In short, although the two parties did everything they could to survive, they did nothing under the Great Qin Iron Cavalry. In addition to causing more damage to the Qin army, they all turned into nothing and became the dust of history.

As for the countries in the clouds and the Liang country, after Qin's attack, they massacred and vented their anger. It also became Yunzhong County and Wuwei County of Qin State.

Especially Wuwei County, the name is very meaningful. It was the king of Qin who deliberately raised it in order to deter other Xiaoxiao who had plans for Qin.

Those who use martial power to demonstrate with martial arts. Use force to declare majesty.

Isn't this just a response to Liu Bang's first daring to provoke Qin, and then he was wiped out by Qin's powerful military power, and the country became Wuwei County?

Liang State was the first to dare to challenge Qin State, so he was eliminated. Afterwards, Yunzhong, who followed closely, was also wiped out.

I believe that with these two cases ahead, other Xiaoxiao who want to move Qin will consider whether they have the strength and ability to survive Qin's crusade in advance!

The Yue Kingdom in the south, after the destruction of the three newly established small countries of Yunzhong, Liang, and Tao, its own situation became more and more difficult.

This is not because the demise of these three small countries left Deyue with no foreign aid. These three small countries do not border Yue at all, they are separated by thousands of miles, and there is no communication at ordinary times, so where can they get support.

A real impact, but a blow in the heart.

The Yue Kingdom was newly established, and the people in the country have not really settled down. They agree with the Yue Kingdom's rule from the heart, and they are beside them. It would take 20 to 30 years or even 40 or 50 years to make the people of Yue truly return to their hearts and make all the subjects agree with the King of Yue's rule.

In the two or three years since the establishment of the Yue Kingdom, it is impossible to establish such a deep foundation of people's hearts.

Being able to keep these Yue people from rebelling, and being able to communicate with enemies inside and outside is already very lucky, and it is already worthy of the King of Yue's heart.

And don't forget that there is also the original motherland of the Yue people, the Chu State, which is imposing a strong threat and constantly attacking the Yue State.

Several countries that were established at the same time as the Yue State are now under the attack of the original homeland, and have perished one after another.

This kind of blow is very fatal to the very fragile Yue State, which is still just established.

The results of other countries made the subjects of the Yue Kingdom doubtful. Can the Yue Kingdom really continue to survive and stand at the top of this strategy?

I thought about the current situation of the Yue Kingdom in my heart, and then compared the strength of the Chu and Yue countries, as well as the current changing situation in the world.

All Yue subjects shook their heads involuntarily and sighed. Apparently, they also believed in their hearts that there was really no possibility for the Yue Kingdom to survive, and they couldn't see it from any aspect.

However, if you are too stupid, you are afraid of being stunned, and if you are stunned, you are afraid of dying.

Although the Chu State's 300,000 troops pressed hard at every step, they defeated Yue State in one fell swoop, losing cities and territories one after another, and losing troops and generals.

But after all, it is facing the danger of subjugation. A group of ministers of the Yue Kingdom headed by the King of Yue, that is, those powerful landlords who rebelled against the Chu Kingdom before, put aside their original struggle for power and profit at this critical time, and instead united tightly.

Under the resolute resistance of the generals who served as various landlords, the soldiers below were also infected by the general's determination to die, and followed suit to resist. The entire Vietnamese army showed a kind of desperate excitement.

This kind of reckless play suddenly made the Chu people a little unbearable. On the battlefield, the Chu army gave up a good situation several times and had to retreat.

However, relying on this reckless attitude, the Yue people managed to hold on to the situation and kept the battle line in Wu County.

However, as the war progressed, Wu County, next to Duji County in the State of Yue, was completely reduced to ruins, and countless local people went into exile.

They had to flee if they didn't want to, because the red-eyed Chu army had completely regarded these local people as their accomplices, and they were merciless in killing them. Even because the common people were weaker, they killed more vigorously, crazily and mercilessly.

Even some non-local Yue troops secretly acted like the Chu army, burning, killing, and looting the common people.

In short, Wu County can be said to be completely deprived of people or has become a hell on earth.

More than half of the local people died because of the war, and the rest did not flee to Kuaiji County in the south. Even if he hid in the deep mountains and old forests, he would rather face those poisonous insects and beasts than face the wolves and tigers of the Chu army and the Vietnamese army, and dare not come out again.

In the end, most of Wu County was lost, leaving only three cities adjacent to Kuaiji County, which were firmly occupied by the Vietnamese army as the first line to resist the attack of the Chu army.

Kuaiji County is the homeland of the Yue State, and many people here are descendants of the Yue State from generation to generation, so the Yue State has a deep public foundation here.

In addition, Kuaiji County has a large population and rich land. It has always been the source of money, food and soldiers for the Yue Kingdom, and it must not be affected by the flames of war.

If the flames of war really burn here, the country of Yue can be said to be abolished, there will be no money to support soldiers, no one will be recruited, and there will be no chance of counterattack at all.

At that time, the State of Yue could only retreat to Minzhong County in the south, where it relied on the mountains and forests, and took advantage of the terrain to deal with the Chu army and fight guerrillas.

However, although Yue Guo persisted and did not follow the fate of his first three companions and completely went to the dust of history, Yue Guo's fate was not much better.

Not to mention Wu County, the original population of 300,000 now has 200,000 casualties, the rest fled to Kuaiji County, and the rest of about 30,000 to 40,000 people all hid in the endless deep mountains and old forests, and lived a life of fighting wild beasts. A life of ruthlessness and blood drinking.

The situation in the remaining Kuaiji County and other places is not very good. Because of the war, many industries have been affected, especially all food has been confiscated as military rations, and many people have starved to death.

Today, the total population of the whole country of Yue is only about 400,000, and its national strength is much less than half of what it was before the war.

Especially the army, now there are only 50,000 people left, and the elite is only 20,000, which can barely maintain the current line of defense.

With this kind of strength, under the attack of Chu State, I don't know if it can last for a month or two.

Of course, although the war may fail, the destruction of the country is unlikely.

There is also Kuaiji County behind Wu County, which can be used to maneuver around. It sounds like the whole Kuaiji County will be smashed and become the next Wu County without the risk. Yue Kingdom can still persist for two or three months.

And Kuaiji County is followed by Minzhong County, which is characterized by many mountains and forests in Minzhong County. In addition, there is not much regional development, and the roads are rough and difficult, almost catching up with the land of Bashu, Sichuan.

With such a dangerous terrain, as long as it wasn't for the Chu State to gather two or three hundred thousand troops and camp there for half a year or a year. With an ordinary army of more than 100,000, the Yue Kingdom can still persist for two or three years without being wiped out.

Therefore, the state of Chu is doomed to be unable to destroy the state of Yue quickly, but will fall into the quagmire of the state of Yue, and it is difficult to escape.

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