
Back to Hoenn Alliance headquarters, simply report the situation to Aiden S., and then tell Aiden S.’s conjecture.

Sure enough, I learned from Aiden’s mouth that he almost had such a conjecture, but he was suffering from no good response.

Until Aoki came back and possessed such strength, my mind settled a little.

Aoki, who left Aiden’s office, failed to return directly to his home at the Alliance headquarters.

Instead, I was invited to a special and quiet place by two people.

The name of Mei Qi is to introduce some trainers to Aoki.

The two people who stopped him were the Hoenn Region Officer Jenny’s patriarch and Joy’s patriarch.

Leaded by the two, he brought Aoki here.

I saw a room similar to a classroom. The difference is that every location here is certainly not as shabby as an ordinary classroom. The person sitting on it is not an ordinary person at least, at least they are wearing it. The material of clothes is not affordable for ordinary people.

After being introduced by Officer Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch, I learned that the people sitting here are patriarchs from some famous families in the Hoenn Region.

The strength of these families can more or less cover an entire city, and they belong to the most Peak group in the local city.

Some of these families even have direct control over the local urban pavilions, or even hold a number of positions in the league.

It can be said that these people here are all well-known figures in Hoenn Region, but now these amazing people see people from the Ippei people of Aoki, but they dare not put on a shelf.

When I saw Aoki coming in, each and everyone stood up and greeted each other with enthusiasm. Some people still could n’t be introduced by the staff Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch, and I introduced them briefly.

Most of these families are similar to the Zvolch family. These families more or less control the resources of some elves, although not as many as the number of steel elves that the Zvolch family has. Its aptitude talent is not as exaggerated as the Zvolch family.

But that’s compared with the giant family like the Zvitch family. In the eyes of ordinary people, having such an elf resource is a huge monster that cannot be crossed like a mountain.

If you really want to compare, in the Johto area, the family of Whitney who controls the elves like Miltank can only line up to the middle of the room, and maybe not even.

If the resources in the entire Elven World are the most precious, it must be those rare or high aptitude and high potential elves. These things are the essence of the entire Elven World.

In fact, elves are not uncommon in the entire Elven World, and they are not scarce resources, but high aptitude or high rareness are the most valuable.

For example, the quasi-divine essence spirit in each region. If there is a family that can control the output of quasi-divine essence spirit to a certain extent, then this family will never be a weak family.

It ’s like the Long Family in the area, which is already in the Zvitch family in the Hoenn Region. The Long Family controls the dragon cave. With the efforts of the members of the ancient Long Family, the dragon cave can be produced stably every year A certain number of Dratini brings tremendous benefits to the entire Long Family.

The Zvitch family, a family that started with mining industry, also controls certain output of the quasi-god Metasros in the Hoenn Region. While enriching its own family strength, it can also bring considerable benefits to the family.

Of course, the elves controlled by this family are not the only ones. The Royal Long Family also controls some dragon spirits in Kingdra. The Zvolch family also has a large number of steel spirits such as Aggron.

It ’s just that there are only a few families that can achieve this level, but this is the survival mode of these families in the Elven World. If it really can monopolize a kind of elves, then this family wants to not grow up Difficult.

The two largest families, the Office Jenny family and the Joy family, have almost monopolized several elven races, and their strength is beyond estimation.

It’s just that these two families have been completely intertwined with the entire Elven Alliance, and whether it is glory or destruction, they will also be accompanied.

As a branch of such a Great Family, the Office of the Jenny and Joy of the Hoenn Region is also the leader of all the Hoenn Region families.

Of course, if it really counts, the Zvolch family may be the strongest family in the Hoenn Region now.

Aoki saw how indifferent the large and small family patriarch, not at all, even communicated with them with a smile on his face.

He knows what Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch mean.

Aoki was just a little Brat who had just become the regional king. He could sit on the four heavens. It was not Hoenn Region. No one was better than him. It was just because the direction of the entire alliance was to delegate power to young men. It was the strongest of all youngsters, so he sat in the position of the Four Heavenly Kings.

