A section of the Qianqu River is not wide, that is, tens of meters to a hundred meters, but it took more than three hours for the 20,000 troops from the dojo to cross the river for such a short distance.

And after such a long time, not all the army crossed the river, but only more than a thousand pioneers went to the opposite bank.

There are more than 10,000 troops behind them looking at the bamboo raft eagerly, waiting for them to cross the river in batches.

But although these armies are waiting to cross the river, not all of them want to go to the battlefield by themselves.

The battle to seize the river and cross the river just now has deeply frightened many recruits in the army.

Although the dojo army has a large number of people, there are a total of 20 people in total.

But just because the number of people expanded too fast, many of the elite troops who had been trained were shared among the newly-built troops to serve as officers.

This has led to a large number of recruits being mixed into the respective armies today.

The overall composition is about 2 to 3 equipment. That is to say, two veterans lead three recruits, and those two veterans are not experienced battlefield elites. They have only been on the battlefield once or twice, and have seen some half-baked veterans.

Many of these veterans have never even killed anyone. They just followed the army to fight south and north, and saw that they opened up a little. They didn't panic in the face of these fighting scenes, and they could maintain a certain level of calmness.

Now seeing the scene of crossing the river just now, whether it is a veteran or a recruit, I am really terrified in my heart.

A total of 5,000 bamboo rafts were set up to cross the river before, but the river is so wide, and the length of the army is not so long, it is impossible to send 5,000 bamboo rafts up at once.

In fact, five thousand bamboo rafts are divided into batches, that is, one thousand by one thousand.

Each bamboo raft carries 4 people, and 1,000 bamboo rafts means 4,000 people crossing the river. The scale is not small.

Although the non-crossing of the river was said to be quite smooth, the damage involved was indeed astonishing.

The reason why the dojo army was able to win in one battle was that they captured the ferry in one morning, sent the first batch of troops to the other side of the river, and barely drove a small nail.

It relies on the ruthlessness of ignoring losses and ignoring the casualties of the army under his command.

First of all, the bows and arrows of the coalition forces blocked it just now.

Although it is said that these bows and arrows are shot in an extremely disorderly manner, they cannot be effectively coordinated to form batches of arrow arrays to form a large-scale and efficient massacre.

But after all, there are tens of thousands of archers, even though the bows and arrows in their hands are extremely poorly cast hunting bows, even worse than hunting bows.

In addition, they shot quite sparsely, and many of them shot the bows and arrows in their hands without even aiming.

This method of using bows and arrows is quite inefficient. It can be said that most of the bows and arrows are shot empty.

Some arrows even shot at people's bodies, because they didn't have much force, they couldn't even penetrate the flesh of the human body, and they bounced off directly.

But one shot by 10,000 people is 10,000 arrows. As long as you have one or two thousand of these ten thousand arrows shot on people, and three or four hundred of them hit the vital parts, then this This kind of lethality is quite impressive.

Zhong Yu's dojo army was established not long ago, because it was only focused on expansion, and it was not suitable for the dojo to form an army. Therefore, all armaments and armor are secretly saved, and there is not much at all.

In the past, there were 20,000 elite disciples in the dojo, plus 30,000 external personnel. Only by seizing the reserves of those wealthy families and adding some of their own savings, could each of them barely have a pair of leather armor.

Many people even don't even have leather armor, but just put on a few bamboo armors, which can barely be regarded as a little protection.

However, the newly recruited 150,000 army is far from being the core elite, and the dojo does not have so many economic conditions and enough time to equip them with armor.

So basically everyone just pulled off a few decent clothes and dyed them uniformly blue, which is considered a military uniform.

The protection of this kind of military uniform is quite weak, and it can even be called basically non-existent. After all, it's just a few thin and scary coarse clothes, which can't stop the sharp knives and guns.

However, even with this kind of equipment treatment, being able to unify their clothing, in the eyes of local tyrant Daming from all over the world, it is already considered extremely wealthy.

Japan is a place so poor that it makes people speechless. Coupled with the perennial wars, basically all the people's livelihood constructions are withered. Except for the basic production of farming and fishing, the others are all marginalized.

In order to collect enough food for soldiers, those famous local tyrants have ordered the common people to only produce some crops that can bring food.

And those ordinary people didn't have the mind to think about other things in order to survive, they all focused on digging food from the ground.

Under such circumstances, sericulture and weaving have become a rather rare and even extravagant term.

In many ordinary households in Japan, five or six people often share one or two pieces of clothes, usually worn by whoever goes out.

Under such circumstances, Japanese wars usually dispatch samurai as officers, and then conscript some farmers from their own territory, give them a bamboo spear, or even let them bring some farm tools with them, and then go to the battlefield like this .

As for the uniform uniform, don't be kidding, with this money, it's better to buy more weapons, buy more military rations, and enrich strategic materials.

Even many samurai under the daimyo's command only wore one or two sets of clothes, and they could barely change them.

And their styles are different according to the wealth of their respective families, and their appearances are also strange and varied.

When many daimyos went to war, the clothes of the armies of both sides were actually similar, and it was basically difficult to tell them apart, because they were all the clothes of ordinary people.

In order to distinguish, it is just to mark somewhere on both sides, so that the soldiers under their respective command know who is their teammate and who is their enemy.

Therefore, Zhong Yu's army was able to uniform their uniforms. For people from all over the Warring States period, whether it was the local tyrants of the Ming Dynasty or the common people, it was too extravagant in their eyes.

But having said so much, the defense of Zhong Yu's army is actually very weak.

When he was shot by a bow and arrow for nearly half an hour, although he finally broke through layers of obstacles, he was only a dozen meters or even a few meters away from the opposite bank.

But in such a short period of time, more than two thousand people were shot to death by bows and arrows.

Not to mention that the Iron Cannons will play later.

The power of the iron cannon is much higher than that of the bow and arrow. Although it is more troublesome to assemble, it is far less fast than the bow and arrow.

But people die as soon as they hit.

After dividing the iron cannon team into three batches, after one round, they can take away the lives of nearly 300 dojo troops.

These iron cannons fired at each other for a full 20 minutes, about sixteen or seven rounds.

Under the bombardment of such artillery fire, about 4,000 people were completely buried under the river bottom.

Not to mention that while the iron cannon was firing, there were those annoying archers playing support, which made the casualties even more terrifying.

Just such a distance, when the first batch of coalition troops reached the other side, 7,000 people had already died.

This is already 1/7 of the total number of casualties in the dojo army.

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