The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 216 Prelude to the Great War

As a king, his authority can only be established with the help of others, and the foundation of his rule can only be stabilized with the help of others. This is undoubtedly the biggest blow to this king.

Yes, Your Majesty, the Qin State is really too strong. Even the current Qin State cannot be faced by any of our countries alone! Even if it is our joint leader, he still has to rely on us, the joint leaders. Only with state aid can we resist Qin on the frontal battlefield! The old prime minister also sighed and said in a sigh.

Since this is the case, let's do as the prime minister said. I will leave half of the people of Wei State with 150,000 people to guard the various places, and the remaining 150,000 will all go out with the king. I will personally lead the reinforcements to the front line to help the Yu State resist the Qin State. This time, if we don’t destroy the Qin State, we vow not to return the army!” King Wei stood up suddenly, pulled out the sword from his waist, and cut off the corner of the case to show his ambition.

Yes, if we don't destroy Qin, we swear not to return the army! All the ministers stood up together, with solemn faces, and shouted loudly.

Soldiers were recruited by the king of Wei from all over the country and rushed towards South Korea, where they would join the coalition forces and attack Qin together.

For this order, many soldiers were extremely puzzled and even filled with resentment. They didn't want to fight at first, but they were forcibly dragged to the battlefield by King Wei. After countless deaths, they finally looked forward to a period of rest.

How could they have imagined that they would take a mere one or two months of rest, or even less than half a month, before they would be dragged to the battlefield, and they would still face head-to-head with Qin's main force. This time the casualties would definitely be even more severe.

It is not known how many people will survive this time.

This is the common aspiration of all Wei soldiers. They have already taken it lightly. This time the war will not start early and end early as they expected.

It seems that if you don't hit him for four or five years, or even longer, you won't be able to stop.

The war has lasted for two years, and during these two years, there is no place in the world that has not been affected by the war.

The imperial kingdoms in the north and the Xiongnu in the grassland all sent their own soldiers and horses for the war, not to mention the Six Kingdoms and the Qin Kingdom in the south.

Those people in the rear of the countries, although life is equally difficult, even the people are not able to live, but at least they can survive, they can have a house to live in, sheltered from the wind and rain.

Even if their sons, husbands, and fathers were rushed to the battlefield for one reason after another, they fell on the distant land and could not return.

What is really miserable is that the land where the two sides are fighting, that is, the homeland of the six countries captured by the Qin State, the life of the people above is miserable.

It’s okay to be dragged into the army. After all, this is the normal state of the Warring States period. All ordinary people are conscripts. It is a rare thing for anyone who has not been on the battlefield once or twice.

What's even more miserable is that because it is in the center of the battle, it is extremely inconvenient and costly to transport military rations to the rear, and countries do not have much military rations to transport to the front line, which makes it difficult.

After thinking about it, no matter whether it is the Qin State or other countries, they have thought of a method, which is to collect food and grass supplies on the spot.

All of a sudden, the army's rations were ready, but the life of the common people was miserable. The rations that were not much in reserve were robbed, and the crops for cultivation in the next year were also robbed.

This can be said to be thorough, and it has cut off the livelihood of these ordinary people.

If these are not too much, after all, the officials are domineering, and everyone knows that these ordinary people ran to dig wild vegetables, eat bark and so on. Although they were very hungry, they could still survive.

What's more ruthless is because of the war. All the soldiers are mentally tense because of the constant death. After the tension, they need to let him relax. The best remedy is naturally a woman.

The local people are faced with the fate of being robbed of their rations and money, and their wives and children being abused again. I don't know how many women, unbearable to be humiliated, committed suicide, or were directly abused to death.

After all this destruction, the territory occupied by the two sides can be said to be almost destroyed. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it has been smashed into ruins, but it is definitely not a good place.

There are burned and abandoned houses everywhere, and in the mountains and forests, the originally sparse figures have become more numerous, full of traces of refugees.

In contrast, a large number of fertile lands have been abandoned, and the dense population on the plains has become sparse. It is often necessary to walk more than ten or twenty miles to see one or two people, and they are all refugees.

What is even more frightening is that after all these disasters, all the local people no longer trust those troops, let alone their respective countries, whether it is Qin or their own country, in the eyes of the common people, that is Something even scarier than tigers and wolves.

In the same way, those soldiers also understood what they had done, and they understood even more that their hometown would not be spared, and suffered the same disaster.

But what can they do? The boss's orders cannot be disobeyed, and he may die at any time, and he is not with his wife and children, so how can these little pawns control so much?

Most people are thinking of enjoying themselves in time, enjoying a little more, that is, earning money, and wantonly wreaking havoc on the places they pass by, bringing about a more vicious circle.

It can be seen from this that soldiers with this kind of thinking, although their combat effectiveness has become higher due to looting, their fighting will has also become more depressed. Loyalty to their country is just two words, haha .

But how can the soldiers complain? Those who should go to the battlefield still have to go to the battlefield. They were driven by the deportees, and they rushed to South Korea at a relatively fast speed.

Similarly, in Zhao State, which is further north of Wei State, King Zhao also assembled an army of about 100,000 people, and went south to make peace with the Imperial Council.

In the south, the state of Chu in Nanyang County had been pacified, and all the lost land of the state of Chu was completely recovered by only one county in Hanzhong. He had already freed up his hands and sent an army to the north.

The state of Chu is worthy of its vast territory and rich resources. Even if its territory is sparsely populated, it is far larger than the three kingdoms of Han, Zhao and Wei in terms of its huge area.

This time, he sent a full 300,000 people, which was more than 100,000 compared to He Zong Chang Yuguo's troops in South Korea.

Calculated in this way, the military strength of the Hezong Alliance has reached 900,000, which is only 50,000 less than that of Qin. Although there are some slight weaknesses in quantity, the quality is undoubtedly more advantageous than Qin State.

After all, the number of young and strong troops in the United Vertical Alliance far exceeds that of Qin State. Compared with Qin State's army composed of old, weak, sick and disabled, it is still much stronger and much better-looking.

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