The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 127: Try it if you have the ability!

   This time, the Russians are really serious! very serious! They felt the pressure of Japan's rise. Russia is strong, but it is too weak in the Far East. And this time, I am afraid it is the best chance for the Russians to overwhelm Japan! Japan has a bad relationship with almost all powers that can affect the Far East! The British are unprecedentedly isolated and dare not act rashly. The Japanese have been fighting for nearly a year, how much energy is left? Nicholas II even had the idea of ​​directly knocking his opponent to the ground. Of course, this is nothing more than drinking too much.

   Russia’s most elite cruiser formation has entered the Far East, with the 10,000-ton-class armored cruiser Rurik as its flagship, and two Munich-class armored cruisers ordered from Germany as the main force. Coupled with the two battleships of the Far East Fleet and a number of other auxiliary battleships, this force is enough to crush the Japanese fleet at its peak. Isn't the Japanese fleet at this time still in hand?

   The powerful fleet consisting of 2 battleships and 3 cruisers first set off from Vladivostok, then passed through the Tsugaru Strait, then turned south and headed towards Tokyo Bay! After wandering around in the center of Japan, he even entered the Seto Inland Sea for a while! Maybe some people say this is not aggression? Yes, you said, this is aggression, you come to hit me! At this time, the Russians wish that the Japanese would do it first!

   And just when the Russians came directly to the door and slapped their faces, the enemies of Germany and France also acted in the waters of the Qing country. Sher, with two cruisers, never dreamed that he would act with the French fleet! Two French cruisers under the command of Major General Jean Eldrin joined the patrol activities of the "Bohai Non-War Zone". Of course, such patrol activities are simply armed parades, and there is almost no possibility of fighting the Japanese. of!

   At the same time as the maritime action was taken, the Russian Army and the Blue Army also began to step up their oppression of the Japanese First Army on the Liaodong Peninsula! More than 20,000 Russian troops and the Blue Army began to slowly advance to the south! From the standpoint of strength alone, the number of this army is equivalent to the total strength of Japan in Liaodong. After acquiring a large amount of arms from Germany, this Russian army in good condition has every opportunity to be exhausted. Japan is dead!

"I wipe, what do you mean?" The Japanese government immediately began diplomatic mediation, trying to split the Three-Power Alliance, but as in history, it was useless, and then it went to the British dad, hoping that godfather could show it to himself. All of a sudden. Faced with such a posture, the British were also persuaded. Now the forces of the Three Kingdoms Fleet have stabilized the British fleet deployed in the Far East, and a powerful lineup of two battleships and five armored cruisers can combine the Fleetman fleet and the Japanese fleet together!

   "Well, godson, figure it out by yourself! Dad still has something to do, let's get busy!" The British did it very neatly and directly sent the Flemington fleet back to the area south of the Yangtze River. You just make trouble in the north, brother don't care. The British decisively chose neutrality. It's not that the British don't want to help, but they really can't help!

Then, the Russian-German minister in Japan issued a note similar to an ultimatum at the same time. The content of this note seemed so righteous and serious: "Did you not say that it is to ensure the independence and territorial integrity of North Korea? Is it not for the Qing country? Now that North Korea is independent, what do you want? Now Lao Tzu guarantees the territorial integrity of the Qing Dynasty. If you are not satisfied, let's try it?"

   "This is so irrational!" Well, Japan, which has never been sensible, began to complain that others are irrational, but this is useless! If historically, the Japanese government started to negotiate in a relatively friendly external environment, then this time, before the armistice, Japan was already in a state of extreme passivity.

  In history, the Japanese dared to scream during negotiations, saying that they would directly transport 100,000 troops by land and sea to Beijing. It is also possible to send warships to attack Taiwan while negotiating, but this plane, the Japanese army in the Liaodong Peninsula has already begun to dig pits and prepare to hold on, while the Japanese fleet is shrinking on the mainland, and then carefully staring at Russia Fleet, while avoiding misfire!

   The negotiations are finally about to begin, but the conditions for the beginning are very bad this time! The Japanese were almost taken to the negotiating table with a gun against their foreheads by a third party! And this time the Japanese can't even choose where to negotiate! Originally, Ito Hirobumi and others planned to let the Qing country go to Japan to talk, but Li Hongzhang first reported that he would go to Vladivostok! Is this fair? Everyone chose a third country as the venue for negotiations.

   "I'll rub it! The Russians have put their guns on my forehead, you say it's fair?! What kind of fair is this!" The Japanese were unambiguous, and immediately put forward a counter-proposal, or everyone should go to the UK to talk. Although the British are helpless, it is still possible to show a place for negotiation.

   "Or, let's take a step back and talk to the United States." In the end, the two sides coordinated for a long time and finally found a relatively neutral country, and the distance between the two countries to the United States seems to be much closer than the United Kingdom. As a result, in the end, representatives of the two sides began to travel from the mainland to Los Angeles, this time to ensure the "fairness of the talks." UU Reading, Britain, Germany, Russia, France and the United States will send representatives to "watch" the entire conference process.

   "Actually, if we insist, we can completely suppress Japan's talks in Vladivostok. But why did the government compromise in the end?" Earl Schelling said with some confusion looking at the telegram from Berlin.

"In addition, the prince also stated in his letter to the prince that it is acceptable to negotiate in the United States. What is the reason for this? What good is it to give up our home court advantage?" Looking at the silent Ruprecht, Earl Schelling then asked.

"I hope this negotiation will take longer. Our people have already begun to do it, but you know, both capital transfer and operation take time. We need to make a time difference! During this time, we have to go out. Only by releasing some good news for Japan can we make more."

"Of course, another reason is that I don’t trust Russia. The Russians are too capricious. If they control the situation in Vladivostok, then I may not get much benefit in the end. In a relatively neutral place, we will instead. You can get the support of Russia. The United States has concerns about Russia and has no malice against us. In order to balance the pressure from the United Kingdom and the United States, Russia and France must compromise with us. This result is good." Ruprecht said.

"In addition, we need to get in touch with Viscount Luo's Sino. We need to get first-hand information on the progress of the negotiation. If possible, we have to interfere with the negotiation process. In addition, the US representative Stingson is a reliable person. The DuPont Consortium is our partner." Ruprecht finished speaking and signaled that the earl could leave, and then asked the waiter to bring Countess Laura in. Now it's finally time to harvest!

   The second one is served~~~, there is another one in the evening~~~.

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