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"Well, when the war is over, I will definitely make contributions to the two great offerings."

"All ministries of the order must seize the opportunity to give the enemy the greatest damage with the strongest firepower."

"In addition, tell the ministries that after this salvo of naval guns is over, the whole army must be prepared to sacrifice."

"After all, this is likely to be the last blow to the enemy's superiority."


Hearing the intelligence report of the battleship, Otán first affirmed the credit of Li Chenzhou and Feng Yun Wuji, and then issued new combat instructions to the entire army.

It's just that this combat instruction is somewhat special.

In addition to allowing the entire army to seize the opportunity to maximize damage to the enemy, it also requires the entire army to be prepared for sacrifice.

Obviously, at this time, Otan has clearly realized that the large-scale enemy's arrival has become inevitable.

The reason why the whole army is prepared to make sacrifices is also to tell the whole army that a real fierce battle is coming, and everyone is likely to fall in a real fierce battle.

It can be regarded as a vaccination in advance.

After receiving the order, all mid-level and high-level generals and first-line captains are not fools. They immediately understood the meaning contained in this order, Commander Commander.

Knowing that the fierce battle is inevitable, and that this is likely to be the last superior shooting, all front-line commanders of the Qin Army are fierce, and have erupted with 120% combat effectiveness.

Naval artillery of various calibers bombarded desperately, and the hit rate was astonishingly high, and the combined fleet warships were constantly destroyed or injured by the Qin army's overwhelming artillery fire.

In this round of naval gun salvos, at least more than 20,000 warships in the joint fleet were destroyed and more than 30,000 warships were damaged.

It seems that the casualties are heavy, but this level of loss can only make the joint fleet feel a little pain at best, and it is not enough to make the joint fleet hurt.

On the contrary, even with the loss of so many warships, the combined fleet still managed to gain a foothold in Star Field No. 309 under the cover of twenty-two senior powerhouses.

More and more joint fleet warships successfully arrived, and they began to counterattack the Qin army on a large scale, and the Qin army began to suffer losses.

"Order all warships to immediately raise energy shields and gradually turn into rune state."

"In addition, since the commander of the fleet up and down, no one is allowed to take a step back. Violators will revoke the department number and decapitate regardless of size."

Seeing casualties on our side, before your commander-in-chief gave an order, the thirty fleet commanders gave orders for a deadly battle, determined to fight the enemy.

The order was quickly communicated, and all the warships gradually raised their energy shields and gradually began to turn into a rune state, and the defense, attack, and mobility of the warships began to increase rapidly.

All soldiers also know that behind them is not the barren star field thousands of light years away, but their hometown and their relatives.

In order to protect their hometown and relatives, all soldiers chose to execute military orders and chose not to retreat.

In the fierce battleships, the Qin fleet and the combined fleet suffered losses to each other.

At every moment, the battleships of both sides are exploded, dazzling sparks blooming in the endless galaxy, hundreds of millions of miles of galaxy space repeats being shattered, repaired, shattered, and repaired again and again. process.

A meteorite belt stretching millions of miles away in the surrounding star field is also in the course of time. Hundreds of millions of meteorites of different sizes were shattered by the aftermath of the powerful naval gun energy of both sides and turned into nothingness. The intensity of the war is high.

It's just that because of the transition to the rune state, the performance of all the Qin army battleships has been improved tenfold, making the Qin army's loss in the battleship battle far less than the combined fleet.

The loss ratio of the two sides is basically around one to five, Qin Jun is one, and the joint fleet is five.

In other words, if the combined fleet wants to destroy a Qin army battleship, it needs to pay at least five battleship losses.

At the tactical level, the Qin Army has an advantage.

But at the strategic level, Qin Jun still fell into a passive state.

Because the war has progressed to this moment, the number of combined fleet warships that have successfully landed in Star Field No. 309 has reached a staggering 200,000 ships, and it is still increasing at an extremely rapid rate.

At this point, the arrival of the main force of the combined fleet has become inevitable.

If the Qin Army does not make a strong response, I am afraid that sooner or later the 30 Qin fleets will be exhausted alive in this war of attrition.

At that time, the only way for the Qin army to block the combined fleet will be the silver enemy of the Marine Corps.

But that is not realistic at all.

In a space war, no matter how large the number of elite marine forces with space combat capability is, the outcome of a space battle cannot be reversed.

The Marine Corps can only be used as the main force to seize the planet, or as a surprise attack or flanker in space wars, and can never replace the leading role of the space fleet.

The space fleet is the real and only protagonist in the space war.

Unconsciously, the balance of war began to tilt towards the combined fleet with absolute superiority in military strength.


"All the officers of the various ministries, the first fleet to achieve breakthrough progress, were promoted to one level, the colonel was promoted to major general, the major general was promoted to lieutenant general, the lieutenant general rewarded the position of planetary governor, and added noble titles."

Star Field No. 309, Northern Star Field, the former flagship of the United Fleet.

Seeing that the scale of victory gradually tilted toward the combined fleet, Chiwu, the admiral of the galaxy who was not smirking and possessed the S-class ability, also showed a smile, and even so ordered.

Under the so-called reward, there must be a brave man.

Under General Chiwu's promise, the fighting spirit of the former units of the combined fleet was thoroughly stimulated, and all of them were red-eyed.

Not only has the naval gun hit rate increased to the same level as that of the Qin Army, even slightly beyond it.

Some combined fleet warships that put life and death away. In order to gain credit, he even broke away from the main cluster and directly launched a charge against the Qin Army.

Although these sporadic charges were quickly smashed by the Qin Army, it also shows that the fighting spirit of the combined fleet has also been promoted to the point of fearless death.

Although the fighting spirit of the Qin army to defend the home and the country is one level higher than the fighting spirit of the joint fleet for the reward.

But in some special cases, the morale boosting effect of the two is not much different.

Now it is a special situation.

In order to win the war, both sides can be said to have tried their best.

Looking at the entire Galaxy battlefield, whether it is the Qin fleet or the joint fleet, in order to win the war, regardless of the service life of the naval guns, the guns are forcibly fired before the temperature drops.

At this point in the war, it is no longer just a simple matter of winning, it is more of an iron-blood collision between the souls of the two armies.

Whoever can win in this collision between the souls of the army will be able to achieve a phoenix-like transformation after the end of the war, and eventually become a true cosmic iron army.

The loser can only be swept into the garbage dump of history.

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