But Aoki at the time, although it was also very popular, was not considered to be the core of the rights of the entire Hoenn Region. Therefore, these families regarded themselves very high. Aoki did not take the initiative to deal with them. They also brought that kind of expert. First-class feeling.

Even if they were the Agency Jenny and Joy Two Great Families who valued Aoki’s potential at the time, their unified policy was to recruit Aoki for their use.

But it’s different now. A trip to space and time on the mainland made Aoki’s strength rise by leaps and bounds, making everyone astounded.

At this time, Aoki’s strength makes him strong and qualified to become a regional champion directly. If it was not before Aoki came out, Drake became the champion, and Aiden hopes that Aoki will accumulate a little more experience. , It is estimated that he will be the champion after coming to the league!

Even if it isn’t, there isn’t much difference. The search department that was temporarily managed is now fully under Aoki’s control. This is a very powerful force.

Coupled with his announcement of super evolution, and some major events that he did before, all of them have been dug up. Now, the call to become the next Hoenn Region champion has become louder.

These self-righteous families are finally unable to sit still.

Drake They all know each other, and they have dealt with a lot, but this Aoki they have never met.

From the current situation, if you are less than 20 years old, you will become the champion of Hoenn Region. In the future, you will be the champion and president like Aidens, and you will not be without chance if you use force and power!

And most importantly, Aoki is a civilian who was born and started. The ghost knows whether he will continue to increase support for civilians after he takes office.

In recent years, due to the plans and policies of the Alliance, various regions have begun to vigorously support civilian trainers in each region. For example, civilian trainers are now at the Elven Center. As long as their strength does not reach a certain level, they will pass the Alliance After the test, you can enjoy half price service in the Elven Center.

Even now, the alliance has relaxed the assessment standards for family members. As long as you become a family member of the alliance, all these infrastructures can be enjoyed for free.

Free treatment at the Elf Center, free accommodation provided by the Elf Center during the trip, and the elf pictorials of the members can make up for some lack of knowledge. Even the elf pics can also have the law enforcement power of the Help Alliance Police Department to a certain extent. There is also the opportunity to continue climbing to the top of the league.

All of this is one of the main reasons that alliances have emerged that many talents in recent years.

The strength of the entire Elven Alliance will no longer depend on the high-quality close proximity that these families provide. The families they provide are younger and civilian trainers have also participated in the competition.

Although the success rate of civilians is poor, the population base of civilians is very large.

As long as it is not a giant Pang such as the Zvolch family, the Royal Long family, the Office Jenny family, and the Joy family, the remaining large and small families will surely be affected.

Then who Aoki was born as a civilian, it will become very important which direction he supports in the future.

So this time, these families are united, hoping to communicate with Aoki through the Office Jenny and Joy families.

There is another important reason. Although the announcement of the super evolution is very simple, it is not the case.

Do n’t say it ’s the hardest super-evolutionary stone, even the less important Key Stone in Aoki ’s mouth. They have n’t even seen the shadow, so I want to see if there is inventory in Aoki ’s hands, if any. They hope to get one or two.

The patriarchs of these families are still prepared. They carry the characteristic resources produced by their families, and there are elves and various rare resources. Pushing them to Aoki makes him feel dazzled.

Many of them are even Aoki who is slightly agitated.

After all, he is special now, and these families dare not fool him with some of these goods.

Yes, in fact, in simple terms, these families are to bribe Aoki, a new star of the Hoenn alliance, and one of the future leaders of the Hoenn alliance.

Aoki not at all. Accept the spirits of these people. He has enough spirits now, and has no idea to cultivate spirits for the time being.

Also at this time, the spirits on his island, Aoki intentionally started to spoil, and gradually eliminated some spirits that could not be aptitude, leaving only the elite, so there must be a busy time on his island. There must be no time to manage the elves they sent.

In fact, the most important thing is that these elves are only one, not paired.

