The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 128: 128 [Wen Yao Zhou Hexuan]

   Affected by the "Nanjing Incident", several major concessions in Shanghai have been under martial law, for fear that the soldiers of the Northern Expedition stationed here will also burn, kill and loot. Foreigners are all trembling, hiding at home all day and refusing to come out, resulting in a sharp drop in the sales of shops in the concession.

  Only the barber shop, it was full every day, and the profit soared more than ten times than usual.

  Shanghai, Yile also barber shop.

  Women waiting for a haircut have lined up outside the store, and there are occasional push-and-shove disputes. The employee moved out a stool, stepped on it and shouted loudly, "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze at all! For guests who want to have their hair cut, please line up first and get the number plate in turn."

The    number plate is very simple, just a piece of paper with a seal. After the whole morning, the number of numbers issued by the clerk has actually been lined up to more than 200. It is estimated that they will not be able to cut them all this week.

The newspaper described the haircut in Shanghai as follows: "Since last month, the weather in Shanghai has been updated, and women with newer minds and more enlightened wisdom have cut their hair one after another, and there are especially many people who are disconnected from their troubles. Walking on the road Sixty-seven out of ten women belong to duck stock..."

  In the past, women cut their hair, and the charge was about 4 to 8 horns. But recently, haircuts cost at least 1 yuan, and some barber shops even charge 1 yuan and 20 yuan.

   This wave of haircuts will soon spread to Nanjing, with countless barbershops popping up like mushrooms after a rain, and even the spectacle of "one barbershop in three steps". In Shanghai, some people even founded women's hairdressing colleges - well, Lanxiang and New Oriental in the era of the Republic of China.

  Tan Yanqiu is a student of the Chinese and Western Girls' School. She and several classmates in the class have been waiting for four days.

   "Number 154!" the clerk shouted.

  Tan Yanqiu looked at the number in her hand and said with emotion, "Oh, it's finally our turn, it's so difficult to cut hair now."

   "Yanqiu, what hairstyle are you going to cut?" asked classmate Chen Biyun.

   "I think the 'Dawn Hui Style' looks particularly good." Tan Yanqiu said.

  The other female classmates laughed and said, "I'm also going to cut 'Dawn Hui Style'."

   So Shanghai is open and trendy. In just half a month, more than ten short hair styles have been developed, which have become the capital of women's competition.

   As for Liming Hui, he is a popular movie star. She has cut her hair short since she was a child, like a tomboy. In order to label the new hairstyle with fashion, the barber shop specially named one of the hairstyles "Dawn Hui Style".

   "Release the newspaper! The latest issue of "Good Friends" pictorial."

   Newspaper delivery workers came in with a thick stack of newspapers, and there were as many as ten copies, all of which were provided to guests for free.

  Chen Biyun quickly got up and grabbed two copies. Before she could sit down, she stared at the cover of the pictorial and was speechless.

   "Is there any big news?" Tan Yanqiu asked.

   "You can see for yourself." Chen Biyun blushed.

  The female students gathered around one after another, their reactions were similar to Chen Biyun, each with a surprised and shy expression.


   "The cover of the pictorial is so bold."


   "What is this foreign woman wearing? A new vest?"

   "It looks pretty."


   There were bursts of exclamations and discussions in the barber shop. Although they were brave enough to cut their hair short, they were hard to say about the more intimate breasts.

  Tan Yanqiu stared at the cover of the pictorial and looked at it again and again, and couldn't help but feel a trace of envy in her heart. At the moment, she is wrapped around her chest and wears a small vest. Her chest is often stuffed with strangulation. It would be great if she could wear this kind of underwear.

  The women couldn't wait to open the pictorial, and there were several sets of underwear photos, lace, embroidery, hollow patterns... This is underwear, it is clearly a work of art.

   followed by another popular science report, which described the various harms of corsets, which frightened the women in the barbershop.

   "Hey, Mr. Zhou's article!" Chen Biyun exclaimed.

