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"Your Excellency Xuan Jian does have some truth."

"But it is often said that sharpening the knife does not cut the wood by mistake. Although this will take more than a month, it will allow the four major organizations to concentrate their efforts to conduct large-scale and accurate inspections of the areas they are responsible for. "

"Actually, if you calculate carefully, the effects of five months of large-scale and precise investigations and six months of large-scale investigations are actually the same, and even the latter is not as good as the former."

"The only regret is that once this move is implemented, the power radiation areas of the four major agencies including China in the remaining three mission areas will be severely shrunk, thus losing great profits."

"But for the great cause of the empire, all this is worth it."

"As for this, Sombra will not complain, and I think the same goes for Luo Wang, Dongchang, and Shadow Guard."

"So Xuan Jian's first opinion is not valid, let's talk about the second opinion."

Hearing Xuan Jian's first seemingly well-founded opinion, after a little thought, the Black Fox King replied.

Compared with Xuan Jian's first opinion, the answer given by the Black Fox King is undoubtedly more comprehensive and more convincing.

"In this case, the subordinate will talk about his second opinion."

Hearing Master Black Fox's words, Xuan Xiu nodded and said, finally expressing his second opinion.

"As we all know, since the establishment of the empire, the eastern region has been a zone where the net has been painstakingly managed."

"Now that several decades have passed, under the painstaking management of our net, compared with the other three mission areas, our net has the deepest control over the eastern mission area (three thousand states in the east), and the net gathered in the eastern mission area. Power can be said to be the best in the net in terms of scale and sharpness."

"Under such circumstances, once the net is about to move, it will be an unprecedented move. By then, it will be very likely to be detected by the rebel forces in China, and the gain is not worth the loss."

"Therefore, the subordinates believe that the adults can swap the shadows and the mission area that the net is responsible for."

"Let the snare, which runs the deepest in the eastern region, still be in charge of the eastern mission area, and let Sombra be in charge of the western mission area."

"As a result, you can not only take care of the overall situation, but also let your subordinates explain to Lord Shangyonghou, and ask Lord Black Fox to think twice."

It has to be said that, compared to the first opinion, which is not that important, the second opinion proposed by Xuan Jian can be said to be quite sharp. It directly asked the question of the actual adjustment of the task area under the responsibility of Luo Wang.

After all, as Xuan Jian said, if the dragnet forces that have been operating in the eastern region for decades are allowed to withdraw from the eastern region and go to the western region to take charge of the western mission area, the losses to the snare will be too great.

It is very likely to exceed the sum of the losses of the other three institutions.

"Although the snare can sacrifice everything for the benefit of the empire, you also have to consider the feelings of millions of people on the snare."

"You just want to lose at least 70% of our net profit when you move your mouth. What do you think of us in the net?"

Xuan Jian thought in his heart.

If it weren't for the emperor's life and Lord Shang Yonghou's instructions, I'm afraid that with this one, the black scissors, who had a good impression of the Black Fox King, could immediately jump up and lift the table and turn their faces directly.


"Sorry, this is indeed the negligence of this official."

"As for the second opinion, Xuan Jian can say that it is extremely true, and the official also extremely agrees."

"In this case, according to Xuan Jian's words, swap the mission area of ​​the black shadow and the net."

"Let Luo Wang be in charge of the east mission area and Sombra in charge of the west mission area. What do you think of Xuanjian?"

Hearing Xuan Jian's very sharp second opinion, even the deep Black Fox King in the city mansion could not help but feel a little embarrassed, because he did not think of this when he made the plan.

This has almost caused a misunderstanding of the net.

If that were the case, his reputation on the net would be stinking, and it might affect the overall situation of peace and chaos, and a little negligence could lead to a global collapse.

Thinking of this, the Black Fox King's heart could not help but waves.

Of course, embarrassment belongs to embarrassment.

It is impossible for a city with a deep existence like the Black Fox King to express the emotions in his heart.

Therefore, on the surface, the Black Fox King still speaks with a calm and clear attitude, and modified the original plan, swapping the mission areas of the two major agencies, the Black Shadow and the Ranet.

And this has won the favor of Xuan Jian again.

"Thank you, sir!"

Xuan Jian said with his hands.

"Well, not much to say."

"Now that the plan has been determined, let's implement it as planned."

"I also hope that the four major institutions will unite sincerely and work together to thoroughly investigate the information of the rebel forces in China within half a year."


Hearing Xuan Jian's words, the Black Fox King nodded and said, and Han Xin and the three also vowed their promises, and finally ended the temporary meeting.

It took less than half an hour from the convening of the temporary meeting to the end.

However, what this meeting decided was the fate of countless creatures in the entire Shenzhou world.

An unprecedented storm will soon sweep the entire Shenzhou World...


The Great World of Shenzhou, East Yunzhou, Canglan County, is above an uninhabited and extremely barren mountain.

Under the shroud of night, I saw a figure who was covered in black shadows walking back and forth, looking like he was waiting for something.

Suddenly, on the top of the mountain, a wave of spatial fluctuations, neither strong nor weak, suddenly came.

With the passage of time, a black space channel gradually formed, and finally a mysterious man dressed in a blue robe but with a strange mask came out of it.


Seeing a mysterious person wearing a blue robe and a strange mask appeared, the existence under the dark shadow all opened his mouth.



Hearing the words of the existence under the dark shadow, a hoarse voice sounded, and the mysterious man in the blue robe said so.

A password was given, but a reply was also asked.


Hearing this, the existence under the dark shadow replied, and at the same time he was secretly relieved.

"The designated time, the designated location, the designated password and response, and the designated physical description, it seems that this person is definitely the contact person."

Thought of the existence under the dark shadow.

"Are you a subordinate of Lord Heiyun?"

"This seat is an outside line for the development of Lord Heiyun, and the specific identity cannot be stated clearly."

"Close to the subject, this jade talisman contains detailed information about all the rebel forces in Dongyunzhou, and the empire can eliminate them one by one or collectively based on the jade talisman information."

"However, it should be noted that there are a large number of imperial officials involved in this, and the senior officials of Luo Wang are also asked not to act without certainty."

"Once the action is taken, all designers must be quickly cleared away with lightning speed, so as not to start offense and force them to rebel."

Looking at the existence under the dark shadow, I saw the mysterious blue bubble speak slowly, and then handed over the jade talisman to the opponent.

"It is indeed a data jade symbol!"

"You can rest assured, as long as these people are really involved in the major rebellion, let alone those officials in Dongyunzhou, even the princes of the empire, the net will not be caught by mistake."

After getting the jade talisman and inspecting and perceiving the jade talisman in detail, the existence under the shadow said so.

Hearing this, the mysterious man in the blue robe nodded, and then disappeared here via the spatial channel.

A breeze blew, bringing a little coldness, and also a few wisps of dust, and went away with the wind, as if the mysterious man in blue had never appeared.

The information transfer involving a state is completed in less than one stick of incense, which can be said to be very short.

At this moment, countless similar connections and transactions are still happening in every corner of China, and this situation will only intensify in the future...

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