Of course, if Aoki accepts the spirits of these people, it will inevitably become a constraint in the future, but if they do n’t accept their stuff, they will not be assured. Therefore, Aoki accepted the resources and materials they took, which can be regarded as reassuring. .

By the time all patriarch left with a smile on their faces, there were only Aoki and Office Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch in the room.

They not only help the patriarch of these families this time, but also help. Aoki recognizes that more and more families in the Hoenn Region will provide him with a lot of help.

“Many thanks for the two patriarchs,” Aoki said with a smile to the officers Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch.

I saw Officer Jenny patriarch waving his hand. “The little things, mainly Aoki. You are now fragrant. Even without us, they will come to each and everyone. We just integrated these people a little bit. Save everyone’s time.

You haven’t seen a few families patriarch just looking at you with two eyes shining, it’s like looking at the golden tortoise shell. These families’ homes are all about the same age as you and look good. Young Lady, if you are interested in Aoki, can you learn more about them? “

Australian Jenny patriarch joked that Aoki laughed embarrassingly and politely without answering.

Not just now, he was Xiang Xiang a long time ago, but now he is stronger and better, and more fragrant to others.

“hehe ——Officer Jenny is right, and it ’s not just their families. If you can see who we are in the Joy family, I can allow you to fall in love freely. Is n’t it okay to see our kimono? Powerful is the Chief Search Officer and also owns Divine Beast Articuno. Although his personality is a bit colder and his age is a little bit older, as the saying goes well, the female junior is holding the BRIC … “

Joy patriarch did not hesitate to let go, he said quickly.

“Yes, in fact, our Caiya people are also very good. You should have been in contact for a long time now, knowing that she is not as rigid and serious as our other Office Jenny, and her communication is approachable and smiling. Looks like, if you do n’t have a choice for the time being, you can also consider it. “

The embarrassment on Aoki’s face became more and more obvious.

How do you feel that Office Manager Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch are not here to talk about business, they are to be matchmakers and to sell them clansman.

What do they think? Aoki’s heart is like a mirror, but judging by his inherent thinking, after 20 years of age, he is still younger.

“Do n’t make fun of me with the two patriarchs, Jie Yi and Caiya, I took great care of me in the search department. I have always remembered this relationship, but I really just treat them as an elder sister. , There is no indiscriminate thought. “Aoki waved hands again and again.

Even if they are rejected now, Aoki feels that this situation will definitely not be rare in the future. As long as he doesn’t find someone to get married, it is estimated that this situation will continue for a long time.

But getting married is too far away for Aoki.

Officer Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch also know that they don’t go too far.

The two directly ended the communication that they did n’t know was a joke or is the truth, and turned to the topic, “Aoki, after you announced the super evolution last time, our two families are paying attention to these special stones. You also know us There are more people in the two families, so I quickly collected some, but … “said Office Jenny patriarch helplessly.

hearing this, Aoki laughed secretly.

Due to my own intervention, the super-evolutionary process of the entire Elven World has been pushed forward. I do n’t know how many years.

Lack of a gradual process, no reasonable research, no step by step to explore all the information of super evolution, only because of the sudden announcement of Aoki, has everyone discovered the existence of this super evolution.

So now, even if some people get some superevolutionary stones, it is more difficult to find the elves that match this superevolutionary stone in the vast and large number of elves.

Also, the super-evolution of the elves is not just this requirement. It also requires the fetters of the elves and trainers to reach a certain level. As to what extent, it is even more unknown.

This is the case of the current family of Jenny and Joy. With their huge strength and number of Two Great Families, they have found some super evolutionary stones, but they do n’t know how to use them. This is a very troublesome problem.

So they can only find Aoki, who is the originator of superevolution. I want him to see what these superevolutionary stones are. They are using the right way.

“It is indeed the Office of the Jenny and the Joy family. It is so fast to find a super-evolving stone of great value. It is really amazing!” Aoki patted the flattery but did not say the point of the matter .

Officer Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Aoki didn’t answer their questions directly, either he didn’t want to answer them, or he wanted some benefit from them.

But they can understand it, after all, they are in this world, and they are the only ones who have mastered superevolution.