  Tan Yanqiu hurriedly looked down and found Zhou Hexuan's name. She also copied "The Rise of a Great Power" by hand last year, and is very familiar with Zhou Hexuan, but the article in her hand is very embarrassing to read.

   The title is very bold - "China Needs Healthy Big Tits"!

  The article begins with a review of Chinese history. Starting from the pictures of ladies in the Tang and Song Dynasties and the murals, it is concluded that women in the Tang and Song Dynasties do not need to corset their breasts, and even the portraits of the Queen Mother of Song reveal their breasts. The article then compares the Ming and Qing dynasties in China with the Middle Ages in the West, and believes that the bad habits of coring the chest and waist in both China and the West are the persecution of women by feudal patriarchal ideology.

   Finally, he added that it is not without reason that the Japanese call the Chinese "the sick man of East Asia". The original function of female **** is to nurture offspring, while Chinese women's corsets lead to breast deformities and unhealthy development, which will seriously affect the growth of Chinese children.

   Zhou Hexuan shouted at the end of the article: "China needs big tits, and Chinese women should practice big-grandmotherism. Only healthy big-grandmothers can nurture healthy children and cultivate healthy citizens."

   "Mr. Zhou really dares to say anything."

   "I think his words make sense."

   "Do you dare to open your chest?"

   "I do, but I'm afraid my family won't agree."

   "These underwear are so pretty, I'm going to buy one to wear at home secretly."


  The women in the barber shop talked a lot. Since they were actively cutting their hair, they must be more open-minded, and they also agreed with Zhou Hexuan's remarks.

When the classmates had all cut their hair, Tan Yanqiu suddenly said: "Since we have all cut our hair, why don't we try to put our **** on? Women's liberation must be more thorough! I'm going to buy underwear now, who wants to go with me? "

"I go!"

"I'll go as well!"


   Most of the female students raised their hands to sign up, but some remained silent.

  Tan Yanqiu quickly found the "Meiko Underwear Store" according to the address published in the pictorial. They were a little embarrassed at first, but seeing that the employees in the store were all women, they immediately cast aside their concerns and rushed into the store one by one to choose styles.

   After buying the underwear, Tan Yanqiu couldn't wait to return home. She unbuttoned her chest and put on her underwear, feeling that she was relaxed and free.

  During dinner in the evening, father Tan Yaozhang stared at her hair a few times, and said displeasedly, "You didn't even tell me when you cut your hair?"

   "The classmates all cut it." Tan Yanqiu lowered her head and replied, sitting on a short body at the same time, covering her chest with the edge of the table.

   "My daughter's house should look like my daughter's house, with hair cut like a man, what a formality!" Tan Yaozhang's tone was extremely dissatisfied.

  Tan Yanqiu retorted: "Mr. Jiang's wife also has short hair, and the dean of our school also has short hair."

   Now that the Northern Expedition is in power, Tan Yaozhang is inconvenient to say reactionary remarks. He patted the table and said, "Sit up straight for me, I have to look like I eat, and I have no tutoring!"

  Tan Yanqiu hurriedly sat up straight, with a very high chest.

   "You, you... You put your chest down too?" Tan Yaozhang shivered with anger.

  Tan Yanqiu brought Zhou Hexuan out as a shield: "Zhou Hexuan is a great scholar. He calls on women to open their chests, which must be justified."

   Tan Yaozhang asked about the situation, and the next day he asked the servant to come back with a pictorial of "Good Friends". He couldn't help staring at the cover a few more times before he found Zhou Hexuan's article to read. He was instantly indignant, slapped the table and cursed, "Zhou Hexuan, a gentle scum!"

Tan Yaozhang is also a well-recognized scholar. He was a provincial councillor a few years ago, and immediately wrote an article to denounce: "There are four literary monsters in Shanghai today, one is Zhang Jingsheng, who advocates sexual openness, the other is Li Jinhui, who sings drizzle, and the third. It's Liu Haisu, who is clamoring for nakedness, and the fourth is Zhou Hexuan, who sells belly pockets in newspapers..."

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