The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 238 Ji Wuye's Way Out

In order to seek a breakthrough and find other ways of life, Ji Wuye naturally had to find other targets to take refuge in.

But Ji Wuye, after thinking about it, looking at the world, there is no one that is a good place to live.

In today's world, Qin has been offended to death, and the only way to go there is to be killed, and the countries in the coalition are all allies, and it is impossible to accept themselves.

As for the Qi State in the east, since it was nearly destroyed last time, it has extremely rejected people from the other six countries, and no longer accepts any people from the other six countries, which is considered to be a dead end.

So after much deliberation, there is no place for her in the world except South Korea, so Ji Wuye can only helplessly extinguish her thoughts and stay in South Korea with peace of mind.

And for the survival of South Korea, he worked hard to run around, and continuously dispatched batches of soldiers and horses that he painstakingly cultivated and infiltrated to help South Korea barely maintain its position in the coalition forces.

Up to now, Ji Wuye only has these 1,000 personal guards that he can directly control, and they are also the last strength he relies on.

But that was all in the past. He couldn't find a force to turn to before, but now he doesn't have to look for it anymore. A god-sent opportunity is in front of him.

According to the news he just learned, His Royal Highness King Jing personally made this promise in front of the two kings, that those who deserve merit will be enshrined and established.

What a demagogic and morale-boosting sentence this is!

I don't know how many people in ancient and modern times have been running up and down for this sentence, and have devoted all their efforts, but it is difficult to achieve it. Just like the previous strategists, Su Qin and Zhang Yi, who have made great contributions to all parties in the world, they are not treated like this.

Then to the leaders of other families, the founders. Today's great talents have no idea how profound their influence on the world is, and they don't have this kind of treatment.

The reason is that the concept of centralization has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and all countries know that dividing the country will only cause turmoil in the end.

Like the Zhou royal family, when they entrusted eight hundred princes at the beginning, how courageous and broad-minded they were. Among them, there were two or three hundred princes with the surname Ji, occupying half of the land in the world.

But until now, there are still a few people with the surname Ji in the world, and only the Yan Kingdom in the north can barely maintain its status because it is located in the frontier.

So all the countries in the world had the warning of the Zhou Dynasty, but they refused to grant land to their officials and let them establish a country.

Now this imperial country is willing to open such an opening, once again opening the era of closure of the country, it is really unbelievable, and at the same time extremely pleasantly surprised.

Ji Wuye didn't doubt that what King Jing said was false. He said it in front of the two kings, and there were so many people around who heard it. If Yu Guo broke his promise, then he would break his promise to the world. Going back on your word is not worth the candle.

That's why Ji Wuye personally led his 1,000 personal guards, and followed closely behind Qin's defeated army.

He just wanted to take this opportunity to make a great contribution on this battlefield, and then get a piece of land as his own feudal country.

Doesn't he just want to leave the wreck of South Korea now? Right now is the right opportunity.

Those who have made great contributions, as long as they meet the standards, at least have a county fief. If there are more, there are several counties or even one county. This is such a great temptation, enough to seduce the old and cunning Ji Wuye, and give his all to fight for it.

South Korea is only a big place, but a dozen counties, the size of a county. If he can make the first contribution and get the fiefdom of a county, even if the county is relatively remote and small.

But in any case, there are more than five or six of his cities, or even more, and they have not been affected by the war. Compared with the current territory of South Korea, it must be richer and much more peaceful.

At that time, wouldn't I be much more handsome than the current King Han, and I don't have to be caught in the middle of the kingdoms, and I don't have to worry about it at any time.

Thinking of this in his heart, Ji Wuye couldn't help but feel more motivation, infinite power surged out from all parts of his body, making him flick his horsewhip tightly, and drive his mount hard, chasing after Qin Jun And went.

At the same time, in other directions, as well, several groups of outstanding pursuers emerged, including the general of Yan State and the personal guards led by Yan Yi himself. There are also thousands of soldiers and horses led by Big Iron Hammer, the new general of Yan State.

There are even some barbarians in different clothes and braids screaming, chasing after the Qin army with flushed faces, but these are the Huns, and their attachment to territory is no less than that of the Central Plains people.

The goal of many Huns in life is to become the patriarch of a large tribe, who can be called Khan.

Now that they have heard what the Central Plains prince promised, they will be given a piece of territory and tens of thousands of people if they make great contributions. This is already equivalent to the patriarch of a large tribe on the grassland, so why not let those soldiers at the bottom? Or just some leaders who run errands under the patriarch, feel excited!

If they can make contributions, then they can also become great patriarchs and be called Khan. What a high honor this is. On the grassland, this is a symbol of status and strength.

With the hot pursuit of the pursuers behind him, the Qin army was getting more and more defeated, and it was difficult to form a formation.

Even the weak line of defense formed by some Qin soldiers who had fled from the battlefield earlier was fragmented and broken into several pieces by the impact of those rout soldiers.

Afterwards, the coalition forces that followed immediately broke through in two or three blows. Even those Qin troops who still wanted to resist gave up completely, and fled helplessly and panicked.

By the time the deputy general led more than 10,000 supervising troops to the battlefield, the Qin army was completely defeated and fled in all directions.

Behind those Qin troops, there are still more than 40,000 coalition troops remaining, which are being divided into several teams, and they are constantly chasing and killing to reap the fruits of victory that belong to them.

After the lieutenant general discovered this fact, he had no choice but to gather some Qin troops around him first. When his team had grown to 30,000 people, the other Qin troops were either killed or completely fled too far away. Can't catch up.

By the side of the deputy general, Qin Jun had given up on chasing and fleeing, and the coalition forces that had begun to gather also pressed towards him, forming a series of army formations to surround him.

The lieutenant general's face changed, and he quickly arranged the gathered Qin army into a formation again, forming a defensive line, and began to form a formation to resist on the spot.

However, he was extremely reluctant to do so. After all, most of his troops were remnants who were still terrified of the coalition forces on the opposite side, so how much could they expect?

I just hope that those remnant soldiers will not be scattered and fled after being attacked by the coalition forces on the opposite side, and it will be unlucky for him, the captain of the supervising team.

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