Although Shanghai was captured by the Northern Expedition, Nanjing was still fighting. The entire Shanghai-Nanjing Railway was interrupted, and the trains were requisitioned to transport military supplies and soldiers. Ordinary passengers could only stare and worry.

   Zhou Hexuan continued to stay in Shanghai, attended the New Moon Poetry Party with Xu Zhimo on Saturday, and went to visit Xu Beihong on weekends.

  Xu Beihong doesn't have a proper job now, he spends all day in his studio creating works, and he will be leaving in a few days. I went to France first, then traveled to Western Europe, observing and studying the works of famous foreign masters along the way.

   "Mr. Zhou, please sit down!"

   It was Xu Beihong's wife Jiang Biwei who received Zhou Hexuan. She has short hair, is tall, and works vigorously.

   Zhou Hexuan held the teacup and asked, "Is Mr. Xu there?"

   Jiang Biwei pointed inside: "In the studio, he doesn't like being disturbed by others when he is creating, please forgive me Mr. Zhou."

   "It's okay, the artist." Zhou Hexuan smiled.

  Jiang Biwei has followed Xu Beihong to study abroad all the year round, and she is also a woman with broad vision. She had been sitting in the living room, chatting with Zhou Hexuan about European customs, but she did not neglect the guests.

   Zhou Hexuan's first impression of Jiang Biwei was good, but when he thought of the emotional twists and turns of Xu and Jiang, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

   Jiang Biwei had a marriage contract back then, and only came together after eloping with Xu Beihong. However, in a few years, Xu Beihong and the female student Sun Duoci have an affair, and Jiang Biwei also has a third party to pursue, plus the emotional discord between each other, a loving couple parted ways.

   Jiang Biwei's final choice was to be a mistress for more than 20 years.

   At noon, Jiang Biwei got up and went to the kitchen to cook, and Xu Beihong came out of the studio. He was taken aback when he saw Zhou Hexuan, and then smiled: "Sorry, sorry, Mr. Zhou has been waiting for a long time?"

   "It's just been a while," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "I'm here to appreciate Brother Xu's masterpiece."

  Xu Beihong said quickly: "I don't dare to be a masterpiece, and I also ask Mr. Zhou to have a taste."

   The two laughed and went to the studio. There were paintings hanging on the walls and leaning in the corners, as well as various unfinished works. There are at least hundreds of them.

   Zhou Hexuan paid attention to the oil painting in the corner at a glance. It was a woman playing a long flute, and she immediately said with joy, "Brother Xu, your painting is very interesting."

Xu Beihong said: "This is what I painted last year, and it is an exploratory work. I want to add Chinese elements to the oil painting, and I also spent some thought on the composition, cutting the characters and scenery, so that the center of gravity of the characters deviates from the center of the picture. "

   "Xiao Sheng"!

   National first-class key protected cultural relics, I didn't expect to see the real thing here.

   Zhou Hexuan couldn't wait to ask: "I like this painting very much, how much is it worth?"

   For a painter who is not well-known, buying a painting with one’s mouth open is not only unobtrusive, but a recognition and appreciation for the painter. Although Xu Beihong spent most of his time in Europe in recent years, he also often went to Nanyang for the purpose of selling paintings. It was very expensive to travel abroad all year round.

   "Thank you Mr. Zhou for your support," Xu Beihong wondered. "But this painting cannot be sold for the time being. I promised a friend that I would take "Xiao Sheng" to France for him to appreciate."

   Zhou Hexuan pointed to another sketch: "What about this one?"

  Xu Beihong said embarrassedly, "This one can't be sold either. It was painted by me for my beloved wife."

   Zhou Hexuan also felt inappropriate. The name of this sketch is "Sleep", and the drawing shows Jiang Biwei sleeping. It would be awkward to buy a picture of someone's wife sleeping and collect it.

  Unfortunately, Xu Beihong's masterpieces such as "Tian Heng Five Hundred Men", "Eight Horses", "Jiufang Gao", "The Rooster Sings the World's White" and other masterpieces have not yet come out at this time, otherwise Zhou Hexuan would have to buy it.

   Picking and choosing, Zhou Hexuan chose a sketch "Groomman and Horse", an oil painting "Distant News", and Xu Beihong's copy of the master work "Abundance". These are Xu Beihong's famous paintings. In addition, he also bought more than ten unknown works such as "Autumn Inspiration" and "Running Horse". These paintings are also of high artistic level. The reason why they are not famous is probably lost in the war and running around.

   Zhou Hexuan took a pen and wrote an IOU of 5,000 yuan, and said embarrassedly, "Brother Xu, I haven't brought enough money, so I can only owe it first, and I'll go to the foreign bank to get it."

   "It's not worth that much." Xu Beihong waved his hands again and again.

   "It's worth it," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "I believe that Brother Xu's works will double in value in a few years, so I think it's a bargain."

   After 2010, these paintings bought by Zhou Hexuan are worth tens of millions. It's a pity that "Ba People Drawing Water" has not been painted yet, and that work even sold for a sky-high price of 171 million yuan.

   Zhou Hexuan felt that he had taken a big advantage, but Xu Beihong was rather ashamed. He believed that Zhou Hexuan was helping generously and refused to accept the 5,000 silver dollars.

   Zhou Hexuan took the opportunity to say, "Brother Xu, why don't you give me a pair of calligraphy and write with your brush."

  Xu Beihong was a little confused. He had only seen people who asked for paintings, but he had never met anyone who asked him for calligraphy. He said with shame, "My words are not worth mentioning."

   "Brother Xu doesn't have to be too modest." Zhou Hexuan knew that Xu Beihong's calligraphy was also a must.

Xu Beihong no longer shied away. According to Zhou Hexuan's request, he used a brush to write two poems on the drawing paper: "There is a confidant in the sea, and the ends of the world are like neighbors." There was also a small line in front of it, "Brother Zhou Hexuan Huijian", signed For "Dingmao Yangchun beihong", it was specially stamped.

   "Good word!" Zhou Hexuan praised.

  Xu Beihong studied Zhao Mengfu in his early years, and later copied Wei Bei, and under the careful guidance of Kang Youwei, he had developed his own style at this time.

   This pair of characters in Zhou Hexuan's hand has both Zhao Mengfu's graceful and mellowness, and Wei Bei's ancient clumsy and thick. Even if Xu Beihong is not a painter, his calligraphy alone is enough to be famous in the world.

During lunch, Xu Beihong talked about his calligraphy and said with emotion: "Mr. Nanhai has taught me a lot. When I was young, I always admired Zhao Mengfu. It was Master Kang who brought me to visit famous masters, and I had the opportunity to copy a large number of Wei Bei rubbings. ."

   Speaking of Kang Youwei, Zhou Hexuan couldn't help laughing and said, "Kang Nanhai has been very nourishing in recent years. I met him at Puyi's mansion last year."

  Xu Beihong shook his head helplessly: "Master Kang is fine, but he is too utilitarian. Alas, I shouldn't expose Master's strengths and weaknesses."

   "Just tell the truth, Mr. Nanhai also gave me a name, called Ruoyu. Haha." Zhou Hexuan laughed.

   Kang Youwei, in the two groups, will die in Qingdao in a few days if there is no accident, and his death is unclear.

   Zhou Hexuan returned to Xu Zhimo's house happily with more than ten paintings and a pair of calligraphy treasures.

   He was halfway through when he heard a newsboy shouting: "Beyond the nickname, the Northern Expedition Army has captured Nanjing!"

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