The Rise of Australia

904. Chapter 871 Medal Reform

Chapter 871 Medal Reform

After Australasia entered the war, France immediately placed a large number of aircraft orders with Australasia.

There is no way. In the current European war, in addition to the normal consumption of bullets and artillery shells, the consumption of aircraft is also very huge.

Before the war broke out, the combined number of aircraft owned by each European country did not exceed 3,000.

But now, the number of aircraft owned by Germany alone has exceeded 3,000, not to mention Italy, France and the United Kingdom, which also have thousands of aircraft.

Although the exact number of aircraft in each country is not known, it is no problem to add up to tens of thousands.

Among the wars that broke out in Europe, only the wars that broke out between Germany and France in Belgium and France, double-digit planes crashed every day.

Even if planes from both sides collide on a large scale, the number of crashed planes may increase several times.

After the medal reform, the number of medals has increased significantly.

The Lord's children will receive free education up to high school and will have priority in admission to universities.

The Straits Settlements represented absolute control over the Strait of Malacca, while Madagascar represented influence over the Indian Ocean.

Arthur's second request has preconditions.

As for the settlement of interests and compensation after the war, Australasia only needs to get its share.

With the advent of war, Arthur also officially announced that this year's cabinet elections would be canceled and the Australasian government entered a state of war.

It doesn't matter if the plane breaks down, the pilot can still fly as usual if he replaces the plane. But if the pilots are gone, it will be very difficult to train an excellent pilot.

Moreover, through Madagascar, Australasia can expand its influence to the African region, which is very helpful for Australasia's plans for world hegemony after the war.

The Arab population in the Persian Gulf territories occupied by Australasia, including Oman, is very small.

"Maybe." Arthur still maintained a smile and did not refute William's point of view, but then asked: "Do you think we can get these two colonies from the hands of Britain and France now?

Certain changes have also been made to the rewards for all medals.

At the same time, Britain and France should ensure that they will not interfere with Australasian immigration within 15 years after the war ends.

What is the role of Lord? First of all, any Lord is a person who has made outstanding contributions to Australasia.

Arthur's requirements are not demanding and can be roughly divided into two categories: territorial and economic.

But the current European war obviously will not give countries such a long time to train pilots. Therefore, the air forces of various countries have also formed an explicit agreement, that is, the importance of pilots is far greater than that of aircraft.

As for how much should be taken, it depends on the strength retained by each country after the war and its actual contribution during the war.

The first is that those who receive the medal will receive a brand new title, that is, Lord.

With the Straits Settlements, the British could temporarily rest assured about Australasia. As long as India is not threatened, Britain and Australasia are staunch allies.

Obtaining the most difficult Victoria Memorial Medal and the Arthur the Great Medal can receive a one-time financial award of approximately 12,000 Australian dollars, and you can receive a valuable subsidy from local governments every year.

Purely military medals include: Royal Knights of the Order, Silver Cross and Imperial Order of Merit.

The Australasian Government has a duty and obligation to protect every recipient of the Order, regardless of whether he or she has Australasian citizenship.

As for the financial rewards awarded to Lords, depending on the medal, the financial rewards are also different.

In addition to carrying out normal reconnaissance missions, a large number of reconnaissance aircraft also need to take into account the search, rescue and transfer of crashed pilots.

Arthur's purpose was also very simple, that is, to connect Australasia's colonies in the Persian Gulf together, and to immigrate on a large scale to firmly control these areas.

The amount of the subsidy depends on the fiscal revenue of each place, and the minimum is 100% of the local per capita annual income.

At this point, Oman's threat to India has been invisibly weakened. The British were very relieved about this and agreed more simply.

After defeating the island nation, Australasia has full power over the island nation. If Russia takes the opportunity to attack the island countries, Britain and France should support Australasia's full authority to dispose of the island countries.

Comprehensive medals include: Victoria Memorial Medal and Arthur the Great Medal

Undoubtedly, among all the nine medals, the most difficult to obtain are still the Victoria Memorial Medal and the Arthur the Great Medal.

But if we initially target Germany, Italy, and island countries, Britain and France's defenses will not be so intense.

As long as the medal is still there and it can be proven that the medal was indeed officially awarded by the government, you can receive annual subsidies indefinitely.

