The lines on the blood-colored blocks have been combined.

Luo smiled on his face.

There are still three people left, and Regis, Luo and I have never said anything, holding a book in the hands of Hansong.

“Aoki! Qingfeng! I know you are here! Watching the show now, come out!” Regis not at all used this bloody bomb in the first time, but shouted in the empty hall .

The phoenix complex with the Aoki stand together slightly changed, I didn’t expect the two to hide so well, but it was still discovered.

Since it was discovered, there is no need to hide it. Or find a chance to escape. The Nidoking in the hall, she is seeing it, not what they can deal with.

Just wanted to leave, but Aoki reached out and stopped him, frowns staring at Regis, who was indifferent in the hall.

“The two disappeared people did not escape, but also came over?” Regis side Luo looked serious and watched all around with vigilance.

“How? Aoki! Don’t come out to meet old friends? Waiting for you for so long.” Regis’ voice is even louder.

But the hidden Aoki was a brow but it was loose, and even a mocking smile.

Regis not at all found the existence of the two, just want to provoke them.

If the two are here and have not thought about it carefully, they may be really provoked.

But Aoki Detected Regis’s behavior, just because he suddenly shot the person next to him, the move.

Because even if they really found out that Aoki’s existence, with Regis’ current style of work, it would definitely launch an attack in the first place, and strive to grab the opportunity, instead of vocating the names of Aoki.

There was silence in the hall.

After waiting quietly for three minutes, Regis gradually became serious.

He did not find the existence of Aoki and Qingfeng. He just wanted to provoke them through words. If they are really here, they may be provoked.

“It’s okay, they shouldn’t be here, let’s go.” Regis didn’t wait for Aoki to appear. He always felt like a thorn in the back Normal, and some were not at ease.

It can be seen from now on, Luo and Hansong are headed by Regis.

And Aoki and Qingfeng are more likely to use more value than cooperation.

Regis has no way of knowing where Aoki is and can’t wait.

Because the piece of blood in his hand is already a bit hot.

The most troublesome thing about this kind of blood-colored bomb is that after the production is completed, it will spontaneously activate, so Regis and Luo have slaughtered a large number of Pokemons outside, and they still have to be in this hall.

Because of this, they attracted a large number of people to come in.

It can only be said that this method of partiality works well, but there are too many restrictions.

Regis attached the piece of wood to the Great Sect.

A towering Great Sect, from the ground to the top of the hall, depicts some strange lines, like the language of this world in ancient times, but now the text has been lost.

In fact, if you can, don’t destroy this Dao Sect, because it’s just the pattern on the Dao Sect.

But Regis and the others who can’t find a way to get in can only do this.

After placing the blood-colored bomb, the Regis three retreated to the edge of the hall, allowing the Pokemons to take a defensive posture.

The most powerful Nidoking stands at the forefront, like a wall.

It can be seen that on the bloody wooden block, the grain is becoming more and more obvious, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and a few white smoke is slowly coming from above.

Without waiting for a long time, this bloody bomb was finally brewed.

Bang!! !

A violent explosion sounded, and there was a densely packed bloodshot on the Dao Sect, and the bloodshot seemed to produce a very hot high temperature, which penetrated from the outside, and then the Dao Sect broke into small pieces in the explosion.

The violent explosion brought a violent air impact to the hall.

Aoki and Qingfeng were also affected, but the existence of Slowking and Jynx resisted the impact.

In fact, if Regis stood in the hall and watched it at this time, they could find Aoki’s traces, but they are now taking care of themselves and ordering Pokemons to use the defensive class.

The shock that lasted for ten seconds, accompanied by the sound of falling stones, was finally over.

The entire hall was messy.

But that Dao Sect was indeed destroyed, revealing the inside.

Luo’s face appeared ecstatic expression, although Regis is also happy, but not at all Luo is so exaggerated, even the face of the unchanging cold pine, there has been a wave of fluctuations.

It can be seen how much effort they have made for this action.

There are more than 30 people on the island this time. It is estimated that there are only two people from Regis and Aoki, and there are five people.

The survival rate of 10%.

No, this mission is not over yet. There are a few people who are alive and going out, not necessarily.

Just like in the hall, the back of the door is not at all special places, but the brightness is slightly stronger, and you can clearly see the contents on the inside wall.

The Regis trio waited in the same place to ensure that there was no Pokemon inside the not at all, and then slowly walked inside.

Followed by Pokemon, the Nidoking Regis did not take it back. This is his biggest guarantee on the island and his trump card.

Although the trump card has become a clear card, it still plays a deterrent role.

Not only to shock Aoki, but also the Luo around, is also the person Regis should be prepared.

Luo didn’t get the full trust of Regis, and because this person is prone to fever, he doesn’t know what to do.

After seeing the three disappeared into the hall, Aoki and Qingfeng came out of the hiding corner.

Fortunately, when the devils followed them, they found a more hidden corner in the hall, plus the Psychic package of Slowking and Jynx. In such a large hall, it did not cause Regis and the others. note.

At this time, the green phoenix was somewhat admired by Aoki.

Just when Regis irritated them, with her character, she might start to run away.

Fortunately, it was stopped by Aoki.

Otherwise, facing the Nidoking and Luo’s Flygon, Qingfeng estimates that he will not run out with a high probability.

Naturally, the subconscious, Qingfeng asked, “What should I do next?”

Aoki’s brain was spinning fast, thinking of the key Luciano had made for his life tree, and he sank for a while, “Catch up and see.”

After that, take the Slowking and go to Great Sect first.

Qingfeng stood hesitating for a while, and finally bite his teeth and moved towards Aoki.


Third more! Seeking a monthly ticket!

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