“Aoki, if you have any needs, you might as well say it directly. After all, we are also your elders. If we can help, we will definitely help.” Joy patriarch said with a smile.

Aoki waved his hands again and again, “How can I just joke with the two patriarchs, so I can help you identify the type of elves corresponding to these superevolutionary stones, but this will take a short time, after all, So when the time comes Superevolutionary Stone is expected to stay in my hands for a while.

“That’s okay, but you said that, as elders, we can’t make you lose.” Office Jenny patriarch put on an expression that can’t make you lose, and after a moment of groaning, eyes shined said, Let ’s go, the most famous of our family of Officer Jenny is Arcanine. When the time comes, I will send you two Arcanines with aptitude Peak in return.

Don’t refuse either, this is the kind of thought of our Office Jenny family, after all, it can’t make you work for nothing. “

Joy patriarch on the side is also nodded, “Yes, our Joy family is best known as Chansey. As the best assistant elves for field trips, you must be more than you need Aoki. Pick out a few Chanseys that have the potential of out of the ordinary for you, and it’s a reward. “

Aoki put on this embarrassing expression and practiced deciding, but he couldn’t help but want to laugh.

The patriarchs of this Great Family are just different. They will come. After expressing their meanings implicitly, the two patriarchs will instantly understand.

See how much the patriarch of the Great Family speaks?

This is a thank you to Aoki. It is a reward, not a bribe, or Aoki himself, but they have to give it to Aoki.

It was definitely not what he wanted.

So after several resignations, Aoki “reluctantly” agreed with the two patriarch’s proposal, accepted their bribes … no, accepted their so-called return after paid labor.

Take away two satisfied patriarch, Aoki also returned to his house with some hearts content.

He has more than a hundred superevolutionary stones in his hands. He had already thoroughly studied these superevolutionary stones when he was empty. Most of the elven superevolutionary stones are now in Aoki’s hands.

So now among his elves, the super-evolved Aoki of the elves, such as Swampert, Lucario, Shanaido, and Venusaur, are all done.

It’s just that he has limited abilities after all, and superevolution can only maintain up to four, and the situation of four can collapse at any time, which is not a common way.

It’s triple super evolution, and it can now be used in actual combat.

Aoki, Aiden, and Drake are just a few people. By virtue of their identity, they have directly selected a single-use villa in the backyard of the Hoenn Alliance headquarters, not far from Drake and Aiden.

However, this villa can only be used for living. It is not his property. It is a typical “public house”.

When Aoki returned to his house, he saw someone waiting at the door, carrying his back, standing in front of the flower bed and waiting silently.

A closer look reveals Aiden’s.

Qing Hawes engraved, “President, are you waiting for me?”

Aiden Si was clearly thinking about things, but Aoki didn’t notice it until he heard Aoki’s voice.

The face immediately turned into a brilliant chrysanthemum, and smiled and said to Aoki, “Come back? How about it? The two guys, Office Jenny and Joy, haven’t made excessive demands?”

Aoki met the many family patriarch at the Hoenn Alliance headquarters. He must have escaped the eyes of the president, Aiden.

But these people didn’t mean to hide.

Near the powerhouse, it’s all an instinct for survival.

Then Aoki lightly shook the head, telling Aiden both Office Jenny patriarch and Joy patriarch, and the gifts from the family’s patriarch, all told Aiden S. without reservation.

There is nothing to hide, if Aiden really wants to know, there is nothing to hide from him.

Listening to Aoki ’s words, the smile on Aiden ’s face has not disappeared. “It seems that the entire Hoenn can see what the future of our alliance will look like. These people are now leaning on you. It ’s not a bad thing for you. With them, Hoenn will be more stable. “

Aoki was nodded and didn’t speak.

Aiden’s look was a little more dignified, admonishing, “But Aoki, you have to remember that these families can use, but not reuse.

