The Rise of the Empire of the Heavens and the World

Vol 5 Chapter 990: Military deployment, dispatch troops take shape, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the rise of the empire of the heavens and worlds!

"Your Majesty, the minister agrees with the general's opinion that the empire can go to war with the two great worlds at the same time."


"The minister agrees."


"The minister agrees."


After Bai Qi, Shang Yang, Wei Ran, Zhang Yi, Zhao Yong, Sun Wu, Wu Lei, Ying Ji, and other imperial ministers who did not express their views at this time all seconded their views. Its ability to overcome.

The higher the level, the broader the knowledge, the more the core secrets of the empire and the more comprehensive the understanding of the empire.

Even the civil and military officials must be divided into different ranks.

And Shang Yang, Wei Ran and Sun Wu, Zhang Yizhi and others, undoubtedly stood at the top of the pyramid of imperial officials.

Just like what Bai Qi said, based on their comprehensive understanding of the empire, it can be seen that the empire does have the ability to single out several middle-thousand worlds at the same time.

In fact, they are all in favor of war, but they just wanted to see other imperial civil and military thoughts before, and they have not yet expressed their views.

"Okay, the war has been decided, you don't need to discuss it."

"Next is the matter of dispatching troops and generals, conquering two mid-thousand worlds at the same time. How much do you think you should dispatch troops?"

Now that the war has been determined, the issue of dispatching troops and generals should also be put on the agenda. Ying Ji wants to hear the opinions of the civil and military officials.

"Your Majesty, the middle thousand worlds are not trivial. According to Yichen, each world needs to dispatch at least five titled legions, ten type A legions, and 20 type B legions. It is estimated that at least 20 million elites are required."

"In addition, at least 30,000 strong people from all aspects of the empire need to be selected, and then six to ten strong people of Tier 8 and above, and two to three immortals of longevity are needed to have an absolute chance of winning."

Seeing His Majesty the Emperor asked about the size of the troops, Ying Ji, one of the six great marshals of the empire, reported.

"No, Jun Yan, you need too much force."

"A medium-thousand world needs to deploy 35 legions and 30,000 strong men, and two medium-thousand worlds are 70 legions and sixty strong men."

"Of course there is no problem in normal times, but now the empire is implementing a recuperation strategy."

"Moreover, a considerable part of the legions that were incomplete in the previous wars are now supplementing and training. The mobilization of 70 legions and 60,000 strong at one time has had too much influence on all aspects of the empire."

Hearing Ying Ji's "Lion's big mouth", Shang Yang immediately objected.

Unlike those in military circles such as Ying Ji and Bai Qi, Shang Yang, ministers of state affairs, think more about it.

Not only the military and political strategy, but also the economy and people's livelihood must be considered.

Shang Yang knew that Yingji had always been well-known in the imperial military for its steady use of troops, never fought unsure battles, and always liked to use overwhelming strength in wars to kill the enemy before the enemy had reacted.

The reason for proposing the use of 20 million and tens of thousands of strong forces is also to prevent any sudden changes.

In general, Yingji has formulated a great battle plan, and there is nothing wrong with it, but reality does not allow it.

Mobilizing 80% of the elite of the empire at one time had too much impact, and it was basically close to the last Profound Sky War.

After Shang Yang passed, many civilian officials also stood up to oppose the battle request of Ying disease.

But it is not against war, but against the simultaneous deployment of so many troops.

After all, in the eyes of civilian officials, every large-scale deployment of troops and generals is a waste of people and money, and can be avoided if possible.

Seeing that there were no less than 20 imperial officials opposed to him for a while, Yingji still remained unchanged.

Although knowing that such a large-scale military mobilization will inevitably affect many situations in the empire, Yingji knows that he must have an absolute advantage in order to win the mid-thousand world. In short, it has to be seventy legions.

"Your Majesty Qi, General Yimo seems to have the strength of the seventy legions, but they are still too much."

"If Your Majesty is willing to activate the Bauhinia Legion, then on this basis, only one-third of the forces in the Marshal Yingji plan can be used to conquer one side of the world."

At this moment, Marshal Wu Lei among the six empire marshals stepped forward and said.

After all, the Bauhinia Legion is a direct line of troops brought out by himself, and Wu Lei should fight for the Bauhinia Legion like this kind of battle mission.

After all, as long as the Bauhinia Legion makes another contribution, it will not only increase the sense of honor of the entire Legion’s soldiers, but also increase the status of Atlantis in the empire behind it.

"Well, since Marshal Wu Lei has such confidence, I will use the Bauhinia Army this time."

"Let me see if the Bauhinia Legion can continue to maintain the honor of the strongest army in the empire in this battle on the plane."

"Order, from the Great Qin Army, randomly select two titled legions, four Class A legions, seven Class B legions, two demon legions, and mixed bauhinia legions to form a plane dispatch army."

"Marshal Wu Lei is the chief commander of the dispatched army, and Wu Xinjun Zhang Yi is the general division."

"We are also responsible for the empire to enshrine the hall of Guiguzi, Minister of Fire Department Cui Wenzi, and Minister of Earth Department Beiyanzi to go together."

"The whole army is assembled in Lantian, and ten days later, it will go to a different plane to fight."

Since Wu Lei invited the battle on behalf of the Bauhinia Legion, Ying Ji, who knew the powerful high-tech army of the Purple Flower Legion, naturally had no reason to refuse, and directly agreed to Wu Lei's willingness to fight.

After all, the prestige of the super sci-fi legion, which has the reputation of the strongest army in the empire, is not covered. The bauhinia legion is equivalent to at least the combined combat power of all the empire titled legions.


Hearing that the emperor had decided to dispatch troops on the plane, Wu Lei, Zhang Yi, Guiguzi, Cui Wenzi, Beiyanzi and others who received the order all said in unison and took the order.

Thirteen human manchu regiments, two demon manchuria legions, and one Atlantis reinforced legion, the total of nearly eight million imperial troops.

In addition, there are no less than ten strong people of rank 8 and above, and three longevity-level great abilities such as Guiguzi, Cui Wenzi, and Beiyanzi.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, and that is that this matter is stable.

"But Your Majesty, this is just a military deployment for one world, what about another one?"

At this moment, Yingji asked.

Although his own combat plan was rejected, Yingji didn't have any ideas. After all, for the moment, Marshal Wu Lei's plan to offset more than 20 legions with the Bauhinia Legion was clearly more suitable for the empire.

It's just that this is just a military deployment aimed at one world, and there is another one who can't do it like this.

Hearing Yingji's words, many imperial civil and military officials were once again puzzled.

Yes, this is only a military deployment for one world, and the Empire does not have a second Bauhinia Legion or an invincible force comparable to the Bauhinia Legion.

"Another world, I have my own arrangements!"

Facing the doubts of many imperial ministers of civil and military affairs, Ying Ji said majesticly.

Thinking of the hidden child she had previously buried in the world of Doupo, and then thinking of the door of the plane of Doupo that the system had given him free of charge, Ying Ji was full of joy.

——This is the Zhongqian World that can be won without much effort!

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