The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 180 Battle in Northern Border

After pondering for a while, Han Fei thought about it for a while, and felt that this official position was very suitable for him. Isn't what he learned and thought about to revitalize South Korea and save South Korea from its doomed fate?

Now, although the official position of the Minister of Honglu Temple in charge of diplomacy belongs to the imperial country, he hopes to unite the six countries in the Kanto region and fight against Qin. What he has given coincides with his own purpose.

However, this official position is really Prince Jing, can he be given it casually? Han Fei expressed doubts about this.

Nevertheless, although Fei wants to take over this official position, he still needs to report to his father. I hope Your Highness will forgive me! Hearing King Jing's explanation, although Han Fei felt something was wrong, he did not doubt it. On the contrary, he said with some embarrassment.

No need to do this, I can wait for your reply, you can go and discuss with your father and king, and South Korea's important ministers, but I hope you don't make me wait too long, the matter of defeating Qin is imperative! Zhong Yu nodded. He nodded to show his understanding of Han Fei, but finally made a point.

Han Fei also understands the truth. He will not delay, and he will definitely give His Highness a reply within a few days. Han Fei's tone was extremely firm.

Well, today's matter will only be passed on to you and me. In Korea in the future, only a few people will know it. Can you know? Nodding in satisfaction, Zhong Yu was quite satisfied with Han Fei's answer, but still a little Prompted worriedly.

I understand, how can such a shocking conspiracy be leaked so easily! Han Fei naturally understood the importance of it, and how could it be easily leaked if he joined forces to attack Qin? .

That's good. It's not convenient to drink alcohol when discussing important matters. The lonely king prepares some light tea and chats with all his heart! Lifting the teacup on the table, Zhong Yu drank it down and motioned to Han Fei.

Your Highness, you are welcome. Hearing this discussion, Han Fei's mind was agitated, so why would he be in the mood to drink and have fun! Han Fei said excitedly.

At this moment, Han Fei wished he could go straight to the palace immediately and report the great news to his father.

Think about taking this Yuguo as the leader to unite the six kingdoms and attack Qin together. At that time, millions of troops from all over the world will gather. Even if Qiang Qin survives, his vitality will be seriously injured.

At that time, Dingdang will huddle in Hangu Pass, spit out the homeland of the six countries that have been annexed over the years, and secretly lick the wound alone.

And the six countries in the world will also usher in a period of recuperation and accumulation of strength. South Korea can also take a breath and use the excess energy to do other things.

And I have the energy and time to carry out my reform, and the opportunity for South Korea to become strong again is not gone! Han Fei said secretly in his heart.


During the chat in Zilanxuan, Zhong Yu and Han Fei each got the answer they wanted, after a few pleasantries, they separated and returned to their mansions.

However, when Han Fei left Zilanxuan, he stopped for a while and had a conversation with Zilanxuan's boss, the mysterious Zi Nu!

Your Highness, you have been talking with this Prince Jing for so long, and you were so happy when you came out. Could it be that there is something unexpected? Zi Nu was always charming, and her words were full of seductive meaning.

Hehe, sir, I'm just so happy, and Zi Nu you can see it in two or three strokes? Han Fei laughed a few times on his face, concealing his nervousness.

However, there was a sense of crisis in his heart. If he was so happy, if he fell into the eyes of someone with a heart, he would definitely notice something.

Of course, there is a smile on your face, young master. Obviously something makes you very happy? Inadvertently, Zi Nu asked this question, wanting to test it out, what is it? Something that can make this young man who is so dissipated is so nervous.

Of course I'm happy. The famous Prince Jing, isn't it something that makes me happy and proud to invite the unknown Ninth Prince of Korea to drink tea? Han Fei smiled slightly to hide his embarrassment.

Oh, so to speak, this time the Young Master and His Highness King Jing had a very happy conversation! I don't know what King Jing said? It made the Young Master so happy! Zi Nu was not reconciled when Han Fei in front of her changed the subject. Instead, he asked in a roundabout way.

There's nothing to say about these things. They're just gossip. It's not convenient to tell Miss Zi Nu about what's going on between men. After a haha, Han Fei avoided it.

Okay, after playing here for so long, I'm a little tired, so I'll take my leave, Miss Zi Nu will not see you off. Afterwards, Han Fei hurriedly bid farewell to Zi Nu.

On the attic of Zilanxuan, watching the son Han Fei's figure gradually disappearing into the night. Zi Nu felt a burst of doubt in her heart.

What is this Prince Jing talking about with Han Fei? Zi Nu was a little confused. Han Fei himself was very optimistic about a person who had been in contact with each other for a short time these days, and they also had some trust in each other. some cooperation.

However, now, following the conversation of Prince Yujing, Han Fei, who had almost nothing to talk to him before, subconsciously took precautions against him.

This couldn't help but make her feel puzzled, and at the same time, there was some anger of being betrayed in her heart.


Xinzheng, South Korea, within the mansion of Ninth Prince Han Fei.

King Han is currently sitting in the secret room, alone, the servants around him have been dispersed by him early, leaving him alone to meditate.

Prince Jing talked to me so easily this time, does he really believe in me? Isn't he afraid that he will leak the news?

In other words, even if you leak it out, it won't be of much use if Qin Guo finds out about it!

Because the six countries in the world are extremely afraid of the current Qin State, and his trend of dominating the world is already unstoppable. Every country that is afraid of being threatened by Qin State will definitely be happy when it sees a country that dares to face Qin State. And support, will not secretly block!

Then why did he pick me? Luck?


The lights were so bright at night that it attracted countless moths to the flames, and the sound of sizzling burning woke Han Fei from deep thought.


Your Highness, our plan is not yet ready. It seems that Yuguo has not yet dispatched an army of 300,000, so what about you? On the way, Zhao Yun, who had been in the room just now and listened to the two talking quietly, felt a little suspicious. .

The 300,000 army cannot be produced now, but the 100,000 army, our Yu Kingdom can still afford! With a smile, Zhong Yu was a little mysterious.

Then where will the remaining 200,000 troops come from? Zhao Yun asked.

Beijiang, the Huns in the north of Qin, after I led my troops to defeat Yan, I sent Cao Cao to conquer them. Now I think it has achieved results! Zhong Yu said his answer.

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