If the entire Hoenn Region is considered as a person, our Hoenn Alliance is the brain, which determines the direction of the entire Hoenn Region. These large and small families are the skeletons of this person. With them, the Hoenn Region can be more stable and capable. Walk steadily, and all the residents of Hoenn Region, the blood and flesh of this person, are equally important!

The three major parts of Hoenn Region are indispensable! “

From these words of Aiden, you can hear that he is teaching Aoki some ideas about his management, and that is to mention Aoki.

“But the entire league is now admiring ordinary people, do you know why?” Aiden asked, looking at Aoki’s eyes.

Aoki and Fearless looked at Aiden with fear, his divine light flowed in his eyes, and after a little groaning, he said, “Whether the skeleton is too large or the flesh is too burdensome, it is not conducive to the development of the entire region. A kind of balance, but at this time because of the development of the entire alliance for many years, these large and small families relying on the alliance have grown too large and overabsorbed the nutrients belonging to flesh and blood.

So now we need to strengthen the flesh and blood, let these loose flesh and blood slowly become muscles, and at the same time let the bones passively strengthen themselves, so as to stabilize the entire skeleton. “

Aiden’s face softened when he heard Aoki’s words. He stretched out an old hand and patted it lightly on Aoki’s shoulder.

I was relieved to see him looking at Aoki now, “I believe in you!”

After that, put your hands behind your back and move slowly towards your house.

But Aoki is standing in the frowns at this moment. Looking at the Aiden Si who is going away, I always feel that this time Aiden Si finds himself to chat, The words mean more than they say.

Especially when he looks directly into his eyes, and the last words he said, “I believe in you!”

Suddenly, Aoki ’s pupils watching Aiden ’s back suddenly shrink, because Aiden ’s was carrying his own, so he saw the six Poké Balls on the idiosyncratic belt behind Aiden ’s back! !!

A trainer with six elves on his body, it doesn’t look right at all.

But Aoki is a meticulous observer, and because he guards most people, they will subconsciously observe their elves when they contact others.

Aoki has only seen one time so far. Aiden is full of six elves. It was during the rebellion between Groudon and Kyogre that the entire Hoenn Region was saved, so Aiden took six of them. The main elves, it is summon out of his powerful Latios.

At other times, even if he wore a Poké Ball, it was no more than two or three for defense.

But now! He saw Aiden carrying six Poké Balls.

Aoki doesn’t think that Aiden brought six elves to chat with him, just to show them.

Slowly close my eyes, I do n’t know if Aiden is understood something, nor do I know what the real purpose of Aiden ’s conversation with him is today, but I just know that Aiden ’s still willing to believe in himself.

“It seems to speed up.” Aoki in the heart said quietly and returned to his house.

It will be stable for a while.

In fact, it can’t be said to be stable, after all, the people of the gods always harass them from time to time, but slowly Aoki also finds the law of their appearance.

Aoki now can roughly guess the time and place of their appearance before the people of the gods. Before the people of the gods come, they can feel something.

But the timing is not good enough, so not all of the people who have deep friendships are left.

But more or less members of the deities remain.

It’s just that these people are ignorant of the plan of the gods, and arrested is useless. Finally, they were blocked by Aoki’s superpowers and directly held in the prison of the Alliance.

It has been a month since Aoki and Aiden’s night chat, and this month has completely brought the superevolution to the climax.

Now everyone is searching for the precious super evolutionary stone.

Officer Jenny and Joy together, with the help of Aoki, finally completed their first super evolution.

In return, Aoki also successfully received two Growlithe, one male and one female, and the aptitude is still light blue, which is a very good sprite.

I also received two Happiny at the same time, but both Happiny, Chansey and even Blissey have only females.

And how exactly do these elves have offspring? Only the Joy family knows the complete method.

But it’s hard to beat Aoki, but his focus at this time is not to train those elves that ’s all.

All four elves were teleported to their own breeding island.

The farm island at this time was expanded by Bangila and a group of elves at that time, and the big Arnold was expanded four times. In order to meet the living environment needs of various elves, the farm island at this time has begun to take shape.

