The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 195 Wei Guo's Thoughts

East County Government Office, within the city of PY.

At this time, above the head of PY city, the guard of Dongjun looked at the defeated soldiers who fled back in embarrassment, and felt angry for a while.

So, the 30,000 army, you just lost half of my people. Not only did you fail to complete the task that the general gave you, but you fled back in despair? The guard of Dongjun looked at the 30,000 army Commander, said in a bad tone.

General, the last general doesn't want to be like this. The Jade Kingdom army is extremely fierce, and most of them are cavalry. My 30,000 soldiers are all infantry. Against them, the disadvantage is too great! The general saw himself The chief officer's unfriendly eyes made him feel cold, and he quickly put aside the relationship.

The enemy is fierce. Could it be that my well-known Daqin generals are just a group of soft-legged shrimps? The general didn't say anything, but when he said it, the Dongjun guard became even more angry.

The bravery of the soldiers of the Great Qin spread throughout the world, and they were called the Qin of Tigers and Wolves by all the countries in the world. Only soldiers from other countries have always been afraid of Qin people. How can soldiers of Qin people be afraid of soldiers from other countries!

General, the last general doesn't want to do this! But, there are too many enemies. Although we are only waiting to face the enemy's 5,000 cavalry. But when I wait for the soldiers, when I think of it, there are 200 soldiers not far from the 5,000 cavalry. Wan Dajun is preparing to take the area, and the whole army is really unable to raise the will to fight! The general cried out, explaining the reason why the Qin army was defeated so quickly.

This, 200,000 troops, is indeed a frightening number, and I can't blame you. Forget it, tell me, how should this general send the battle report to Xianyang? The guard sighed and waved He waved his hand, and didn't want to pursue this general anymore.


Since the failure of this blocking attack, the defenders of Dongjun have never sent any troops to stop it.

Obviously, after this hard blow, the general of Dongjun, who understood the reality, did not do anything meaningless.

The army of 200,000 was overwhelming, and they were all cavalry, scattered and stretched for hundreds of miles.

Along the way, not only the defenders of the cities were frightened, but even the common people scattered in the countryside hurriedly packed up some belongings and luggage, and stayed in the deep mountains and old forests, not daring to come out.

Although the army moved very slowly, because of the cavalry, after three days of rushing, they all passed through Dongjun County and arrived at the border of Wei State.

The border of Wei State is not far from Daliang City, their capital, but only a hundred miles away.

Therefore, the king of Wei State at this time has already led his 150,000 army to the border, waiting for the arrival of the imperial army.

In the past, the Koreans came to Wei State with their request for help early, but the king of Wei State rejected the request for help on the grounds that the border of Wei State was threatened.

The 15 troops he had assembled were all placed in Daliang City, the capital of the country, and they stayed behind closed doors, as if guarding against death.

However, this situation did not last long, but in just twenty days, that is, when Yu Guo's army arrived at the border between Zhao Guo and Dongjun, King Wei received the news.

At this time, the king of Wei really made up his mind and led an army of 150,000 to the junction of Wei State and Dongjun, preparing to join the army of Yu State and join forces.

Of course, it was not without reason that King Wei was so active.

The reason why Wei State didn't dare to send troops before was because Wei State was alone, facing Qin State's siege of more than 200,000 troops in South Korea, and having to endure the threat of the defenders of the East County in the hinterland, he really didn't dare to attack rashly.

Now, according to rumors from South Korea, the 200,000 Qin soldiers under Xinzheng City have lost more than 100,000, leaving only 70,000 to 80,000 Qin soldiers at the end of their strength.

As for the 50,000 defenders in Dongjun County, more than 10,000 people were defeated, and the rest were panicked, and they became frightened birds, without the will to fight.

The threats from the two parties are gone now, and King Wei will naturally not be afraid, but eager to try, ready to bite off a piece of meat when Qin is now weak.

And his first target was to let go of Dongjun, who was extremely weak right now.

Dongjun has just been defeated by Yuguo's 200,000 cavalry, and the soldiers in the whole county are panicked. In addition, Dongjun was the homeland of Wei State more than ten years ago, and it didn't take long for Qin State to seize it.

In the hearts of the people of Dongjun, they are still facing the state of Wei.

Although Qin's law is very fair, and the chances of ordinary people to rise are much greater than those of the six countries, Qin's strict laws are far more than those of the six countries.

Often people, if they make a small mistake inadvertently, they will be sentenced to death, or their fingers will be chopped off, or their faces will be tattooed, or their ears will be cut off, or something else?

In just a dozen years, the common people in Dongjun had inadvertently added tens of thousands of criminals to him, leaving more or less traces on their bodies, or missing something.

This kind of tyranny and tyranny is really unbearable except for the people of Qin who have lived for decades or hundreds of years, and the people of the six countries who have just joined Qin.

Therefore, Wei Guo has never given up on contacting the people of Dongjun, letting them revolt anyway, and preparing to return to Wei Guo.

After more than ten years of operation, those ordinary people have been afraid to take any action because they are afraid of the force of the Qin people. Now, the Qin people see the imminent catastrophe, and the fear of these ordinary people has greatly subsided.

Therefore, King Wei planned to lead his army of 150,000 to Dongjun. Sweeping across the entire Dongjun mightily, calling on the people of Dongjun to resist the tyranny of Qin again and return to the embrace of Wei.

If he can accomplish this, then the territory of Wei State will be doubled, and the national power will be restored to its peak again. At least, it will never be called Weak Wei again.

Moreover, the king of Wei looked at Dongjun without knowing it, and he also looked at Taojun next to Dongjun. This Qin State eliminated Lu Guoguo and other small countries, and seized some territories from Qi and Chu to form a new county.

Today's defense is also extremely weak, but a mere 30,000 to 50,000 people are not too difficult opponents for Wei Guo today.

As long as Wei Wang is willing to make up his mind, he will definitely win these two counties if he kills about 100,000 people.

At that time, Wei State's territory will be comparable to that of Qi State. As for the lost troops, if they are recruited from these two counties, then there will be no more?

Sure enough, hiding behind and being an oriole is the real resourcefulness! Wei Wang thought beautifully in his heart.

In front of him, the vast imperial army was already approaching Wei's army, and the two armies were slowly converging.

At that time, a force sweeping across Qin will be formed.

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