The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 244 Post-war Trivia Part Three

After such an adjustment, after an agreement was reached, those monarchs left happily, and the coalition forces settled down again with peace of mind, without causing any disturbance.

Even because of the coordination this time, and seeing that the rewards were really big, the morale of the coalition forces was even more surging.

They have seen the rewards, seen their seniors, and they have already obtained the status that they can only dream of, so why wouldn't they want it!

So they are all secretly looking forward to the arrival of the next big war. At that time, they will also become a nobleman, have their own village, or a noble identity.

In the future, they will no longer be poor and lowly ordinary people.

This is a remarkable change.

In this era, all ordinary people are eager to change their identities, change their destiny, and change the trajectory that their children and grandchildren are destined to follow.

And the era of the Warring States Period, which was turbulent and full of changes, gave them a chance.

The era in which countless people can only be a pariah forever, even if he is talented, can't change his destiny, has collapsed. Instead, we have entered an era where talents are valued and abilities are valued.

Among them, all countries have started reforms, and started to promote the common people at the bottom, so that they can also participate in the transformation of the country and even the destiny of the world.

As a result, batches of commoner aristocrats emerged, among which Xiangsu Qin Zhangyi, Lian Po Li Mu, these people are the most famous.

They were born as commoners, but because of their abilities, they ascended to the sky in one step and became nobles with their own fiefdoms, people who could influence the fate of the world.

And because of the system of farming and warfare, Qin State completely inspired the people at the bottom to change their destiny, and became the biggest prince in the world.

The current coalition army, the reward order, is more exciting and inspiring than Qin's farming and warfare system.

Therefore, the morale of the coalition army has been completely stimulated, and it is far behind the Qin army by a few blocks.

But this time, the elite of the army left and took away a large number of generals, which weakened the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces. Even if the morale of the coalition forces was high, it would take some time to adjust.

After all, there are actually only five people who are enshrined as the king this time.

Among them, there is Yan Yi, the general of Yan, and the big iron hammer of ten thousand people, and Ji Wuye, the general of South Korea, plus two ten thousand captains of the Huns, that's all five people.

For this reason, Yuguo gave him one county and ten counties to reward and resettle them.

This county is actually not a place directly under Yuguo, but the Yunzhong County of Zhao State that Yuguo took from the Xiongnu.

After Yunzhong County was defeated in the Battle of Changping in the State of Zhao, it was gradually swallowed up by the Huns and completely connected with the Central Plains. It was not until Qin Shihuang's 300,000 troops went north that they returned to the Central Plains again.

Today's Yunzhong County, after being destroyed by the Xiongnu, has long been inferior to the grand occasion of the Zhao Kingdom, as a prosperous northern town.

Although there are ten counties in the entire Yunzhong County, the county towns are actually extremely dilapidated, and there are not many residents in the city, and the outside of the city is even more barren. After all, the Huns don't know how to farm, but only herd herds.

Therefore, Yunzhong County has actually gradually degenerated during the lost more than 20 years. It is not as prosperous as before after decades of Zhao Guo's management.

The entire Yunzhong County, according to Zhong Yu's statistics, actually adds up, counting the remaining Huns in those places, the population is less than 80,000, of which the blood of the Central Plains, the descendants of Yan and Huang are less than 50,000.

There is really no value in occupying such a backcountry, where development has been completely destroyed. It is better to throw it out and throw it to the generals and soldiers who are kings and nobles, and let them develop that piece of land.

Moreover, they will lead the warriors on those lands and continue to go south to participate in the conquest of the coalition forces, which can be regarded as completely utilizing the value of that land.

After all, Yunzhong is located in the northern border, and the residents living on it are fierce and bloodthirsty. If these national troops can really use half a year to unite the natives above and train them into a group of brave and capable soldiers, that would be really great. a good choice.

Anyway, Yunzhong has a population of 80,000. With the custom of all men in the north being soldiers, he can still fight for an army of 20,000. It is not a small force to bring to the south, so why not do it? Woolen cloth!

Anyway, in Zhong Yu's heart, he was very satisfied and happy with this decision.

The land was cut not from the Yuguo, but from the Xiongnu, and the people who were divided were not from the Yuguo, but from the Xiongnu. Moreover, the power behind the land must also be used by the imperial kingdom. This kind of business is profitable no matter how you look at it.

In short, after a period of tedious discussions and handling of a large number of affairs, the coalition forces finally settled down, and Zhong Yu also got some free time after finishing the work.

However, he had time, but he didn't go to rest, because he still had a group of guests that he hadn't received.

Those guests, because of his busy schedule, had already waited for three full days, and he must have been very irritable, if he really didn't go to see him, it would cause unnecessary trouble and misunderstanding.


In the center of the big camp, there is a relatively remote group of tents, surrounded by thousands of soldiers densely guarding, monitoring the people staying inside.

It's really strange, in the army, what can be watched? Isn't the entire barracks full of soldiers from the coalition forces?

Moreover, there are only a few hundred people in these dozens of tents under surveillance, so what is there to be afraid of? It is necessary to mobilize so many troops and use thousands of elite troops who have just experienced bloody battles to guard them.

Moreover, it seemed that these soldiers were extremely vigilant. Many of them were sweating on their foreheads, looking a little nervous and scared.

Isn't it more than a hundred people? With hundreds of gaps, is it really so scary?

In fact, this is really wrong to blame these soldiers. It is normal for them to be so nervous, because some of the people guarded here are people who can affect the situation of the world, and all of them have superb strength, which makes them nervous. It is very reasonable.

As soldiers who have lived in this world for decades, and after joining the army, they have fought in the north and south for several years, and have seen a lot of the world, so they understand a lot of things.

For example, in this world, those high-ranking martial arts masters have the strength of one person against dozens, or even hundreds of thousands of people.

This fairy-like strength is not a legend in the old people's mouth, but it has really appeared in front of them.

Just like on the battlefield, the respective generals of both sides displayed the strength that resembled gods and Buddhas.

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