The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 232 The Farmer's Reliance

Now that there are no giants, there are only these two or three first-class people in the Mo family, which is a huge difference compared to the nearly twenty people in the farm family.

And in terms of the number of disciples, the farm family also has more disciples than the Mo family, so when the two families get along, the farm family is often arrogant.

In this way, there was a estrangement between the two sides. Now, because of the conflict of interests and the imbalance in the heart, the conflict finally broke out, and the two sides are almost in the same situation.

The reason why they were able to get together this time was not only because of the efforts of the Taoists to match and reconcile, but also because they also wanted to see how this Yuguo, the protagonist who affects the general trend of the world, and this place that attracts the attention of everyone in the world are like. .

How about my Mo family? I don't need you beggars to comment. It's just some incompetent people who fled to their lairs in embarrassment because they were afraid of the enemy's mighty strength. People who are terrified dare to act presumptuously in front of my Mo family! After being choked by Tian Guang's slam, Robber Zhi, who was born in a thief's bone, also returned without falling to the ground.

How dare you talk like that, you bastard? Presumptuous! Tian Guang's face flushed red as the stolen sole poked at the sore spot, and he pulled out the long sword in his hand, the blade gleaming under the infusion of internal force.

Not to be outdone, Robber Zhi took out his weapon, and the petite and sharp instant wheel spun rapidly in the air, bringing out gusts of wind.

And following Robo Zhi, another leader of the Mo family who also came to help, Jing Ke, who was famous in later generations, also pulled out the remnant rainbow in his hand. The several commanders who followed the farm also took out their weapons and looked at the Mohist camp not to be outdone.

The atmosphere in the arena became tense because of their respective actions. Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, there was only an opportunity missing.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, breaking the awkward and dignified atmosphere.

Everyone, stop first. Look at the foot of the mountain. The Qin army and the coalition army have started to move again. It seems that there will be another decisive battle! Xiaoyaozi's calm voice came from the ears of the two, making them both Surprised, Qiqi turned his head and looked down the mountain.

This sight shocked the two of them. At the foot of the mountain, the Qin army and the coalition army came out of their respective barracks one by one. They lined up in square formations in an orderly manner, lined up in their respective camps, and formed long dragons.

Looking from a distance from the small hill, they found that their respective armies were in order. According to the orders of their respective generals, they formed a large formation, and then stayed there, looking at the enemy on the opposite side, waiting in full force.

From the army below, Xiaoyaozi slowly retracted his eyes, calmed down his mentality, and turned to persuade the two parties behind him.

You two, do you want to continue fighting? Our goal is over, and if we miss a big deal because of the emotional dispute, it's really not worth it!

Hearing Xiaoyaozi's advice, the current interim leader of the Mo family, Master Ban, pondered for a moment, then nodded, looked at Bandit Zhi next to him, and gave him a look to signal him to withdraw his weapon.

When he saw that his current boss had spoken, he frowned, but didn't say anything, and also put away his weapons, and all the disciples of the Mo family behind him also followed him and put the weapons back to their original positions.

Brother Tian Guang? Seeing that the Mo family cooperated with him so much and gave him such a big face, Xiaoyaozi gave him a grateful look, and turned his head towards Tian Guang's farm.

Tian Guang snorted coldly, but he didn't make a fuss on purpose, and put away his weapon directly. Tian Guang knew that now was not the time to make troubles like this. If he really continued to make troubles, it would not only attract more hatred from the Mo family, but also cause displeasure from the Taoists, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Seeing that both parties stopped because of his words, Xiaoyaozi was very satisfied. He nodded and continued to direct his gaze to the two armies below.

These two armies are elites! Looking at these, Xiaoyaozi sighed a little. For masters like him, if they can form a good formation, this kind of elites will be a great threat.

When the people behind heard the words, they also looked at the two army formations below, observed carefully for a while, and finally all touched their hands in amazement.

These two armies are indeed elite, and they are indeed the most elite main force of the two sides. The outcome between them will affect the fate of the whole world! Tian Guang's face was solemn, even though he hated the two armies below, Whether it is Qin State, or the coalition led by Yu State, he is extremely disgusted by him.

However, in his heart, he did not want the coalition forces below to be defeated by Qin.

The reason is still interests.

Every power in the rivers and lakes, a hundred schools of thought, does not exist independently, but will choose a certain country as a support, and use it to develop and grow.

Just like the Yin-Yang Family chose Qin State, Confucianism chose Qi State, Mohism is slowly leaning on Yan State, and his farming family is no exception, they chose Chu State, and secretly took refuge in Changping Lord of Chu State, that is, Qin State. The country's current prime minister.

The reason why the peasant family can develop so rapidly is that apart from the support of Chu State, the secret help of Lord Changping is also indispensable.

With the assistance of the two top countries in the world, Qin and Chu, it is not surprising that the peasant family can develop into the school with the largest number of people.

Now that the state of Qin is on the verge of collapse, its power in the Kanto region has shrunk to the extreme, and it can no longer provide any help to the farmers. Even Changping Jun, the boss Tian Guang relies on, is secretly preparing to withdraw to the state of Chu.

In the state of Qin, all resources now support the war, and all forces are all close to the war service. Under such an ideology, it is naturally impossible for Qin to provide the farmer with the slightest resources for his development.

Therefore, the line of the peasant family in Qin State was completely broken.

The state of Chu, where the farmer had taken refuge, was also making great strides, recovering the three or four counties that had been lost before, and was preparing to deal the final blow to Qin, driving him back to Hangu Pass completely.

After losing the Qin State, other countries are extremely hostile to the peasant family. Those who have vested interests, how can they let the peasant family go back to the large area thrown away by the newly annexed peasant family?

They are all secretly vigilant against the farmers, and are preparing for another big battle at any time.

But with the current strength of the farm family, although it is considered a top power, it is no longer the grand occasion before. It is extremely difficult and even a luxury to counterattack back.

Therefore, the state of Chu has now become the only hope for Tian Guang's farm family. Only by relying on the state of Chu can the farm family recover its strength and become the king of Yin again.

As the state of Chu that pinned all the hopes of the farm family and placed all bets on him, how could Tian Guang not pay attention all the time.

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