The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 210: The Decisive Battle Is Coming

Yu Guo's current powerful strength has already aroused the vigilance of all countries in the world. In the eyes of some people, his powerful strength is even more terrifying than Qin Guo.

After all, the current state of Qin has lost the land of the six countries that he captured for hundreds of years, and its strength is far inferior to that of the past. After repeated battles, the loss of Qin's troops has continued to decrease.

From the start of the war to the present, in more than a year, Qin has lost more than 500,000 soldiers and horses. Such a large loss is a great weakening for Qin.

And most importantly, the 500,000 soldiers and horses who died were all composed of old Qin people, half of the young and strong population of the old Qin people.

The loss of these people greatly shook the foundation of Qin's rule, and made his originally stable country become turbulent.

The state of Qin is too big, and there are too many places to defend.

The two counties of Ba and Shu in the south are remote, so there is no need to worry about the attacks of other vassal states. Coupled with the barriers of mountains, the terrain is dangerous, and only a few soldiers and horses can defend it.

Therefore, as long as 50,000 people are left behind, Qin can guard the two counties of Bashu.

Who let Qin State occupy Bashu, it has been hundreds of years, all Bashu people have completely returned to their hearts, and truly became a Qin people.

The only worry is that Qin State's current Hanzhong County, which was originally located in the rear, has already faced the threat of Chu State. It is adjacent to Nanjun, which is currently occupied by Chu State, and may be attacked by Chu State at any time.

King Qin did not forget that Hanzhong County was taken from Chu by Qin State, and Chu State definitely had plans for Hanzhong.

Fortunately, there are also some mountain ranges between Hanzhong and Nanjun. At least there are some defenses. In addition to being blocked by rivers, they are considered dangerous. As long as some soldiers and horses are stationed and defended, there should be no serious problems.

Therefore, Qin State kept 100,000 people in Hanzhong, and put them in various places, mainly in the direction of Nanjun, but was attacked by Chu State.

Hanzhong is too important. It connects the two granaries of Qin and Bashu. If it is cut off, Bashu will be completely lost from Qin.

Bad news also came from the northern border of Qin State during this period. There is a northern nomadic army with a number of about 100,000 people, which is harassing the border of Qin State.

This northern nomad army did not take looting as its main purpose, but just harassed everywhere, plundered people, burned fields, and made the northern border of the Qin State miserable, and refugees can be seen everywhere.

However, they are all cavalry, they come and go like the wind, and they are not greedy for military exploits. They often retreat at the touch of a button, and run to another place after fighting in one place, making it extremely difficult for Qin's frontier army to find their way.

For this partial army mainly harassing, although the threat to Qin is not as great as other countries, it should not be underestimated.

After all, 100,000 people, if played at a critical moment, can play a very important role. At least one or two counties in Qin State will not be a problem.

If it was in normal times, the King of Qin would have ordered hundreds of thousands of troops to march to the north. He would have to maim these prairie wolves until they were subdued and fled to the northern region.

But now that Qin is leaking everywhere, and there are gunpowder battlefields everywhere, how can there be any troops and energy to deal with these people, so they can only order the guards on the frontier to take more precautions, and don't let these disgusting mangy dogs cause too much crisis.

Because of the harassment of these grassland nomads, Qin's 200,000 frontier troops did not have much mobilization, and they still stayed in place, guarding against the aggression of these nomads.

In today's Guanzhong, all the defenders have basically been dispatched and sent to the front line. The defense can be described as extremely empty. In some counties, even 100 people cannot be assembled, and they can only barely maintain some basic law and order.

The entire Guanzhong, which is now the imperial capital of the Qin State, Xianyang City, can have 50,000 left-behind troops, but this army is left by Ying Zheng to protect his own safety, so how can it be easily mobilized.

Without these 50,000 people, even if Guanzhong is the old territory of Qin State, King Qin cannot guarantee that there will be no troubles. After all, there are many people who are staring at the position of King Qin.

Counting and counting, the Qin State actually has five people from one household to one man, and he really recruited an army of millions. Basically, the men of the old Qin people were sent to the battlefield and rushed to various places.

But at the present point, the soldiers and horses of the Qin State are still not enough, and people are needed everywhere. As a last resort, they also recruited those untrusted survivors of the six countries.

From these immigrants, he conscripted 300,000 troops and dispatched them to the frontiers to fight against their original homeland.

Today, the King of Qin has already prepared the second round of mobilization and recruitment. In places like Guanzhong, Bashu, where the foundation of the Qin State is the deepest, the people are once again mobilized to join the army.

The conscription standard this time, all those over the age of fourteen and under the age of eighty must join the army, no exceptions.

Under such a wide quota, the 5 million old Qin people have been reduced to 4 million because of men going to serve as soldiers, and his 400,000 old and weak soldiers were recruited again.

However, one should not feel slighted because of these 400,000 old and weak soldiers. Those children are nothing more than that, but those old men are all experienced veterans.

They haven't been alive for a few years, and they must be very happy to be able to fight for the chance of survival for their country with their own lives on the battlefield before they die.

These 400,000 people were not sent to the battlefield immediately, but rushed from all over the country to Xianyang, the capital of Qin, where they took a three-month rest.

After all, it is not a young and middle-aged population. Many people are still unfamiliar with war, or have become unfamiliar. It takes a certain amount of time for training and recuperation to let them gradually understand war.

Qin's madness has reached its peak, and the recruitment of these old and weak is not the end, but a beginning.

The people of the old Qin had already achieved this level, so the survivors of the Six Kingdoms who were still under the rule of Qin would not be spared either.

There are probably more than 1.2 million survivors of the Six Kingdoms who are still under the control of the Qin State. The King of Qin directly recruited 200,000 soldiers and horses from these people. In addition to the previous 200,000 people, they have already been withdrawn. The man who killed all the survivors of the Six Kingdoms.

This time, King Qin planned to fight for the last time, either life or death.

This army of 600,000 old and weak will go to the barracks where Wang Jian, the commander of the East Out Army, will fight a decisive battle with all countries in the world.

The fate of the world also has an answer in this battle.

And all the countries in the world did not fall behind when Qin State acted, and more and more soldiers were mobilized by those countries and sent to the front line.

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