The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 241 The Winner's Thoughts

After all, that lieutenant general is not the emperor of Yuguo, he can't give those territories, titles, and endless rewards.

Not to mention the golden words of the emperor, the words spoken can be realized, and they have enough prestige to make countless people believe and work hard for them.

Without these and other conditions, how can this slight advantage be able to prevent the overall situation from falling and the entire battlefield going to defeat!

Don't say anything else, let's just say that the 10,000 Qin army under his own command is really so unafraid of death? Do you really want to follow him to fight with these lunatics on the battlefield?

This is naturally impossible, and those Qin Jun certainly didn't want to, and they were unwilling to do so.

It's just that the military law above is firmly suppressed, and their family is still in the hands of Qin. If they don't do this, don't show that they are not afraid of death, such a performance of being loyal to the state of Qin and the king of Qin. I am afraid that their lives and the safety of their families will not be guaranteed.

So with these various reasons, these Qin soldiers still had to fight with a kind of will to die in order to see their own wishes.

But after all, it was an extremely reluctant will to fight. Seeing the fearless charge of the coalition soldiers in front, even if countless people died under the rain of arrows, the corpses were covered with a thick layer.

But there were still countless soldiers who came up one after another, forming a tight and violent offensive again, sweeping towards his side.

Under this stage of contact, the morale of these Qin troops was severely weakened. They asked themselves, if they were themselves, could they achieve the performance of the coalition forces? The answer frustrates them.

Naturally, it is impossible. They have worries in their hearts, fear of death, concern for their family members, and yearning for prosperity and wealth.

Before achieving these goals, how could they easily give up their precious lives, and give up everything for the sake of victory in this battlefield!

So they can't do it themselves, but the enemy can do it. Usually people face this kind of situation and usually have two choices.

The first, and the most straightforward and powerful choice, is that if one's own strength is superior, one will naturally crush one's enemy to death. Excellent program.

The Qin army naturally did not have this plan. They were far inferior to the coalition army in terms of numbers and fighting will, so how could they achieve this plan!

Therefore, Qin Jun could only choose the second option.

That is to escape, to avoid the enemy far away, escape to a place where the enemy can't care about, or can forget oneself, hide safely and peacefully, and wait for the change of the time.

Of course they couldn't escape now, because they were surrounded by coalition forces, and most of them didn't know what the people around them were thinking, so they didn't dare to take any action.

For fear of showing abnormalities, the supervising team, who was directly vigilant to the extreme from the rear, was found out as a model and strictly enforced military law.

Therefore, those Qin soldiers could only try their best to support them, secretly thinking in their hearts, waiting for that opportunity.

All the comrades they are waiting for have the same thoughts as their own, and when they show it. At that time, no matter how much the supervising team kills, it will not be able to stop the big event.

Just like I just acted as a supervisory team to suppress the defeated troops in front, the advantage in numbers is there after all, and a small number of people standing in line cannot suppress the majority of people, on the contrary, it will arouse the jealousy of most people.

Why do I work desperately on the front line, but you people can hide behind to supervise us, enjoy peace safely, and threaten my safety from time to time.

Could it be that the uncle is working so hard just for you cowards?

Many soldiers have this idea in their hearts and have this resentment. At this moment, they can understand what kind of thinking the Qin army who was persecuted by them before was thinking.

So the situation is still at a stalemate, even if they are forced to come up by those coalition forces, the two sides entangled fiercely, constantly killing red eyes, desperately killing all the people in front of him who don't wear the same clothes as themselves.

When the situation was extremely chaotic and both sides could not suppress their killing intent, finally, when the Qin army's casualties reached a critical point, the defeat occurred.

After all, the lack of morale of the Qin army, the disadvantage in numbers, and the psychological fear of the enemy made them psychologically prepared to flee when they started the war.

Therefore, when Qin Jun killed nearly 3,000 of his people, the remaining 6,000 Qin Jun who were standing on the front line finally couldn't hold on, yelled, and began to retreat.

As for the 1,000 supervising team in the rear, they also killed hundreds of people, but then they were killed by the Qin army who could no longer control their reason and began to be completely chaotic.

This time, two or three hundred of the supervisory team of thousands of people killed him, and the remaining Qin army also fled after no one blocked the way.

They searched for a place where the alliance's defenses were weak, assembled all their forces, and rushed over together, opened a gap, and all of them escaped in a single bend.

Qin Jun fled, the superintendent team was in danger, and the lieutenant general was also in danger. They were surrounded by the coalition forces chasing after them, and after struggling for a while, they took a few bubbles in the waves of tens of thousands of coalition forces. , and then submerged.

The Qin army was defeated, completely defeated, and a very dramatic scene was staged on the battlefield dozens of miles away.

First, the Qin army saw victory, and then the coalition forces turned defeat into victory, and then the Qin army staged a few good shows.

He organized the army to resist twice, escaped twice, and his own supervising team was also killed by those fleeing routs, which damaged his own strength in disguise.

There is no need to say more about the rest.

The fleeing Qin army was completely cast out by the supervising team, hunting and killing them everywhere, unless those Qin troops completely fled to the sphere of influence of the Qin State, that is, around the Qin Army's camp, and entered a safer area.

Those chasing soldiers dare not move forward, so as not to cause a bigger battle.

For the current coalition forces, although they are fighting the Qin army again, they no longer have any negative psychology.

However, this does not mean that they want to provoke a bigger war. For the current coalition forces, their real thoughts are to kill a few more deserters, gain more credit, and then they can withdraw their troops and return to camp.

Anyway, now that the battlefield has been won, their credit is definitely assured. Then, the next step is to enjoy their hospitality and rewards that belong to the winners.

The promised land, as well as the promised title reward, are floating around before their eyes, lingering!

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