Even an ordinary pilot needs at least several months of training to go from knowing nothing to being qualified.

William was stunned for a moment, thought carefully for a long time, and then said: "Straits Settlements and Madagascar?"

Australasia could influence north through the Straits Settlements to Siam, which is Thailand. Importantly, Siam was adjacent to the British Indian colonies, which also meant that Australasia could exert influence over India.

After all, the empire's greatest reliance is India. Once India was lost, the British Empire's throne as world hegemon was not so stable.

If the island nation does not participate in the war, Australasia will receive priority in disposing of equipment from German and Italian military factories and heavy industry enterprises.

However, the war has become what it is now, and countries no longer feel too sorry for the crash of the plane. Compared with aircraft, countries pay more attention to the survival of the pilot flying the aircraft after the aircraft crashes.

You must know that the subsidy for any medal is permanent. This also means that as long as you obtain any medal, you and your children and descendants can use this medal to receive subsidies from the local government that match the medal.

Because there was only one land claim for Oman, and they still did not ask for an Italian colony, the British agreed to Australasia's request. After all, apart from its favorable geographical location, Oman's oil reserves are not actually very high.

But if the British get the Straits Settlements, it will open a gap for Australasia to continue expanding northward.

In order to increase public and military support and expectations for the war, under Arthur's instructions, the Australasian government announced reforms to the original medals and promulgated new medals.

In terms of territory, Arthur directly expressed no interest in Italy's two major colonies. But Arthur demanded that on the premise of supporting Britain and France to fully annex the Italian colonies, he would exchange them for the British colonies in Oman.

When the war enters a crisis, we can ask for more benefits, and Britain and France cannot disagree. "

Lordship is not a title of nobility and can be obtained by anyone worldwide.

Scientific research medals include: Science Medal and National Contribution Medal

Medals for civilians include: National Medal of Australasia and Medal of Patriots

It's okay if it falls in an area controlled by our own side, and the pilot's safety can still be guaranteed. But if it falls in an area controlled by the enemy, there is a high probability that the pilot will be captured or killed.

Coupled with the vast land and sparsely populated areas and deserts everywhere, the economic value was not that high, and the British did not pay much attention to it.

Although Oman and India are separated by the sea, Oman includes the entire Persian Gulf territory of Australasia and is also surrounded by British colonies.

If the island nation enters the war, the focus of Australasia's offensive will become defeating the island nation. Of course, while attacking island countries, the number of Australasian expeditionary forces in Europe will still remain at around 600,000.

But if Australasia can exert influence on India and even threaten British rule in India, it will be time for the British to start to fully prepare for Australasia, and even turn against each other.

In other words, as long as you obtain the Victoria Memorial Medal or the Arthur the Great Medal, you can receive a one-time award of 12,000 Australian dollars, and you can also receive a local per capita annual income subsidy every year.

There are only three original medals in Australasia, namely the Victoria Memorial Medal, the Royal Knights Medal and the National Medal of Australasia.

In fact, it can be seen from the map that although Australasia unified the entire Oceania, it also completely lost the direction of expansion.

A small population means easy management, and it also means that after relocating these populations in the future, Australasia can easily and firmly control these areas.

Moreover, once we obtain these two colonies, it means that we have successfully aroused the defenses of Britain and France, thereby losing the opportunity to obtain greater benefits in the war.

In the palace, Arthur was asked by William a question that many countries were curious about. What made Australasia choose to declare war on Germany and Italy?

Arthur smiled and asked William: "What conditions do you think are enough for us to declare war?"

To the north is the British Straits Settlements, and to the east and west are the vast oceans. Even in North America, our neighbors are powerful powers like the British Commonwealth and Russia.

Anyone who has received any of the Australasian medals will be called an honorable Lord.

Secondly, if the Lord is an Australasian, he will receive all welfare benefits and policy support including education, medical care, etc.

In order to allow Britain and France to fight against Germany and Italy with all their strength, and not to be too defensive about themselves, Arthur also worked hard.

Coupled with the one-time reward that can be obtained when obtaining the medal, it can ensure that anyone can extremely effectively improve their economic situation after obtaining the medal.

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