At this moment, the soldiers of the five countries are full of excitement, happily driving towards the border between Qin and their countries. Knowing the number of soldiers and horses of their coalition this time, they all firmly believe that this time, they will definitely win and hit that hateful Qin country hard.

Even if he is not destroyed, Qin will be huddled east of Hangu Pass, and will not dare to come out for a long time.

And these soldiers, they also thought in their hearts that they could get a period of recuperation and live a peaceful life from then on.


As the mobilization efficiency of the six countries is so high, Qin, which is completely a war machine, will naturally not be slower than them, only faster.

As early as knowing that there was a huge conspiracy surrounding the Qin State, the six countries headed by the Yu State formed an army of more than one million people and were preparing to attack the Qin State.

Under the furious mood of King Qin Yingzheng, the entire Qin State started a general mobilization with concerted efforts. Soldiers one after another were recruited, gathered in their respective cities, and then drove to various counties under the leadership of their officers. county.

After all the soldiers from various places arrive, they will accept the orders of their king and drive to the front lines of various battlefields to fight a life-and-death war with those fanatics from the six countries who dare to offend Qin.

Moreover, before the outbreak of the all-out war, the Qin State assembled, and the only 150,000 army he could quickly mobilize and go out at any time sent him to South Korea, the weakest of the six countries.

The entire Qin State hopes that this large army can break through South Korea before the six countries launch an attack, and use the land of South Korea as Qin State's first line of defense to block the pressure from Yu State and Wei State.

And use the demise of South Korea to hit the morale of the coalition forces, so that they will have a shadow in their hearts before they fight first.

The Qin State quickly reached a consensus on this goal, and the military equipment, food, grass, and supplies were quickly transported to the front line of the battlefield around the army.

These 150,000 troops shoulder the major strategic goals of the Qin State. Before the war, everyone was told their responsibilities by their respective chiefs.

Under the encouragement of the chief, the Qin State's farming and warfare system has been implemented for hundreds of years. Needless to say, everyone has become an army similar to dead soldiers, with extremely high morale.

They rushed to the border of South Korea without fear of death. In just ten days, they broke through the South Korean border defense pass guarded by 30,000 troops, broke into the depths of South Korea, and surrounded the current capital of South Korea. Xinzheng.

And Han Fei, also at this moment of life and death in South Korea, thought of what His Highness Prince Jing asked him before.

If South Korea is surrounded by Qin's hundreds of thousands of troops, how long can you hold on to Xinzheng City with 100,000 troops? That was exactly what King Jing said to Han Fei, and Han Fei still remembered that he said confidently at that time , able to support him for half a year.

But now, the cruel reality hit Han Fei's vigorous demeanor hard.

However, in just ten days, the solid checkpoint with the 30,000 troops stationed there was broken by the Qin army, and the 30,000 troops left inside the checkpoint were also wiped out.

Today's Xinzheng City, under the urgent recruitment of the King of Han, has mobilized all males from all over the country, and it really has his army of 100,000.

And the Qin army outside the city, with the reinforcements that arrived earlier from the rear, already had an army of 200,000, which was very similar to what was said and described at the beginning.


Outside the city, a piece of blackness had already enveloped the plain outside Xinzheng City.

The Qin army in black uniforms, black armor, and black flags and black tents densely covered the entire perimeter of Xinzheng City, enclosing this isolated city impenetrably.

Soldiers, you must also understand the current situation. My country, Qin, has reached the moment of life and death. In order to deal with this situation, we must take down this Xinzheng city in front of us, and use it to declare to the six countries that our country, Qin powerful! Inside the Qin army barracks, on a newly built high platform, Qin's current internal history, Teng, the general who once destroyed South Korea in history, is declaring loudly to his soldiers.

My army of Qin is invincible and invincible. A mere South Korea can be destroyed with a flick of a finger. Destroy Korea, destroy Korea! Nei Shiten said loudly, looking at the group of soldiers below, he felt his blood ignited again stand up.

Destroy Han, Destroy Han, Destroy Han! Many soldiers of the Qin Army below also shouted after their commander, with overwhelming momentum, the entire Xinzheng City trembled with their roar.

Listen to the order, the whole army is ready to go out! Pulling out his sharp sword, Nei Shiteng pointed in the direction of Xinzheng City in South Korea, and swung it down suddenly.

The army moved in response to the sound, turned in unison, left the barracks in an orderly manner, and walked towards Xinzheng City.

On the battlefield, following the actions of the Qin army, a new round of fierce confrontation began.

Countless Qin soldiers crowded together like ants, carrying ladders one after another, and with the help of catapults and other siege equipment behind them, rushed towards the city wall of Xinzheng City overwhelmingly.

At every moment, soldiers from the Qin State climbed onto the city wall, and then were driven down by the South Korean defenders. They fell from the city wall like raindrops and fell to the ground. After a scream, they became a piece of meat.

But then it was replaced by more soldiers. The tragic level of the war was unimaginable.

The determination of the Qin soldiers to take down the city wall regardless of the loss made every Korean defender feel trembling and timid in their hearts.

The Qin State has lasted for more than a hundred years, and it has been unremittingly implementing the farming and warfare system formulated by Shang Yang, which is not without effect.

At least they have trained batch after batch of soldiers who are not afraid of death. What they feel when they hear the news of the war is not fear, but joy.

Because they believe that war can bring them glory, status and wealth, and even their elusive aristocratic status.

And the heads of the enemy, in their view, are not the people who can kill them, but their military exploits.

In today's Xinzheng City, the Korean army occupies the advantage of defending the city, with half the number of troops of the Qin army, but it is still crumbling under the fierce attack of the Qin army.

With this 1.5-to-one battle loss, the Qin army defeated the Korean army steadily. It had to rely on the support of a large number of reserve teams to replace those soldiers who had been frightened to survive.

The army of South Korea is already so weak, presumably the armies of the other six countries are not much better!

It's no wonder that the Qin State was able to rule the world, forcing the six countries to beg for mercy again and again. Only by ceding the city, this method of drinking poison to quench their thirst, can they find a moment of peace.

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