval. He was very excited and said with a smile: "I almost forgot that we have a potential ally on the other side of the earth."

"Damn, you crazy guy!" The congressman's face changed, and he seemed to be unbelievable and said: "You don't want to drag Australasia into the water, do you?"

"Why not?" Romain Barras smiled, like a spring breeze, but his words made everyone present swallow their saliva: "If France's end is to go to destruction, then our responsibility is to drag all countries into the water.

Either Australasia helps us win the war, or we surrender to Germany and then help the island country win Australasia.

I believe that the Australians will be willing to help us. After all, the island country is an ally of Germany. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They should understand this truth."

"This guy is absolutely crazy!" This is the idea of ​​most French peace officials.

It's OK to drag the British into the war. The English Channel separates Britain and France. Britain is also a European country and also faces the threat of Germany.

But Australasia is different. As a country that occupies Oceania, Australasia is far away from Europe.

From the west, Australasia and Europe are separated by the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Indian Ocean. From the east, Australasia and Europe are separated by the Pacific Ocean, the Americas and the Atlantic Ocean.

Apart from the potential factor that Australasia's enemies are island countries and the island countries' allies are Germany, there seems to be no reason for Australasia to participate in this war in Europe.

As a superpower that is fighting for the third place and the second place, Australasia can play a decisive role in a European war. But all this is based on the premise that Australasia is willing to join the war.

If Australasia is unwilling to join the war, does it really have to surrender to Germany and then strongly support the island countries as Roman Barras said?

"Minister Roman, tell me about your plan in detail." Just when everyone was still in shock over Roman Barras's crazy idea, French President Albert suddenly asked.

Everyone immediately looked at President Albert in surprise. Since President Albert took office, he has always regarded himself as a moderate and extremely inclined to the peace faction.

At this moment, Roman Barras's proactive questioning made those peace-loving officials look at President Albert, with questions and confusion in their eyes, and a hint of betrayal and anger.

"It's very simple." Deputy Defense Minister Roman didn't care about the little thoughts of government officials. He stepped forward with a smile and stood in the center of the conference room, his eyes revealing determination and madness: "Although it is not the same as the war 20 years ago, I think the nature of these two wars is the same, that is, a world war all over the world.

Yes, please allow me to call the war 20 years ago the First World War, and the war between Germany and the Austrian Empire the Second World War.

Unfortunately, both world wars took place in Europe, and France was destined to be one of the protagonists.

Since we cannot avoid the occurrence of world wars, the first thing we have to do is to avoid repeating the mistakes of the First World War.

What we have to do is to make the Second World War The war will become a real global war. No great power can avoid this war, and we will never allow any situation where the fisherman benefits from the conflict between the snipe and the clam.

I currently have two suggestions on how to get the Australasians involved.

First, Britain is an ally of Australasia, and the British are indispensable to attract Australasia to join the war.

Second, Finland and Australasia also have a close relationship. We can start from Finland, so that Finland and Germany will have conflicts, forcing Australasia to support Finland.

In contrast, I recommend that the British participate in the war, so as to prompt Australasia to respond. "

In fact, the participation of the British is the most important thing at present.

If the British do not participate in the war, can we still expect Australasia on the other side of the earth to interfere in the European war?

Only when the British participate in the war can we attract a series of countries that have good relations with Britain to participate in the war and strengthen the power of the Franco-Austrian alliance.

President Albert nodded, although his expression did not change, but he had more ideas in his heart.

Compared to the current Prime Minister Pierre Laval, President Albert's desire for peace is not as strong. What President Albert wants to do more is to keep his presidency and have supreme power.

"Minister Roman, since you have a full plan, I will appoint you as the head of the diplomatic delegation to be responsible for discussing matters with the British.

I have only one request, that is, to get the British to join this war and defeat the Germans at all costs, do you understand? "President Albert asked in a deep voice.

For President Albert, who is in a high position, the war faction and the peace faction are not that important. The disputes between the two factions are not important. What is important is how to follow public opinion and get rid of one's own responsibilities as much as possible.

Let Minister Roman become the head of the diplomatic delegation to win over the British to join the war, which is obviously biased towards the war faction.

But at the same time, President Albert did not completely agree with Minister Roman's proposal, and also left some room for his possible peace behavior in the future.

The next thing is very simple. If Minister Roman can succeed and force Britain and Australasia to join the war against Germany, then President Albert will firmly advocate war.

But if Minister Roman fails, only France will be left to face Germany alone If so, I'm sorry, President Albert is a staunch peace advocate, and all the pro-war actions were instigated by Minister Roman.

President Albert was very satisfied with such a plan that had room for both advance and retreat. When he gave the order to Minister Roman, a smile appeared on President Albert's face.

Although it was a smile of satisfaction with his own plan, in the eyes of those who advocated peace, President Albert's behavior was an affirmation and appreciation of Minister Roman's pro-war ideas.

This also made those who advocated peace look at President Albert with anger in their eyes, and they hated this traitor.

Looking at Minister Roman again, although he was a little surprised that President Albert agreed to his plan so easily, he didn't think much about it, and retained the courage of a soldier, and said firmly: "Yes, Mr. President. ”

On April 9, 1936, France sent a diplomatic delegation to London, England, and announced a national mobilization on the same day.

In London, England, which is far away but close at the same time, a quarrel about the German-Austrian War was also breaking out.

The British wanted to see this war, but they also didn't want to see it.

For the British regional balance policy, the war between Germany and Italy and France and Austria was a perfect regional internal friction, which could strengthen Britain's control over Europe.

But the terrible thing was that the strength of Europe was not balanced at that time. Germany, which annexed Poland, was obviously the most powerful European country except the British Empire.

Let's look at France, which is fighting against Germany. The majority of the government is in favor of peace, and even the French people are mostly in favor of peace.

It is better to expect Austria to explode and fight against Germany evenly with the attack of Germany and Italy than to expect France, which is afraid of war, to defeat Germany.

This leads to a serious problem, that is, the balance of victory has tilted towards Germany and Italy. Compared with France, the current threat from Germany is greater.

The British seem to have recalled the horror of the German army 20 years ago and the terrible European war.

Regarding the war between Germany and Austria, there are generally three factions in Britain.

One faction, led by Prime Minister Baldwin, advocated not to participate, but to keep the war as balanced as possible, and let France and Germany play a game of attrition.

The second faction, led by some senior military officials, advocated participating in the war to prevent Germany, a greater threat, from becoming bigger and stronger. Compared with the already declining French, Germany is the most deadly threat in Europe. France is obviously unable to stop the Germans. If Germany is allowed to continue to annex more land, Britain, relying only on the British Isles, will never be a match for Germany, which dominates the European continent.

The third faction is led by some royalists and the public. These people don't care about the war. They are concerned about the present. The crisis of the former throne.

After all, the backyard of the house is on fire, who has the leisure to care about the war in other countries?

Unlike France, the throne crisis between Prime Minister Baldwin and Edward VIII prompted some royalists to start opposing Prime Minister Baldwin.

The stalemate between the two factions is also the most important problem in the UK. Edward VIII does not care about the war, he only cares about whether he can successfully marry Mrs. Simpson.

This also makes Britain lack the role of the final word. Even Prime Minister Baldwin is completely unable to unify the voices within the British government and let the British people be united against the outside world.

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