“Aoki, all of us are ready, and I’ll just wait for you.” The three chief search officers of Zifuqi Muzi, Joy Yuyi, and Office Jenny Caiya are reporting via video phone and Aoki.

Hearing this, Aoki put down his own thing and said directly, “You wait for me, don’t appear at will.”

After talking, the video call hangs up.

This is the first time so far, and it should be the most ambush.

“The fishing nets have been prepared. Wait for you to walk right into a trap!” Aoki stood up, picked up his own Heavenly King’s clothes from the chair behind him, and threw them on his body, surpassing his power, Teleport disappeared in the office. Inside.

Teleport with the help of Salamence several times in a row. When Aoki stopped moving, he had already reached Rustboro City in the Hoenn Region!

It is Rustboro City where the Zvitch family and the German company are located.

Aoki Teleport didn’t arrive elsewhere, it was at the door of the Zvitch family.

In Rustboro City, of course, you need to visit the Old Master Zvuch. Even if the people of the gods can arrive at any time, Aoki can also arrive immediately.

Skillfully walk into the Zvitch family.

With Aoki’s identity and status at this time, as well as his relationship with Steven, he came to the Zvolch family without special restraint.

Directly went to the study room of the Old Master of Zifuqi Hibiscus. The Old Master who got the news has been waiting here for a long time. Of course, there is also Aoki’s best friend, the steel king Steven Stone.

Because Aoki spent more than a month in the space-time continent, for him it was more than five months and nearly six months, and Steven was also harassed by the people of God from time to time in Elven World.

Compared to Aoki’s dark development, so many people have a certain time lag with him.

Because of this, Aoki’s return this time, I felt that the impact of the explosive power-up was so great, and suddenly felt like the members of Steven’s peers were thrown away.

At their age, now this time period was the time when the strength of the fastest increase, Aoki shortened the time, so only a few Stevens and him are so different.

Along with the super evolutionary increase of Aoki, he has the strength comparable to Drake.

He came here this time also because of the invitation of the Old Master Zvki Hibiscus.

Slightly embarrassed, just go straight to the topic.

In essence, the Aoki and Zvucci families at this time are more or less a cooperative relationship.

Hosted by Hibiscus Old Master, Aoki and Steven co-founded the diamond touting company. With the input of Aoki’s continuously diamonds, it is also a daily gold bucket, plus it is to take out pink diamonds. The channels of the clan have turned a lot.

“Aoki is like this, although we have collected some superevolutionary stones through our family’s channels, but also let Steven know the elves corresponding to these superevolutionary stones through your relationship, but I do n’t know if it is bad luck or how , None of these superevolutionary stones fit our family, so … “said Hibiscus Old Master.

“So I want to ask if you have any superevolutionary stones that we can use.” The Hibiscus Old Master was a little euphemistic, but Steven wouldn’t be polite to Aoki, anyway, he owed Aoki no Less debt and more debt.

Besides his relationship with Aoki, it is easier to speak directly.

After hearing Steven’s words, Hibiscus Old Master’s face was a little awkward.

But Aoki didn’t feel anything. Steven didn’t see him, and he wouldn’t see him.

As far as he knows, there are 40 six elves that can super-evolve, and at this time he has more than a hundred super-evolving stones, and some of them are duplicates.

Anyway changing resources and props with other people, it’s better to change with the Zvuchi family.

But even if you are a pro, you have to settle accounts.

He paid for help. The Zvitch family identified the superevolutionary stone, which has been done to the best of all. Once Steven helped him, now he is almost the same. Now Aoki does not owe Steven anything.

But Steven still owes a super-evolution to Aoki Mawile.

Looking at Steven ’s dead pig not afraid of boiling water, Aoki really wanted to go up and give him a brain seed, if his father wasn’t …

It’s getting bigger and bigger, kid!

However, Aoki did not mean to refuse, as he said, who to exchange for is not a trade, and the details of the Zvuchi family clearly meet his requirements.

Ding ——

A yellow and white hook jade in the middle, and a light blue transparent glass-like stone around him, he was directly placed on the table.

