In China, cartoons have appeared since the end of the Qing Dynasty, and people call them "allegorical paintings", "allegorical paintings" and so on. For example, in "Comprehensive Map of the Current Situation", in the northeast of China's map, a bear is drawn to represent Russia, a dog in the Yangtze River Basin is drawn to represent Britain, and a toad is drawn in the southwest to represent France... It is a vivid and clear indication that China was divided up by foreign powers.

   Two years ago, the "Literary Weekly" serialized Feng Zikai's paintings and marked them as "caricatures", which were the earliest works called comics in China.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "The core of comics is nothing more than four words: exaggeration and deformation."

   "Exaggerated deformation?" Wan Rong seemed to understand.

"Yes, we need to use the characteristics of Shen Yun to exaggerate and deform," Zhou Hexuan explained in detail, "For example, if a person has a big nose, when he draws cartoons, he can make his nose occupy half of his face. If there is a mole, then draw the mole as big as the nostril. Or if the person has long legs, then simply draw the legs so that they are two or three times as long as the body.”

  Wanrong has a very deep foundation in traditional Chinese painting, she immediately understood: "It is to highlight a certain feature to the maximum extent."

   "Yes." Zhou Hexuan said.

  Wanrong looked at her cartoon painting and questioned: "But why did you draw me just now, why is my head so big and my body small? My head is not big."

   Zhou Hexuan said: "The body belongs to the common character of the characters. If you don't deliberately emphasize a certain place, you can draw whatever you want. The cartoon I just focused on capturing your facial features."

Wanrong was still puzzled, and said, "But there is nothing special about my face. You drew the eyes so big and the nose so small, all of which are exaggerated. Why didn't you follow the actual situation? Painting, but I think it is very charming, and you can tell it is me who is painting at a glance?"

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "This kind of comic is completed in three steps. The first is to observe and find out the characteristics of the characters, such as face shape, facial features, hairstyle, expression and demeanor, etc. The second is to exaggerate and deform the shape, such as your chin It's a bit sharp, so I almost made it into an awl. The third step is to exaggerate the expression, for example, if you are smiling, I will draw you with your mouth wide open."

   "Oh, I get it," Wanrong knows a thing or two about painting. "Drawing exaggerated cartoons is just like drawing fine brushstrokes. You must first refer to the real object, grasp the charm, and then exaggerate on this basis."

   Zhou Hexuan praised: "The children can be taught."

   "What child? I'm a big girl," Wan Rong said with a smile, "I'll try it first."

  Wanrong squinted her eyes, recalling Cui Huifu's appearance and demeanor, and she began to draw with a brush. But after she finished painting, she always felt awkward and incongruous, but she couldn't find anything wrong.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "Cartoons are also about skills, and you need to have sketching skills. Your fine brushwork is too heavy, so it looks nondescript. Let me teach you to sketch first. Let's learn from the simplest lines."

   Zhou Hexuan has absolutely no knowledge of Chinese painting and oil painting. His poor sketching skills were learned while traveling, but it is enough to teach novices.

   Wanrong felt lonely because she couldn't find any sustenance for her interests. Now that I see a new painting method, I immediately devote myself to it, and I am very happy to learn it. In addition, she has painting skills herself, so she can learn by analogy and learn at a very fast speed.

   In less than an hour, Zhou Hexuan's sketching knowledge has been learned by Wanrong, and the two soon began to practice comics.

"The beauties in comics usually have big watery eyes. Let's draw an upward curve first, and the line at the top of the curve should be slightly thicker. This is drawing the character's left eye, so the left end of the curve is slightly higher than the right end. When drawing big eyes, the corners of the eyes can droop a little, so that they look pitiful. But don't droop too much, otherwise the girl will become an old woman..."

   "I'm still not good at drawing, what's going on?"

   "The line is wrong, it's too straight, bend it a little more, like this."

   "Hey, that seems to be the case. How about drawing the eyeballs?"

   "The eyeballs can't be drawn too round, preferably oval, you can control the width according to your own preferences..."

   The two of them were drawing and drawing, and they were already sitting together. Zhou Hexuan occasionally held Wanrong's hand and taught him stroke by stroke. Wanrong's cheeks were slightly red and hot, but she pretended that nothing happened, and leaned towards Zhou Hexuan without a trace.

  When he was in the palace, Puyi often played with Wanrong. For example, smoking and taking pictures were taught by Puyi. But since moving to Tianjin, Puyi will only interact with her and show affection when he goes out to socialize. Most of the time, Puyi was in various entertainments, and even when he was at home, he was busy with other things.

  Wanrong has not been in close contact with the opposite **** for a long time, she needs someone to comfort her both physically and psychologically. Zhou Hexuan is tall, handsome, and very interesting, and has a fatal attraction to Wanrong.

   From early morning, Wanrong not only did not feel sleepy at all, but became more and more excited. Almost leaning on Zhou Hexuan's arms, leaning on the man to learn to paint, she enjoyed the feeling of rubbing her ears and temples.

   "It's getting late, let's learn tomorrow." Zhou Hexuan said suddenly.

   "Oh, that's fine," Wanrong was vaguely disappointed, but quickly smiled again, "Then I'll come back tomorrow night."

   Zhou Hexuan sent Wanrong downstairs before going back to her room to rest. He hasn't touched a woman for nearly a year, which is a torment for a young man who is physically and mentally healthy.

  Should we attack Wanrong?

   Zhou Hexuan was a little tangled, flirting with a girl is one thing, but what really happens is another. As Wanrong, if she really wants to do something, the follow-up mess will have too many influences.

   Zhou Hexuan thought of Zhang Leyi and Meng Xiaodong again.

   He now communicates with Zhang Leyi every week, just chatting about trivial things in life, without any love and love content, so he can be regarded as a relatively close pen pal. But Zhang Leyi belongs to everyone, and Ken has always insisted on writing letters to men. In terms of feelings, he only needs to pierce the window paper.

  Meng Xiaodong is still active as always. Every time he comes to Tianjin to perform, he will go to the newspaper office whenever he is free. This kind of fiery emotion made Zhou Hexuan a little overwhelmed, but if he just loved him overnight, it would be easier to accept.

   Afraid of being responsible, Zhou Hexuan is so cowardly. Because in his moral concept, either do not take responsibility, or take responsibility to the end.

   Zhou Hexuan actually yearns for marrying a concubine. What man doesn't dream of having three wives and four concubines?

   Like Shao Piaoping, who was killed by Zhang Zuolin last year, he is known as "Iron shoulders shoulder morality and hard work", a progressive, patriotic, and famous gentleman. But such a person still has a concubine. There is also Zhang Jiluan, who co-organized "Ta Kung Pao" with Zhou Hexuan.

   This did not damage their reputation at all, but was regarded as an elegant affair, which shows the tolerance of concubines in the Republic of China.

   Zhou Hexuan's current problem is that his ideology has not changed. He is still the same as in the 21st century. Everyone can play, and it's just a show. He is afraid of marrying a concubine.

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