Seeing this stone, the other two people in the room knew that this super-evolutionary stone was definitely used by the elves of their family.

At this moment, the hibiscus Old Master is thinking about what can be exchanged for such a precious super-evolutionary stone, just do not know what kind of elven super-evolutionary stone.

But Aoki didn’t sell it. The next sentence directly shocked the hibiscus Old Master and Steven.

“This is the meta-evolving stone of Metagross!” Aoki lightly said, as if this super-evolving stone is not very valuable in his eyes, just like an ordinary stone.

But he almost made Steven bit his tongue and exclaimed, “Giant, Metagross’s super evolutionary stone?!”

Aoki smiled with nodded expression.

Only Steven ’s next sentence made him almost fall over, “Your boy, such a good super evolutionary stone, why did n’t you give it to me in time and space?!”

Steven’s focus is here?

Still, Steven rushed to Aoki, grabbed his neck, squeezed his other hand into a fist, and directly performed a “death massage”!

Seeing that Aoki and Steven were bothering, a smile appeared on the face of the Old Master of Hibiscus.

He is old, but he did not make Steven a hedonistic son of rich parents, and even developed his potential. Now Steven can not only provide him with a lot of management in the Si family business. Help, and there is no stagnation in its own strength.

In the view of Hibiscus Old Master, if there is not such a “pervert” in Aoki, Drake will sit in the championship for a few years. In the future, Steven is most likely to take the banner of the younger generation and become the Hoenn Region. Championship.

I’m not saying that I feel bad about Aoki. After all, if there is not a strong competitor like Aoki, Steven’s promotion speed will not be so fast, and it is gratifying that Aoki and Steven are Healthy competition, not at all.

But in this way, now he has a headache. Aoki and Steven have such a good relationship. This time they also directly and honestly took out the Metagross superevolution stone. Obviously, as an elder, he cannot pit Aoki, at least not. Let Aoki suffer.

But based on the current value of this superevolutionary stone, Zvolch Hibiscus really doesn’t know what value can be matched.

It was originally, I just hoped that there would be a super evolutionary stone like Aggron, Steelix, or even Mawile. If you knew Aoki, you would zoom in.

He’s not ready for this big move.

“cough cough, Steven, that’s enough. If I had it at the time, wouldn’t I give it to you? In our relationship, wouldn’t I give Shirona the super evolutionary stone of Garchomp? If I had Will not give you? “Aoki forcibly broke away from Steven’s” hoop of death “.

Which Steven said angrily, “Che, who knows if you have any special relationship with Shirona. At that time, with so many of us, you have the best relationship with Shirona.”

Looking at Steven’s “believe you a ghost” expression, Aoki was really speechless.

But the Old Master Zvki Hibiscus was holding back again, he wondered if he heard it wrong.

Garcomp superevolutionary stone comparable to Metagross at this time.

Even he wonders if Aoki really has any special relationship with this Shirona.

Notice the change in the eyes of Hibiscus Old Master, Aoki silently condensed, this pair of father and son, true …

Just playing around, Steven obviously felt the mood of his Old Master, and said directly, “Dad, I told you a long time ago, just give that thing to Aoki, he will definitely not spread it.”

After hearing Steven’s words, the hibiscus Old Master couldn’t help but fall into silence. Steven told him many times about it, but he couldn’t make up his mind.

Aoki watched the eye contact between the two.

It’s nasty …

Aoki, who had been completely ignored, couldn’t help but say “Cough Cough!”

At this time, the two people reacted and there was another person here.

The expression of the Old Master Zvki Hibiscus is a little awkward, “That’s the case. Steven told me at the beginning that he wanted to teach you the aptitude ascension method of the steel elves unique to our Zvki family. He also Assured me that you will never spread it, but this thing is really valuable, and although I am patriarch, I am not alone in it, so I have never agreed.

But this time, the meta-evolution stone you brought out of Metagross did add value out of the ordinary, and I couldn’t think of anything to exchange with you for a while.

It’s just this method, it’s also only a member of the family in our family … ”

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